Dec 3, 2016, 12:03 AM
So far I've only found 3 shinies, but I'm SUPER happy with them :D
2 Shiny male salandits, one after 34 eggs, the other at 188 eggs (they were within the same batch of 200)
and my now Shiny Salazzle :D I found her at 365 SOS encounters
-Tip for anyone else going after her, a male cute charm is a must, don't bother with antidotes bc you'll just get poisoned within a turn or two. Stock up on your potion of choice and plenty of leppa berries. My pokemon were all lvl 80+ and I still had to use a ton of potions thanks to dragon rage and constant poison damage.
-Also, cute charm doesn't work while the pokemon is fainted... so you'll need one pokemon with false swipe (or hold back) to drop the hp of the pokemon you want to use to continue your SOS encounters, and THEN switch to your cute charm male to kill the old one. Just make sure that cute charm male is out when the new pokemon is called otherwise you'll most likely get a male to spawn in.
Aside from the long wait that comes from SOS encounters, getting a shiny female salandit isn't as hard as most people were expecting. While I do wish my two shiny boys could evolve, I'm pretty darn happy with this shiny. My current hunt is a shiny jangmo-o :D
Best of luck to you all!
2 Shiny male salandits, one after 34 eggs, the other at 188 eggs (they were within the same batch of 200)
and my now Shiny Salazzle :D I found her at 365 SOS encounters

-Tip for anyone else going after her, a male cute charm is a must, don't bother with antidotes bc you'll just get poisoned within a turn or two. Stock up on your potion of choice and plenty of leppa berries. My pokemon were all lvl 80+ and I still had to use a ton of potions thanks to dragon rage and constant poison damage.
-Also, cute charm doesn't work while the pokemon is fainted... so you'll need one pokemon with false swipe (or hold back) to drop the hp of the pokemon you want to use to continue your SOS encounters, and THEN switch to your cute charm male to kill the old one. Just make sure that cute charm male is out when the new pokemon is called otherwise you'll most likely get a male to spawn in.
Aside from the long wait that comes from SOS encounters, getting a shiny female salandit isn't as hard as most people were expecting. While I do wish my two shiny boys could evolve, I'm pretty darn happy with this shiny. My current hunt is a shiny jangmo-o :D
Best of luck to you all!