well thank you so much for the info!
1. Change Gengar nature to timid, making it 6iv. Make mawile 6iv shiny. Chhange pinsir nature to Jolly. make 6iv.
2 ign is luis.
Thank you so much for your services!
(Nov 6, 2014, 04:40 PM)powerpito Wrote: well thank you so much for the info!
1. Change Gengar nature to timid, making it 6iv. Make mawile 6iv shiny. Chhange pinsir nature to Jolly. make 6iv.
2 ign is luis.
Thank you so much for your services!
For future reference, I don't do so many requests at once. This would count as asking for 6 separate services and I try to limit it to 3 per person per request. I'll go ahead and do it this time but this is an example of a case where I would normally ask the requester to limit themselves to 3 services.