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[TEMP CLOSED] [Gen VII] The Breedject Corner - Help with movesets and you can get free BR Pokémon!
Thank you very much for the trades!
Bump. Re-oponed.
I'm the lead developer for the site! (Formerly My Cupcake Money)
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Let me know if anything comes up~
Hey Id be willing to trade my level 1 HA mudkip for that larvitar

There is a larvitar in the free section at the minute if you want that one you can have it and just trade anything.  Big Grin

For future reference I always have Pokémon up for free for anyone wanting to do some quick breeding so feel free to also check back and see what's there sometimes.

Thanks for pointing me toward your thread. I'm told you have a HA Tangela, which is exactly what I'm looking for.

I didn't really have time to go through this thread yet to see how it works. What can I trade you for the Tangela that you would be interested in?

I generally accept any reject from breeding that can be used to add to the stock of this thread, from what you said in your intro thread you just bred corphish and yamask so if you have rejects left over from those projects I would like one of those, especially if they have egg moves, right nature or decent IV's
Currently have....

Solosis (f)
Magic Guard
5iv (-atk)

Yamask (m)
5iv (-speed)
has Disable (egg move)

Corphish (m or f)
5iv (-speed)
has Aqua jet, Super power, and Dragon Dance (all egg moves)

Take your pick! Big Grin

Please may I get a corphish, I would prefer a female since that makes it easier to pass on hidden ability if that is OK with you and I can head onto festival plaza and trade now if you want?

- Edit - The tangrowth's missing IV is attack so it actually could be used in competitive and it has - speed nature, only slight annoyance is it has 'best' IV in speed as well which is not as good for trick room set-ups

Sure thing! I hav the corphish on my X version, so I just need a minute to pass it over to my Moon real quick.

edit: Thanks! Can't wait to start breeding Tangela!

Thanks for the corphish, welcome again to the forums  Tongue

Just a little bit of advice, it would be best to put your in game name into your profile on the website as it helps when trading with people, otherwise the person you are trading with won't know if it is a random person online or you trying to start a trade and they won't know who to select in the list of people online.

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