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(Nov 1, 2014, 05:57 PM)Pokemon Wrote: I really like the website, I thought you could add maybe a PokeDex and a Ranking List as in Uber UR ect.

Maybe this could reference the Smogon Tiers as well as the VGC meta?
Former Replay Moderator

Friend Safari
Type: Bug Pokemon: Paras, Venomoth, Illumise

Add me on LoL on EUW: MoneyDix
(Nov 1, 2014, 05:58 PM)Levi15791 Wrote:
(Nov 1, 2014, 05:57 PM)Pokemon Wrote: I really like the website, I thought you could add maybe a PokeDex and a Ranking List as in Uber UR ect.

Maybe this could reference the Smogon Tiers as well as the VGC meta?

yeah definitely, i know a lot of people dont keep up with tiers and who is where, so this could help. have a smogon section and have sub regions for each Tier, as well as when suspect tests and bans are happening
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
What about a bit in our profile that details which friend safari we have? The type and the three pokemon. abit like the friend safari subreddit?
Just adding on to the TCG suggestion made earlier, maybe make it seperated into PCTGO, as thats how we could really talk about playing each other, and an epic pulls section to share some of the awesome cards we get, online and from actual packs
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
Hey Justin! I am really enjoying the sites so far, and would like to know that you, the mods, and admins have been doing a great job at handling the site. Here is what I think you guys could do to improve the site further:

More User Customization.

I think it would be a good idea to add custom user titles, as well as signatures, so that there is more customization between users. To prevent signatures from being a problem, I would recommend limiting the size so they are not too big. Also, adding in a section to put our Nintendo Network IDs would also be nice.

More Smilies/Emotes
I assume you guys are already considering adding this in, but more smilies/emotes based off of the sub emotes would be nice.

More Forums
I know a lot of people in the JFlynn community love playing Mario Kart. Why not make a forum for that?
(Nov 1, 2014, 09:56 PM)shadbro Wrote: Hey Justin! I am really enjoying the sites so far, and would like to know that you, the mods, and admins have been doing a great job at handling the site. Here is what I think you guys could do to improve the site further:

More User Customization.

I think it would be a good idea to add custom user titles, as well as signatures, so that there is more customization between users.  To prevent signatures from being a problem, I would recommend limiting the size so they are not too big. Also, adding in a section to put our Nintendo Network IDs would also be nice.

More Smilies/Emotes
I assume you guys are already considering adding this in, but more smilies/emotes based off of the sub emotes would be nice.

More Forums
I know a lot of people in the JFlynn community love playing Mario Kart. Why not make a forum for that?

on the idea of more forums, perhaps make a criteria that must be met by sub forums that makes them popular enough for a main forum section, I.E. if a forums gets a reply by more than 25 people, it is considered a popular game among forumers and should be made a main forum section (atleast until it is open to public, then make it a bigger criteria to be met)
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
Great suggestions so far everyone. There are some very basic revisions that we need to include first, but keep the ideas coming. this site is constantly a work in progress. 
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The main forum page seems a little wordy with descriptions, like in competitive builds and trading & breeding.
If those could be shortened or made to only appear when the mouse hovers over the topic, I think the main page would look better. That's the only issue that I've noticed, not looking anymore today since its 4 am here lol.
i think the forums for competitive sets should be split into VGC sets and Smogon sets. also, the 'User CP' page (which maybe should be renamed) is really daunting to look at, hosting a lot of options that a casual like me doesn't understand. also i know this is kinda random, but we should start adding this page to the Wayback Machine so that we can look back on its history.

it would also be cool if we could add what's in our safari and/or what our smash mains are as "user information."
I really like the site so far, especially the layout, it looks great!

But I agree with everything that was said in Shadbro's comment and as some other people before me mentioned: Maybe it's a better idea to change the name of "User CP" to something else. At first I thought it was something for the administrator only and i'm sure it could be confusing for some people.

Also it might be a idea to add a shoutbox/chatroom to the forum where the members can chat with each other or ask quick questions? (To prevent topics being opened with questions that could be answered by one word)

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