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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Justin's Health problems and what not.
Not trying to bump this thread, in fact I just unstickied it, and now I'm going to lock it.

Just wanted to say I read all of your posts, and you guys and gals are too kind. Thank you for all the well wishes.

As of this post (08.31.16) I'm still very sick, but I'm doing everything I possibly can to be back as soon as possible.

This post is very old from when this site was still "" and at the time I felt the need to "explain" my extended absense.

Although I'm no longer the "figure head" of this community I'm still very active both behind the scenes as a developer and in the pit as a moderator/admin.


Alright homies here's what's going on short and sweet.

Some of you may or may not know but I have a heart defect called an ASD. It's basically a hole in your heart that mixes bad blood with good blood. Unfortunately, this is something that tends to affect you more and more as you get older and recently it's caused borderline "crippling" fatigue. This has made it nearly impossible for me to keep a schedule on Twitch no matter how hard I've tried. Every day I say to myself "just give it another week and it will go away", but it's been like this for about six months and it's time I took it more seriously.

That being said, I may disappear from time to time as I seek help/wallow in self pity. Honestly, this isn't easy for me at all. I look, for the most part, totally normal: two arms, two legs, 4 eyes, 6 teeth, 3 ears, but internally I'm a mess. This is why I've been telling people to not subscribe or donate. It makes me feel bad if I don't know how consistent Twitch streaming will be.

Anyway, I don't have much else to say about it. I'm going to do my best to get back to a full time schedule ASAP. Thanks for the continued support. And in the interest of full disclosure, here's the EKG from when my doctor found the defect.  Undecided Lame.

Actually I do have a little bit more to say. I really want to express my appreciation for those of you that keep this community going. There are too many people to list, but this website, the replay channel, and the main stream wouldn't exist without you. So seriously, thank you for contributing your time and effort!

[Image: 2JzbJwsl.png]
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Did the doctors indicate you should get treatment? Typically, this is treatable with either surgery or a non surgical method using a balloon to close the hole. Most doctors won't suggest treatment for heart related issues until they become symptomatic...which it sounds like yours is.

The balloon is used in a majority of cases now and it's pretty routine and relatively non invasive (hole in your thigh or groin to get to the artery which leads to the heart).

Source: I work for a large med device company specializing in the heart...

My prayers are with you. Thankfully you have roommates / girlfriend and an active online community for support as well, but a little faith can go a long way.
Wow Im really sorry to hear that Justin, I think I speak for the majority of us when I say, take as much time as you need bruh. You have given us soo much between streaming, music, and this website. The least we can do is give you 100 percent of our support. We may not be blood but I sure as hell would consider you my brother...get well buddy : ]
Wow.... this was not the reason I was expecting. Prayers go out to you Justin and get well soon.
Oh wow that really sucks man. My prayers go out to you Justin, don't push yourself too hard and do whatever you got to do to get better bro.
Very heart saddening thing to hear about Justin. I speak for just myself but I believe it extends out through the community when I say we will live without the streams from time to time. What we can't live with is no Jflynn streams what so ever. The community will live on and continue to grow so don't worry about that. We really want you to worry more about you, the one guy that the main part of the community, the one guy who played the biggest part in building up and putting together this community we got now.
I sort of had a feeling it was largely due to some sort of illness. You did make a few hints towards it on the streams you did and you never went onto facecam, which I though might have been related to something like that. It's a shame to hear, but I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say we're glad that you were able to come out and talk freely about this rather than keeping it hidden away and leaving us in the dark. It's also really respectful that you even tried to stop people donating/subscribing to you because you didn't know how much you'd be able to stream, but regardless we all appreciate the time you can put into streaming when you're able to.

So from me and my family, we hope you're able to deal with whats happening better, and hopefully you'll hear some good news regarding whats happening. You're one of the main reasons I've started getting into streaming Pokemon, and I thank you for that motivation you've given me. If I'm ever able to repay you in any way, feel free to ask me, dude!
Damn that really sucks.

I agree with everyone here: You should put your health first and worry about the other things later! This is the first twitch-community I joined and let me tell you: It's one of the best places I've ever been so far. I can say for sure that these people will all respect your choice if you need some time off/can't stream daily. don't push yourself too hard! [Image: chansub-global-emoticon-21e708123d6a896d-21x30.png]
I'm sorry to hear about this, and I wasn't expecting it when you said you were going to make an announcement
Like eevee, it's my first twitch community, and I'm glad I decided to join it because I've met some awesome people.
Not much else I can add on, but I hope everything turns out okay for you
Im very sorry to hear that, I hope you will get better soon Justin, take care!!

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