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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
Hey @moo311! Its been a while. So im gonna get my last pheromosa Smile.

Deposited: lvl 43 male exeggute
wanted: pheromosa
ign: cheese
message:i want to fill my pokedex

thanks alot!
@element_x49 Enjoy Smile
@Sun Juan Enjoy Smile
@Enrique154 Enjoy Smile
@Aqua The Sightseeing Feminist Enjoy Smile
@Sun Juan Enjoy Smile
IGN:  Warrior
Deposited:  Lv1 Exeggecute m.
Requested:  Lv91+ Muk (Alola)
gts msg:  please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance. (Thankyou verry much again)
Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute
Level: 41
Gender: Female
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
Pokemon Requested: Tapu Bulu
Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute 
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Male
Pokemon requested: Pidgey

Hello again!  I've got 2 more requests for you.  Hopefully all the info is correct for them this time.

Pokemon : Scizor
Shiny : No
Gender : Male
Nickname : Admiral Red
Level : 100 (Met at Lv. 13 at National Park in HGSS, Johto)
Nature : Adamant
Item : Master Ball
Ability : Technician
Pokerus : Yes but cured
OT (Optional) : Red
Ribbons : Battle Tree Master Ribbon
Region of Pokemon (Optional) : ENG
Pokeball : Sport Ball
IVS : Garbage, just make them suck; afterwards, use Bottle Caps to max everything
EVS : 252 ATK / 4 SP.DEF / 252 SPEED
Moves :
- Bullet Punch
- Quick Attack
- Knock Off
- Swords Dance
Relearn Moves (Optional) :

Pokemon : Mamoswine
Shiny : No
Gender : Male
Nickname : Mastodon Sr.
Level : 100 (Hatched Lv.1 at Mt. Lanakila in Alola, SUMO)
Nature : Naive
Item : Master Ball
Ability : Thick Fat
Pokerus : Yes but cured
OT (Optional) :  Mammut
Ribbons : Battle Tree Master Ribbon
Region of Pokemon (Optional) : ENG
Pokeball : Level Ball
IVS : Garbage, just make them suck; afterwards, use Bottle Caps to max everything
EVS : 152 ATK / 180 SP.ATK / 176 SPEED
Moves :
- Freeze-Dry
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
Relearn Moves (Optional) :
- Icicle Spear
- Icicle Crash
- Freeze-Dry
- Stealth Rock

Let me know if there are any problems with their info.  Thanks again!  :D
1st mon
Tapu fini
Deposited Pokemon:Exeggcute
Level:1 Female
Pokemon Requested:Tapu fini Level 91-100
Massage:I want to fill my pokedex
Ready for that pink beattle!
Pokemon Requesting: Heracross
Pokemon Deposited: lv 1. Exeggcute (F)
IGN: Kial
Msg: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thanks as always!
Also welcome back!!!
P.S. Do we need link trade for Kyogre? If so can I reserve a link trade today around 5-6pm ET Time please?
@moo311 When are you able to trade?
Pokémon deposited : Exeggcute 

level of deposited: 40 

gender of deposited : female 

Pokemon wanted : Bellossom, any level

Pokeball : Ultra Ball

IGN : Sunshine

Message : I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles

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