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[SMOGON] [UU] Umbreon - Wish Support/Cleric
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[Image: umbreon_by_dancergurl4u2nv-d32kig4.jpg]

Umbreon is a great Cleric in the UU Metagame, due to its wonderful base Special Defense stat of 130, and decent Defense stat of 110. Umbreon's access to Wish and other Cleric moves makes it very annoying to deal with, and it supports your team greatly. I highly recommend using it, if you aren't running Florges of course. Umbreon and Florges are the most used clerics in the UU Tier. Umbreon deserves its spot as a cleric in the UU tier, because it, once again, supports your team greatly.

This moveset will explain the Moveset/EVs/IVs/Item I recommend when using Umbreon in Pokemon Showdown, and in UU Battles against others in Pokemon Omega and Alpha Sapphire. Aside from the moveset and build. I will also explain some team mates that appreciate Umbreon that work well with it, its Weakness/Strengths, and some Damage Calculations as well. Also, sorry if the color palette of this Build is too bland, it is Umbreon themed after all!

Umbreon: The Basics
[Image: 197.gif]

Type: Dark
Weaknesses: Fighting (x2) / Bug (x2) / Fairy (x2)
Resistances: Dark (x0.5) / Ghost (x0.5)
Immunities: Psychic (x0)
Synchronize: "When statused, the enemy is also statused. Can pass nature to wild Pokemon." A Pokemon can not be statused if it is immune. This passes on a Status given to the Pokemon, to the Pokemon who gave the status to it! In this set, Synchronize is the best option for Umbreon to have as its Ability.
Hidden Ability)
Inner Focus: This prevents the Pokemon from flinching. This isn't really used much to be honest. Its Regular Ability benefits Umbreon more than Inner Focus does. There isn't much to say about Inner Focus really.
Base Stats: 95 HP / 65 Atk / 110 Def / 60 SpAtk / 130 SpD / 65 Spe

The Set: Specially Defensive Cleric

[Image: 197.gif]

Umbreon @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Wish
- Protect
- Baton Pass
- Foul Play

The Explanation:
  • Leftovers: Umbreon should be given Leftovers, as it heals 1/16 of the holder's HP each turn. This is meant to be used so Umbreon can recover Hit Points, giving it a better chance of surviving longer.
  • Ability: Synchronize is the best choice as an ability, since it punishes the opposing Pokemon for statusing Umbreon. This is usually in Umbreon's favor. However, remember that some Pokemon and their abilities benefit from being statused.
  • EVs: Umbreon needs full HP and SpD investment to take a lot of hits from Special Attackers/Special Moves in general. Unfortunately, Umbreon's HP is not great in any way, but HP EV investment covers this. Special Defense EVs make Umbreon a tough wall, and it can act as a Cleric much easier. The final 4 EVs are in Defense, since it is the next highest stat after Special Defense. Umbreon's Fighting type weakness appreciates investment in Defense.
  • Nature: Calm Nature gives Umbreon a boost in Special Defense, but lowers its Special Attack. Since Umbreon doesn't use any Special Attacks at all, Calm Nature is the ideal nature for Umbreon.
  • The Moves:
    Wish: The first move on Umbreon is Wish. Wish heals 50% of the users HP after two turns. It can heal an ally in the user's place. This means if Umbreon uses Wish, and switches out to a Pokemon, the Pokemon in its place will heal on the second turn after Wish is used.
    Protect: Protect, one of the most common moves in Pokemon, is the second move you should give Umbreon. It can protect Umbreon from any moves if you know/predict an attack from the opposing Pokemon. Usually, this is a great choice for Umbreon if you want to block any Strong Attacks, or you want to heal from Leftovers quickly. I recommend it, because a lot of Pokemon can status and damage Umbreon easily. If you want to save Synchronize, or want to block a Mach Punch from Conkeldurr, use Protect!
    Baton Pass: One reason you should give Umbreon Baton Pass, is that it is the best way to pass off Wish to another team member. Sometimes, Baton Pass makes it easier for your opponent to attack the Pokemon switching in, but it can benefit you greatly when Wish finally activates. Also, Baton Pass can pass on Stat Boosts to the Pokemon you are switching in to. If by chance, Umbreon's stats get boosted, and it can benefit a Pokemon, you can pass it on. Just like some good old Mashed Potatoes at Thanksgiving!
    Foul Play: The last moveslot goes to Foul Play. The amount of damage it does is equal to the Attack Stat of the target (unless it resists Dark-Type moves of course. This can work out very well if you want to take out a weakened Physical Attacker that happens to be at low health. This is a coverage move really. Even though it is Umbreon's only attack in this set, it can take out Psychic-Types and Physical Attackers with low health.

Damage Calculations
0 SpA Cresselia Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 66-78 (16.7 - 19.7%) -- possible 7HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Cobalion Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 186-218 (47.2 - 55.3%) -- 15.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Gardevoir Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 228-270 (57.8 - 68.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Chandelure Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 118-139 (29.9 - 35.2%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Chandelure Energy Ball vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 64-76 (16.2 - 19.2%) -- possible 8HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 SpA Cresselia Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 66-78 (16.7 - 19.7%) -- possible 7HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Lucario Flash Cannon vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 95-113 (24.1 - 28.6%) -- possible 5HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Lucario Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 283-335 (71.8 - 85%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
4 SpA Empoleon Scald vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 58-69 (14.7 - 17.5%) -- possible 9HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 SpA Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 102-120 (25.8 - 30.4%) -- 0.6% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 198-234 (50.2 - 59.3%) -- 76.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers
252 SpA Life Orb Toxicroak Vacuum Wave vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 81-96 (20.5 - 24.3%) -- possible 6HKO after Leftovers recovery

Possible Teammates
  • Crobat and Gligar: Current UU Flying Types, like Crobat and Gligar, work well with Umbreon, because they resist Fighting Types, Bug Types, and (in Crobat's case) Fairy Types. Crobat can also use Defog to get rid of Hazards on the battlefield, while Gligar can be used to set up hazards like Stealth Rock.These two Pokemon assist Umbreon by giving Utility and Pivot support. They do this by using moves like Defog, U-Turn, Roost, and Taunt to heal up and work against many of Umbreon's threats.
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  • Swampert: Pokemon that oppose Umbreon by using Taunt, like Aerodactyl, Krookodile, and Crobat are frail and can be beaten down by Swampert. None of these "Tauntmons" are really a threat to Swampert. Umbreon can give Wish Support to Swampert, while Swampert can take out some annoying mons to deal with. Swampert just so happens to work well with Crobat too. Swampert has good coverage against Steel/Fire/Flying/Rock types, which are mostly Physical Attacking Pokemon (except for Fire).
    [Image: 260.gif]
  • Rapid Spin/Defog: Pokemon that use Rapid Spin and Defog, like Blastoise/Forretress/CROBAT/Tentacruel, and other good Hazard Removers are a great help to Umbreon, so Umbreon doesn't have to worry about getting switch-in damage and having to heal too much. Rapid Spinners/Defoggers are great on any team, even those without Umbreon.
    [Image: 009-mega.gif] [Image: 205.gif]
  • Wallbreakers: Wallbreakers like Choice Band Machamp, Choice Band Krookodile, and Choice Specs Yanmega work well with Umbreon, because they apprecate the support Umbreon provides. Two of these Pokemon (aside from Krook really) resist some of Umbreon's weaknesses. The combination of support and healing from Umbreon, along with the resistances and Sweeping Abilities of these 'mons, makes them good team members for Umbreon.
    [Image: 068.gif] [Image: 469.gif]

  • Fighting Types: Umbreon is really weak against Physical Fighting Type Pokemon like Machamp and Mienshao. Pokemon that use Superpower, like Mega Absol are a pain to Umbreon as well. These Fighting Types, as well as other Set-up Sweepers, make it difficult for Umbreon to use Wish+Baton Pass to help out the team.
  • Taunt Users: Due to the fact that Umbreon has only 1 Offensive Move (and a kind of weak one at that) means that Taunt can cripple Umbreon to the point where keeping Umbreon out is completely useless. You should be cautioned of these Pokemon, and have Pokemon that can defeat them.
  • Those Notorious Trick Users: Trick users, like Rotom Cut or Chandelure, make it impossible for Umbreon to have access to all of its Moves (or Kit) for all of those TF2/Overwatch Elitists. Beware for them. Pokemon that can use the trending Trick Items can stop them though.
  • Bulky Set-Up Sweepers: Bulky Pokemon that can set-up well, like Substitute + Calm Mind Suicune, the Cleric Florges, or the Ferocious CurseLax give Umbreon more trouble than it is worth. So be cautious of these types of Pokemon as well.

Other Viable Moves
Toxic can be used in place of Protect or Foul Play, as it can slowly kill a Pokemon, or even cripple it. Toxic sends defensive pressure to Bulky Teams (aka Suicune and Stall Teams.)
Taunt is another move Umbreon can use. If you can't beat them, join them! Taunt stops Hazard Setters, Healers, and most set-up 'mons from using their utility moves. This can put pressure on teams that rely on their Support 'mons.

Warning: These two moves can be great... but Umbreon is already low on available moveslots if Wish and Baton Pass are being used together.

Other Viable Items

Thanks for viewing this Build Submission! I will continue to make more Competitive Builds for UU and below Pokemon in the future. Support me by leaving Positive Feedback!
Shimono Hiro!


For doing all of this ;-;
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
(Oct 6, 2016, 08:15 AM)MistressGlaceon Wrote: http://sites.localhost/imgurfull.html

For doing all of this ;-;
Heart Also, I updated it a bit. This whole thing took two hours... I have 5 Days off, so I will do 4 more this week. One on Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon.
Shimono Hiro!

(Oct 6, 2016, 08:16 AM)Allegro Wrote:
(Oct 6, 2016, 08:15 AM)MistressGlaceon Wrote: http://sites.localhost/imgurfull.html

For doing all of this ;-;
Heart Also, I updated it a bit. This whole thing took two hours... I have 5 Days off, so I will do 4 more this week. One on Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon.

That's amazing <3
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
@Allegro great build
i will try to learn from your ways of submissions (i recently posted a build that i want to get approved but i think it hasn't been Sad )

anyway again, great build
(Oct 6, 2016, 10:14 AM)Mattienator Wrote: @Allegro great build
i will try to learn from your ways of submissions (i recently posted a build that i want to get approved but i think it hasn't been Sad )

anyway again, great build
Yeah, I just used other builds as a template for mine really. You could even use my way of doing it and it would be the same as everyone elses. Anyway, yeah, it took me 2 hours to make this build... I have 4 more days off, so I can do close to 8 more builds (for now) Wink
Shimono Hiro!

Wow, just wow.
I run a different kind of umbreon using  curse botton pass payback and moon light
This set is kinda walled by cleric Sylveon, no offence.
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
(Oct 19, 2016, 02:03 PM)Johnnyspyguy Wrote: This set is kinda walled by cleric Sylveon, no offence.

Everything gets waled by something. Fortunately for umbreon, fairy types are ez to wall with a simple steel type.
George R.R Martin wrote 2016 :L

You don't look so well... how bout 50cc's of LINKS!?

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