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[GIVEAWAY] (OFFLINE))Pika_Event Special giveaway.(2 events)
I would really like one please!

IGN: Darren
FC: 0104-4675-7529

Edit: I'm Online

Edit#2: Completed. THANK YOU!!!
Hi, if you're available I'm online and added you.

FC: 5344-1844-1516
IGN: Naineezy
Thank you!
I appreciate all the giveaways you are doing!
I would appreciate one if you're still giving them out!
Thank you so much!

FC:  2294-4959-2116
IGN:  Jessica

Edit:  It was me haha thanks again!
Hey! @Drangor2 I'm online now Smile
EDIT: Got it! Thanks os much!
Page 1 a little update has been done.)(if someone has suggestions/requests of next future events you can post below)
@Drangor2 can i have a ash pika i already have charizard as noted im online ign is hawkeye

Got it thx
2294 9011 5591
IGN: Milah
 is it possible for me to grab the pikachu and charizard?

Do i add your friend code? or will you just add mine?
Thanks so much

Added you as a friend ;-)

edit 1: Completed
Thank you so much
Very very much appreciate this kindhearted gesture
Can i possibly have the Pikachu and Charizard??
I will add your FC and wait in plaza to trade if u can
Here's my info :
IGN : Rainwald
FC :4785-8230-6080

Thank You!

I got the Pikachu, but are u run out of Charizard?
EDIT: I got them both, thanks
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