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[DISCUSSION] [S/M] What shinies have you found so far?
I've already completed my shiny charm in SuMo and I was wondering if anyone had found any interesting shinies lately.

I'm going to be keeping track of the shinies I find in SuMo here

  [Image: smeargle.gif] 82 eggs [MM]
[Image: sandygast.gif] 67 eggs [MM]
[Image: magikarp.gif] 1 [Random Encounter] 

Happy Hunting!
In my playthrough i found a shiny Salandit, but too bad that it was a male, and it was a modest nature too Sad
(Nov 30, 2016, 02:54 PM)Najar23 Wrote: In my playthrough i found a shiny Salandit, but too bad that it was a male, and it was a modest nature too Sad

@Najar23 Did you find it full odds or were you hunting for it? I hate how salandit has to be famale to evolve, makes the male useless lol.
In my opinion, it is easier than ever to hunt for shinies in Sun and Moon. Here is a list of the shinies I have caught so far :D

Nothing so far ;-;


~ If they stand behind you, give them protection. ~
~ If they stand beside you, give them respect. ~
~ If they stand against you, show no mercy! ~
Found a shiny abra random encounter
A drowzee while EV farming on a SOS chain of 2
Cubone while breeding, took prolly 300 eggs
Spinda on ca 70 SOS hunts
Rockruf on prolly 200+

Getting lucky left and right
@Feax dang hopefully my luck will be that good haha, I'm currently hunting spinda rn
So far I have obtained just a shiny ditto on my quest to begin breeding.
George R.R Martin wrote 2016 :L

You don't look so well... how bout 50cc's of LINKS!?
Yes!! So hyped, I got a shiny Ledyba at 10 call chain! ?? Feel so great right now Smile
Water is best type, they are beautiful and strong.
I got a Shiny Rattata at around 30 SOS encounters.
I got a Rockruff at 48, Stufful at 104, and Cubone at ~400. I'm currently going after Eevee. Smile

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