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Pokemon wanted: H/A Nidoran (M), H/A Goomy, & H/A POLIWAG
IGN: Jacob
FC: 4210-4740-6491
@Wolfslash77 FC: 2809-9217-0792
Pokemon Wanted: Snorunt
Gender: Female
HA please
5 IV's 0 ATTACK 
Timid Nature
Ign: Chris
My FC: 0619-3375-2629
Sorry I thought we could pick any poke we would like so nvm but if you can give me this it would b be greatly appreciated as i am greatly searching for this poke and have had no luck whatsoever

Pokemon Wanted: Jolly Totodile, Calm bulbasaur and Modest Squirtle, all HA
IGN: Vika
Friend Code: 5172-3540-7124

Thank you for doing this!!
Well, umm... hi. I dont know where to start. First I want to say sorry to all of those people who didnt got the eggs I promised them due to my inactivity. Education was just too hard, so I had to stop gaming for a while. The 2nd thing is... well I lost my e-mail password so I had to create a new e-mail and a new profile. The third thing is: summer vacation is coming next week[At least if you live in Germany :D]. And that means, well, Im kinda BACK now :D. I'll breed ya guys Pokés again, this time with probably even MORE HA and egg move mons.  But there will be kinda like a limitation for 5 and 6Iv mons. I'll make a checklist for every Pokemon that is available for 5/6IV breeding, so you just can afford 5/6IV Pokemon from THAT checklist. 

Hey @WolfslashOne, it seems the others haven't been on for a while, so I thought this was closed. If possible, could I get all the starters other than Squirtle, Torchic, Totodile, Froakie and Fennekin? I'm trying to complete my Pokedex. They don't have to have HA although I wouldn't mind it if they did. Thank you. :-)
@ForestEmerald I dont know if I got ALL of the starters, but I think it should be possible :D
Ok, looks like I can breed ya every starter besides Treeko, Mudkip, Turtwig and Chimchar :D

Btw:Due to the others inactivity I’ll probably open my own thread for a while so I can update things and available mons. If someone wants to join the Giveaway Group, just PM me!
(Jul 3, 2016, 06:02 AM)Wolfslash77 Wrote: Ok, looks like I can breed ya every starter besides Treeko, Mudkip, Turtwig and Chimchar :D
Hey can you trade me my bulbasaur now?
Wait ya wanted a 5IV one right? Idk where I put it down ,I think I’ll breed ya a new one quickly k?

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