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As reported by Serebii first, the next edition of the Japanese magazine CoroCoro (where most new Pokemon reveals are discovered) contains info on a new pokemon, officially named Magiana in Japan. It's sillouette can be seen in the corner, and that's all we know for now. More info should be leaking soon!

In this thread we can drop new information as we get it, or even better, speculate on what's to come!
Is generation VII upon us? Gen 6.2?  KappaHD We will be finding out within a couple weeks. Pokemon Z/Emerald/??? Seems to be surely approaching.
Definitely generation 7. It's been too long for another game in generation 6.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
it's 2022 and we livin
I said this in the PFA skype chat regarding "Magiana" appearance like a combination of Mega Gardevoir/Liligants's dress, Bisharp's design, and some rabbit-like ears from Diggersby/Lopunny. Here's a tweet I found interesting from StreetsAhead with "Gear Plus", and "Machina" or "deus ex". Since this silhouette to me looks too feminine to correlate to what we think of as "Steel-types", maybe I guess is it might have a part Fairy-typing as well. This can be completely wrong and be the new Volcanion form, or something else entirely. We'll see within the next day or so.
(Feb 10, 2016, 06:17 AM)Black117 Wrote: I said this in the PFA skype chat regarding "Magiana" appearance like a combination of Mega Gardevoir/Liligants's dress, Bisharp's design, and some rabbit-like ears from Diggersby/Lopunny. Here's a tweet I found interesting from StreetsAhead with "Gear Plus", and "Machina" or "deus ex". Since this silhouette to me looks too feminine to correlate to what we think of as "Steel-types",  maybe I guess is it might have a part Fairy-typing as well.

[Image: corocoro3162th.jpg]

AND HERE IT IS, FAM. Way to deduce kiev Wink

This is a new Legend, known as the Man-Made pokemon. Although no type has been revealed, steel type is a given, and I could see it as mono-steel most likely. "It was 'made by human hands'. It was made over 500 years ago. Volcanion is chasing Magiana, only it knows Magiana's secret."

With that said, the next Pokemon movie has been revealed to be "Volcanion and the Exquisite Magiana", with a release date in Japan TBA.

Thoughts!? o.o
>inb4 Pokemon Z takes place in Gen 7

Formerly Sir Absol

Genning/Powersave Expert            #SylveonIsOP
Looks like Klingklang and Mega Diancie had a child.... Kappa

Well new legend. I need a to catch a break. Guess we might be getting a game announcement soon.
I feel like this could be leading up to Pokémon Z. The only reason I don't think it's Gen 7 is because this new Pokémon is associated with an XY movie. Plus, I feel like they're going to release a game that focuses on Zygarde with all the forms they revealed. In any case, I feel like they're taking their good ol' time releasing a new main series game.
(Feb 10, 2016, 06:59 AM)DanielJames Wrote: I feel like this could be leading up to Pokémon Z. The only reason I don't think it's Gen 7 is because this new Pokémon is associated with an XY movie. Plus, I feel like they're going to release a game that focuses on Zygarde with all the forms they revealed. In any case, I feel like they're taking their good ol' time releasing a new main series game.

Them taking their time could be a good thing though. It potentially means that theyre implementing new features or re-working old ones to make them better!

I personally hope that Z or whatever comes out next is going to be the best Pokemon game to come out on 3DS so far
Formerly Sir Absol

Genning/Powersave Expert            #SylveonIsOP
Had hoped Magina was a Gardevoir cosplaying but oh well. New poke are fine. It could be Diancie's sister or something.

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