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[CLOSED] Mega Glalie & Mega 'Zard X Ideas
Hello all!

This is not for VGC but more just general competitive-ness. I'm probably posting in the wrong area but oh well.
Anyway, here are the sets that I came up with and they may or may not be any good. Tell me what you think

Glalie (Mega)
Refrigerate (Inner focus pre-mega)
Timid nature
252 Sp. Atk/252 Speed/4 Def

EDIT: What About calm nature 252 SpDef, 252 HP, 4 SpAtk?

Super Fang - Refrigerate means NOTHING IS SAFE
Water Pulse - To deal with those pesky fire and rock types.
EDIT: What about freeze-dry over water pulse?
Snore - Refrigerate-boosted STAB
Rest - Try freezing me now! (I know, I know...), decent recovery, surprise factor.

I was looking at Glalie's special movepool and it gets some good stuff. Freeze-Dry, Hex etc. But the best normal attack it gets is (Hyper beam but I can't really use that) round. Round is a bit meh so I looked at Snore. You don't see this get used - probably for good reason.
i am also aware of the standard Return/double-edge, earthquake explosion set and I wanted to try something different.

Charizard (Mega X)
Charizardite X
Tough Claws (Blaze pre-mega)
adamant nature
252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Def

Flame Charge - STAB, tough claws-boosted, increases speed
Dragon Claw - STAB, tough claws-boosted
Belly Drum - I thought it could work. Maximizes attack
Roost - Recovery (from stealth rocks pre-mega, restores health after belly drum if I see an oppurtunity)

I  really wanted to use a belly drum poke for laughs (I'm aware of Slurpuff, by the way) and I noticed Charizard got it. Flame charge increase speed because this set lacks dragon dance/tailwind.

I like to think of slightly unusual and wacky movesets for pokemon - It's fun :)

Again tell me what you think.  I just thought of this idea and I am open to suggestions and constructive criticism.
Aww, Come on, guys. It's been a few days. Any input will do.

Super Fang can be great in VGC for example Pachirisu. In VGC '16 I've done a few games with Crobat, and it's really strong xD Not sure if i'd use a Mega Slot on it though because Super Fang is more for support. I like the Zard X idea and with the right setup it would probably be like this Magmar strat:
it's 2022 and we livin
Thank you so much for the reply! Your feedback is greatly appreciated. As said in the description, neither ideas are really designed for VGC. On an off note, I liked the idea for the '#Boober4Uber' idea Smile

I would like the opinion of some more people on these ideas as i will soon be making the mega 'zard x, i have one mega stone and switching the stone between them would be a mild inconvenience xD

Again, more feedback would be appreciated
As the leading expert on Mega Glalie, I must say no. Super Fang only really works in VGC, somewhere Glalie is not welcome. Water Pulse is a bad move, especially on a Pokemon who doesn't get STAB from it. And as far as Snore & Rest go, he doesn't have the bulk to do something like that, especially with Ice, so many weaknesses. And if you're going to run that kind of set, you need bulk, which your EV spread does NOT help with. If you wanna use Mega Glalie, run it in RU. It definitely benefits more from it's physical moves than it's special. It's got a WAY powerful Return or Double Edge. Run Ice Shard for priority, Iron Head/Earthquake for strong coverage, and Explosion for when you gonna die. You'll pretty much kill everything.

As far as Zard is concerned, Dragon Dance is better than Belly Drum, doesn't take away health, gives you speed, and one boost to attack is pretty much all he needs. This also means you don't need Flame Charge, which is a pretty terrible move, don't use it ever. Instead run Flare Blitz, you'll kill a lot, and for those who don't die to it use Dragon Claw. Running Earthquake is also viable, Earthquake is pretty much always good. For the last slot I'd say Roost, heal up from the Flare Blitz damage, just be careful when you use it. And something I see a lot of people forget with Charizard X, you're no longer flying type, Ground moves can hit you, keep it in mind.
RIP Miranda Cosgrove 1975-2017
I agree with what Squeab mentioned above since you want to get the best out of your Pokemon as possible and the sets provided aren't as optimal against 3v3 or even 6v6 battling. For Mega Glalie, it needs to utilize its Ice-type STABs to do any sort of major damage like either Body Slam, Ice Shard, or even Explosion. Definitely can see Super Fang being viable, though I'd probably stick with Ice + Earthquake coverage. Charizard X is self explanatory as what Squeab said, though a defensive set with Will-O-Wisp/Roost/Dragon Claw/EQ can be a sufficient wall. IMO Pokemon need to utilize their main STABs most, if not all the time to make use of themselves, otherwise they won't be able to outdamage the opponent or get crucial KOs.
I have no idea with the Ice head but for Charizard X, Dragon Dance+Flare Blitz > Flame Charge+Belly Drum. Belly Drum would've been better if he has any access to physical priority moves. My X is also adamant. I have this EVs for him (172 HP / 108 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 204 Spe), but I already forgot the team I want to use him with and the threats I want him to finish off. I'm sure that I want to use him with some redirection though or a fakeout support so it can safely dance.

I know you play this set for fun and it's okay if that's what you aim for.
I'm a logger

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so a journeyer?

I got to say that Mega Galile in VGC standpoint, isn't smart. Much like what Squeb said, I agree with. Glalile is just too weak compared to the likes of Volcarona, or a speedy Blaziken. You get the point, plus Galile isn't all that great in terms of defensive. At least not when I battle it online, it takes maybe 1 or 2 hits with my Blaziken to knock it out, so. Plus there's going to be a lot of people using Groudon with its primal, making water pulse ineffective and leaving your Galile vunerable to attacks like flamethrower or even Solar beam.

Now, as for your Charizard X, it seems to look just fine. But I would definitely not run Belly drum, it takes out too much HP and could spell a KO on you if the person decides to hit it with moves like Stone Edge, or any special water attacks like hydro pump or water pulse. I agree with Squeb saying to run Dragon Dance, but flare blitz on a Charizard is a must IMO. I've always seem to get wins when I use him with it, so keep that in mind. Roost is a smart choice, but make sure you take into consideration that earth power or earthquake can hit it HARD.
Pokemon trainer since 2004!
So many replies in one day :)

Thank you everyone for help. It is very much appreciated. I feared that someone would be angry at my (in retrospect) terrible set but you guys were very cool about it.

I can't help but notice that guys seem to think that these are for VGC, but that's my fault because of my dodgy wording (Which has been changed). It's just for general use.

For the Glalie, I feel I'll probably go with the standard set; Return, Explosion, Earthquake & probably Ice shard (mmm.... Triple ice STAB)

As for the Charizard, I don't know. I felt, and still feel, that I have something with this idea. I'll probably just use the somewhat standard set - It's standard for a reason, right?

Black117; Glalie only gets body slam from a gen 3 move tutor. If I could give him body slam, I would :(
(also, surely a body slam from this guy would just be a headbutt?)
jouzea; Charizard does get quick attack if priority is needed xD

Would secret power turn into body slam in a competitive battle setting?

Again, thanks guys :)
+1 Rep to all of you
Super Fang is really only good for VGC but there are better options out there, Water Pulse only has a niche for hitting mons that are 4x weak to it which is really only relevant in lower tiers, Snore requires you to be asleep plus base 50 is pretty low damage and Glalie doesn't need recovery, it's a glass cannon

Dragon Dance is a better stat booster than Flame Charge, Belly Drum is interesting but you have to ensure nothing outspeeds Charizard after setting it up, Dragon Claw and Roost are standard moves on Zard X. Also Flame Charge does very poor damage.
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