Pokemon: Salamence (Female)
Lvl: 50
Nickname: Salamence
Pokeball: Dream Ball
Moves: Dragon claw, Dragon dance, double edge, protect
Shiny: no
EVs: 252 atk , 252 speed , 4 hp
IV's: 6iv
IGN: FC and IGN to the left
Ability: Intimidate and Moxie (if i can have 2)
Nature: Adamant
Lvl: 50
Nickname: Salamence
Pokeball: Dream Ball
Moves: Dragon claw, Dragon dance, double edge, protect
Shiny: no
EVs: 252 atk , 252 speed , 4 hp
IV's: 6iv
IGN: FC and IGN to the left
Ability: Intimidate and Moxie (if i can have 2)
Nature: Adamant