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Direct trade would be sweet, I am already friends with both of you! But understandable if you don't want to do that. Thanks so much for the generosity. You guys are awesome. More rep added Smile

@Blazedanfaded88 @pokePRiSMA
Pokemon wanted:Eevee
Pokemon Deposited:Trapinch
Message: BLAZED
Pokemon wanted:Eevee
Pokemon Deposited:Wynaut
Message: BLAZED
I got sniped
Awesome ^^

Then, can I get a Flareon no no Vapereon, well changed my mind, Jolteon oh maybe an Espeon.

Hardest decision ever Sad 

Since only espeon is missing in m pokedex, can I demand one?

Pokemon wanted: Espeon
IGN: Dionysus
Pokemon Deposited: Chimecho
Level: 1
Gender: Female
Message: BLAZED

Thank you again and again ^^
Pokemon wanted: eevee
ign: saul
pokemon deposited: lapras
level: 1
gender: male
message: blazed

thank you
@Blazedanfaded88 @pokePRiSMA 
Wow! Thx! You guys are awesome! Incase you guys decide that you want to do this via direct trading, i'll add you guys right away! My FC is on the left <------ Smile
Im already friends with Blazed so i only need to add you pokePRiSMA! 

I still need to get Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon,  and Leafeon.
I would like to do the whole set if possible! But if not, then...

 Pokemon wanted: Sylveon
IGN: Scooter
Pokemon Deposited: Abra
Level: 1
Message: BLAZED
Pokemon wanted: eevee
ign: saul
pokemon deposited: abra
level: 1
gender: female
message: blazed

i got sniped
Direct trade is good! FC 1005-9407-7901 IGN:Sahil
can i have syvleon
ing kyle
pokemon: emoga
lv 1
message blazed

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