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Hello guys! I, for one am really into diaries for writing down my day and stuff like that, and I've been thinking to start a DIARY thread here for anyone who's playing any Pokemon game/VGC battling/breeding here!

Any of you guys can post your adventures/achievements here - kinda like the Miiverse journal entries kind o'thing, but in the end all of us here gets to read and share the experience! :D

BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR GAME NAME AND *SPOILERS* if you're writing about an event mid-game or something! Smile

Idk this will work in the long run but, let's go!!

Today I FINALLY got my MEGA EVOLUTION RING from Korrina at the top of the Tower of Mastery! ^_^
So stoked when my character got to wear the ring and mega evolved that Lucario which took a liking to me :P
I was so surprised when Korrina gave that Lucario to me ---- if I were her I'll be DEAD selfish and not give my childhood Pokemon away ever!
Makes me rethink on how Pokemon could actually change the way we think in the real world - because her Lucario likes me better, she was willing to give it away so that Lucario can be happier.... that's selfless indeed
Therefore I nicknamed my Lucario 'Korrinae'! :D I will take care of it like she has taken care of it all these while, yepppp!

Okaaaays onward to you guys below! :P
Probably the slowest Kalos trainer ever: Over 150 hours & still at Coumarine City.
Check out our egg giveaway - The Egg Collaborations

Do not PM me for now - inbox full!
I'll join just for fun!

20/10/15 I just joined the spooky cup tourney of pokemonforever, it'll be at the pokemon showdown. Preparing myself to get owned. Now in my pokemon Omega Ruby game, I've been wonder trading my tepig breedjects and I got a shiny crawdaunt from Mike! then some trades later I got a shiny Dratini from Twista! so happy with the shiny dratini since my gf likes dratini and what's more, it's Pink! I hope i continue this roll later when i go wonder trading again.
I'm a logger

I record my Pokemon journey in this diary

so a journeyer?

This sounds absolutely amazing! I will chip in with my daily blogs here with you fine friends!

I had finally arranged my three battle ready Phantumps in Alpha Sapphire for some EV training using horde mode. I had went into Rusturf Tunnel to encounter Whishmer to increase their HP. Leading with my Heatran to take them all out in one hit. Once fighting tons of them, I went over to route 115 to fight off many Swablu for the EV's of SD they give. Today was a great day and a small leap into my goal of battling online.

Finally got my exeggutor EV trained. Sadly, the typing makes his usefulness kind of low but is improving my ability to adapt in battle. Sadly, I do not believe he is a practical pokemon for competitive play. Further testing is required.
10/22/15 Guess my luck continues, a trainer named Marc gave me a shiny Goodra! I'm happy receiving this shinies in wonder trades but I'd rather catch/breed them myself. I dream of having a living competitive pokedex, got the idea from JFlynn currently I'm EV training my fifth one. Done with Charmander, Growlithe, Chimchar, and Litleo. Let's go Tepig! Also breeding for my Aegislash to be nicknamed Ishbaal, one of David's Three
I'm a logger

I record my Pokemon journey in this diary

so a journeyer?

(so awesome to hear all of your experiences! :P felt really good!!)

Went online and saw an acquaintance searching for Vivis, wanted to help her out, and she needed an archipelago patterned Vivi, in which I only had one - but why not, let's give it away so that I can have the fun of searching another again! :P So I did! Got a shiny sneasel in return - didn't expect that at all! Was a pleasant surprise but I think I'm going to give away the sneasel to others who give shiny pokemon more love :D
Also randomly browsed through passersby and saw someone wanting starters. By trading I got the notion that he needed Oshawott, Chespin and a few others. So I quit the trade and decided to surprise him by breeding him two starter eggs he wanted - I traded him again and he gave me a Togepi named 'prince egg'! Haha x)
Probably the slowest Kalos trainer ever: Over 150 hours & still at Coumarine City.
Check out our egg giveaway - The Egg Collaborations

Do not PM me for now - inbox full!
BTW Cheatingzubat's diary is the first one i saw. Was it his original idea? or are these diaries a common thing? Hope he continues his diary, he stopped posting for a while now
I'm a logger

I record my Pokemon journey in this diary

so a journeyer?

(Yeah I saw cheatingzubat's diary and got the idea of this! :D But it wasn't communal though, so I decided to start one - yepp I really do hope he comes back too! Smile )

For the first time I really sat down and played Pokemon Amie!
I always thought being able to give your pokemon love is such a wonderful thing - especially since I have owned like 5 tamagotchis last time for more than 10 years already xD.... until the last one broke, haha! I love to see my Pokemon respond to my touch and smile! ^^
I found out it's really like tamagotchi - the games are actually really similar too! I'm glad this bears a resemblance to my childhood game, PLUS it's pokemon I'm taking care of :P
It's really awesome to see slight changes to my pokemon after playing with them loads - like in battle they also give a little shake and stuff that I usually don't see before - I checked online and found out that there are more things to explore!! So stoked! :D
Probably the slowest Kalos trainer ever: Over 150 hours & still at Coumarine City.
Check out our egg giveaway - The Egg Collaborations

Do not PM me for now - inbox full!
23/10/15 So the spooky cup begins! I had my first match with terrorkid and I was superlucky to evade 2 consecutive super fangs from his crobat. It's the main cause of me winning. He's so kind after the match I asked if he has some HA timburr and he bred one for me! So cool! Awesome dude! thanks again
I'm a logger

I record my Pokemon journey in this diary

so a journeyer?

Ooh, this sounds like a fun idea! I might just have to join in!

Pokémon Omega Ruby 23/10/15

So today I finally got around to EV training and levelling up a flawless shiny Sneasel that I (completely accidentally!) hatched yesterday! Think that I'm going to nickname her Pink Panther. Seems appropriate. Now I just need to make a team with Weavile!

I also got a couple of battles in on Battlespot. I've been using a Japanese Sand/Trick Room team for the past few weeks and it's been doing okay. Might need to adjust it a bit more though. We'll see. I'd love to start actually earning some CP this season!

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