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[IMPORTANT] How to bring the hype? What do you want to see?
I'm the same as everyone else, I can't really think of anything but it would be nice to do more than just Pokemon related stuff. The streaming idea is also good.
(Jun 22, 2015, 11:40 PM)GingerxPug Wrote: Hm... If I had to bring up one thing, that would be a LITTLE bit more TCGO. I think with TCGO we could do some sorts of trades on there, whether it'd be Packs, cards, heck even coins. Also, people could bring up their own good, fun, or unique Deck strategies to the table, allowing for people to make easier teams if they cant think of something with what they have. Well, that lil speech wasnt bad, right? Kappa

I don't know anything about the card game, but I'm willing to learn to branch out to that part of the community. Is there an online place to play, like showdown?

(Jun 23, 2015, 12:54 AM)GMX Wrote: To answer your questions @Rogue: i don't know.. i mean, i still don't know if this summer period will either bring more active members or not, so i would not force yourselves into a project which can possibly waste your time.

I'm talking as a member of the Competitive section of this forum when i say that i don't feel the need of anything in particular: we are organizing tournaments, there is hype for the US National meta and there will be much more to discuss about pre-World Championships metagame, but i can understand you want to do something also for that part of the community which is not interested in the competitive side of this game.. and i would be glad to help you if only i had any idea.

What makes you come to this site?: I'm fond of this community and i wish i could have been here since X Y period, where i suppose there were much more active and funny members i've never had the pleasure to meet. Well.. if there is something i would really like it could be Justin coming back strongly for the next Pokemon game to bring a new flow of members and activities for this amazing community.

Justin will come back. Next time Naitre and I get on skype with him we'll force him to come back. But nah, I'm sure he will. The move + recent behind the scene events are very time consuming for him.

I come here because I love the community and want to help everyone. There were a lot of really great members in the x/y days. Justin was really funny too, we watched him learn while streaming. But I promise you, streams will be back and you'll get to meet these people again.

I also like the stream idea. Naitre and I are upgrading our internet and I plan on streaming smash 4 all the time when that happens.
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.
(Jun 24, 2015, 07:01 AM)ImprovedMetaKnight Wrote: I HATE ALL U KAPPA tjfRekt

omg meta, that means so much i love you too Heart
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(Jun 23, 2015, 10:05 AM)naitre Wrote:
(Jun 23, 2015, 08:41 AM)Hojunhu Wrote:
(Jun 23, 2015, 08:38 AM)naitre Wrote:
(Jun 23, 2015, 05:57 AM)Animekid7 Wrote: I'm kind of drawing a blank when it comes to pokemon related stuff, when we try something new there isnt enough people here in the first place to give it enough support. We could do more streaming various game on the VGC2015Forum twitch channel (we need a new name for that twitch channel Kappa) I would love to Stream Explorers of Sky if my internet was better, maybe ill try it this week just to see if its better since i have a stronger connection than last time

I think a strong community stream project would be a helpful supplement until Justin returns, though I imagine the number of people who can stream via 3DS is few and far between, since it requires a custom capture card. What kind of games would everyone be interested in seeing in lieu of Pokemon and other 3DS titles?
I have a PS4 and can stream titles like Witcher 3, Arkham Knight, Dying Light and Mortal Kombat.

I also have some games that I can stream from my PC, but mostly shooters nobody plays anymore and League of Legends.

I have a capture card that's compatible with pretty much every console (besides handhelds, of course), so I'd be able to stream...well, anything that I own, heh. I have a good bit of down time since I'm in the process of changing hospitals, so I'd be free to get this rolling if others are interested.

Welp looks like we have some candidates Kappa

I have bots setup, Washer and Evil already had some streams on it :P and tbh im surprised i could setup a bot KappaHD, But I mean it expands ideas, plus if people dont want to stream on there account, I can just host them, It isn't hard at all, and if anyone wants to, I think some tournaments with Commentary would work out VERY well so were not just sitting in chat.
Never Give Up! - Densest Anime Protagonist of the Century

Forum Ninja
I rather liked that somewhat-weekly current events thread that popped up a few weeks back. Provided a nice concise way to get caught up if you've been away from the forums for a few days. What are the chances of that making a return?

Also I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in this boat among the more frequent users on this site, but could self-produced or modified content, like Fakemon/Theorymon and/or the Other Metagames as seen on sites like Smogon be something we can discuss? I propose this from a shameless direction of plugging my own fakedex, but I think this sort of discussion has value beyond just that.
Be sure to check out my Otaru Regional Fakedex.  Updating regularly with new Fakemon.  Always looking for feedback!
(Jun 25, 2015, 06:34 AM)sandragon13 Wrote: I rather liked that somewhat-weekly current events thread that popped up a few weeks back.  Provided a nice concise way to get caught up if you've been away from the forums for a few days.  What are the chances of that making a return?

Also I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in this boat among the more frequent users on this site, but could self-produced or modified content, like Fakemon/Theorymon and/or the Other Metagames as seen on sites like Smogon be something we can discuss?  I propose this from a shameless direction of plugging my own fakedex, but I think this sort of discussion has value beyond just that.
the new's updates will come back no doubt i was just a little demotivated these last weeks since there werent alot of people on the forum but it seems more people are coming on
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(Jun 25, 2015, 09:28 AM)naitre Wrote:
(Jun 25, 2015, 06:34 AM)sandragon13 Wrote: I rather liked that somewhat-weekly current events thread that popped up a few weeks back.  Provided a nice concise way to get caught up if you've been away from the forums for a few days.  What are the chances of that making a return?

Also I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in this boat among the more frequent users on this site, but could self-produced or modified content, like Fakemon/Theorymon and/or the Other Metagames as seen on sites like Smogon be something we can discuss?  I propose this from a shameless direction of plugging my own fakedex, but I think this sort of discussion has value beyond just that.

Strengthening the Smogon presence here is something Rogue and I both strongly advocate for, as we are both Smogon players at heart and are more loyal to its metagame than VGC's, believe it or not. We've been playing in Smogon frontiers for a long time, and I've been following them since the Pokemon Online days. I'm primarily an OU/UU battler, but Rogue dabbles in everything. If there is a genuine interest for it, we'd be more than happy to bring the hype for Smogon here.

As far as self-produced content, I'd personally like to see more of it. I started a lore thread and it flopped, but the Pokestrange thread did really well and I found it to be fun and interesting. Justin too mentioned to me that he thought it was a cool thread, so I think there's a genuine interest for it.

The issue here is regular users vs "casual" users, so to speak. We have a strong population of regular, dedicated users like yourself, Anime, Eckley, GMX, Hojunhu, and the regular "#TeamForum" crew, and then we have tons of people who join but never leave the Trading forum. This isn't necessarily wrong or bad, just an observation. The goal would likely be to somehow capture the attention of these players and bring them to the rest of the forum.

Hojunhu came up with a really awesome and exciting idea that might be able to bring some users over, and I'm pretty stoked to get it going once I can get Justin on board with it. As always, though, I think the biggest influx would happen with Justin promoting the forum on his stream once he comes back.

I have a couple ideas to run by Rogue to see if I can convince him to help me get them rolling. I'd like to jump on the stream team too.

Somehow incorpertation other gameplay styles like smogon would be good, im not sure how easy it would be and what way you have to go to do something like this seeing as this is a majority VGC community (but not saying it wont work Wink )

like i said with the self-production, it's just difficult to get support with something, like with sandragon he has an awesome idea with the fakemon but people are just to focused on regular game to play any attention to side stuff, and like you said with some regulars and the rest that come only a little with only intentions on trading/battling its kind of tough, im glad the weekly new got good support and im hoping i can use this to not only inform new people but also give them an idea of whats all happening Smile

Rouge and Naitre, you guys are our link to communitating to justin, i dont wanna spam him on twitter with stuff link this when he has other things going on Wink . Wish you luck in showing him our devotion for the forum :P
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
me rogue
rogue like smogon
rogue good smogon
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.
(Jun 25, 2015, 11:01 AM)Rogue Wrote: me rogue
rogue like smogon
rogue good smogon

So said Ganon from Wind Waker Kappa
Never Give Up! - Densest Anime Protagonist of the Century

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