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[VGC] Arcanine Moveset - Support (6 Options)
[Image: arcanine_wallpaper_by_porkymeansbusiness-d5khm0d.png]

If you tell me you don't like Arcanine, you're lying. And if you're not lying, you need to leave. Forever. Right now. Never come back. Ever.
Now that's out of the way we can move on. Arcanine is one of my favourite Pokemon, and can be a real pain to deal with thanks to it's disruptive abilty and learnset. Despite having a weakness to Ground and Rock Type moves which are pretty common, it has decent stats all around and can work as a good support Pokemon with access to Will-o-Wisp and Snarl or even as an all out attacker. It even has access to a recovery move in Morning Sun making it stay around for even longer.

[Image: arcanine.gif]
Type: Fire
Base Stats: 90 HP / 110 Attack / 80 Defense / 100 Special Attack / 80 Special Defense / 95 Speed
Weaknesses: Ground (X2), Rock (X2), Water (X2)
Resistances: Bug (X0.5), Steel (X0.5), Fire (X0.5), Grass (X0.5), Ice (X0.5), Fairy (X0.5)
Immunities: None
Abilities: Intimidate - When a Pokémon with Intimidate enters the battle, it lowers the Attack stat of all adjacent opponents by one stage. Intimidate has no effect on Pokémon who are immune to Attack stat reductions, such as Pokémon with Clear Body, Hyper Cutter, or White Smoke. This Ability will not affect a target with a substitute. Intimidate also activates when a Pokémon gains the Ability, such as via Skill Swap or Mega Evolution.

Flash Fire - Flash Fire makes the Pokémon immune to Fire-type moves and will activate when hit by one. When activated, the power of the Pokémon's Fire-type moves is increased by 1.5×. While subsequent hits by Fire-type moves will not provide further increase in power, the Pokémon remains immune to their effects. Flash Fire will not activate if the Pokémon is protected from the Fire-type move.

Justified (Hidden Ability) - Justified will raise the user's Attack stat by one stage when hit by a Dark-type attack. Unlike similar Abilities, no immunity is granted. Justified will raise Attack one level for each hit of a multi-strike move like Beat Up.

Disruptor Set

Physically Defensive

[Image: arcanine.gif]
Arcanine @ Safety Goggles / Sitrus Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 76 Def / 36 SpA / 84 SpD / 60 Spe
Bold Nature
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast / Overheat
- Snarl
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect / Morning Sun

Like I mentioned earlier, Arcanine can be a very disruptive Pokemon, and the combination of Intimidate, Will-o-Wisp and Snarl can be increadibly annoying to deal with. The first thing this set is designed to do is outspeed Max Speed Adamant Bisharp by 1 point. Because Bisharp has the Defiant ability, it will be at +1 attack so outspeeding Bisharp is an important benchmark. The second benchmark was to survive a +1 Sucker Punch from Adamant Max Attack Life Orb Bisharp. It's all well and good that we outspeed it, but that's irrelevant if Bisharp OHKO's us with Sucker Punch. With the 36 SpA investment Arcanine can OHKO 4HP / 0 SpD Bisharp and Breloom with Flamethrower, but you can always run the more powerful Fire Blast or Overheat instead at the cost of Accuracy. We don't outspeed Jolly Max Speed Breloom nor do we OHKO Amoonguss, which is why Safety Goggles is an item choice. Lastly, this set is EV's to take hits from some of the formats strongest attackers such as Double Edge from Mega Kangaskhan and Earthquake from Landorus-T

Damage Calculations


252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Double-Edge vs. 252 HP / 76+ Def Arcanine: 164-195 (83.2 - 98.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Landorus-T Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 76+ Def Arcanine: 152-180 (77.1 - 91.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 76+ Def Arcanine: 142-168 (72 - 85.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Aerilate Mega Salamence Double-Edge vs. 252 HP / 76+ Def Arcanine: 157-186 (79.6 - 94.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Heatran Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 84 SpD Arcanine: 124-146 (62.9 - 74.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Life Orb Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 84 SpD Arcanine: 118-140 (59.8 - 71%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Voice vs. 252 HP / 84 SpD Arcanine: 59-70 (29.9 - 35.5%) -- 31.6% chance to 3HKO

252+ Atk Life Orb Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 76+ Def Arcanine: 107-126 (54.3 - 63.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Mega Gardevoir Psychic vs. 252 HP / 84 SpD Arcanine: 109-129 (55.3 - 65.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 84 SpD Arcanine: 107-126 (54.3 - 63.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-1 252 Atk Terrakion Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 76+ Def Arcanine: 62-74 (31.4 - 37.5%) -- 80.9% chance to 3HKO

Specially Defensive (Wolfe's Set)

[Image: arcanine.gif]
Arcanine @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Def / 4 SpA / 100 SpD / 68 Spe
Calm Nature
- Protect
- Will-O-Wisp
- Snarl
- Overheat

You can find the team report for this set Here

Naitre's Sets (These have just been copy/pasted from the Metagame Megathread)

[Image: arcanine.gif]
Arcanine @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Sassy
EVs: 248 HP + 112 DEF + 44 Sp. ATK + 104 Sp. DEF
  • Snarl
  • Flamethrower
  • Protect
  • Extreme Speed
Bisharp is a major player in VGC this year, and this Arcanine set is meant to make it think twice. With this precise EV investment, Arcanine is able to withstand anything a +1 Bisharp can throw at it and quickly eliminate it with a subsequent Flamethrower. Arcanine is also able to take what Fairy types typically dish out, making it a fair alternative to Heatran for those who may not want to run him on their team. Snarl helps to put dents into any Special Attacker that may be on the field, such as everyone’s favorite bulk, Cresselia, and Latias.

+1 252+ Atk Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 248 HP / 112 Def Arcanine: 115-136 (58.6 - 69.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 248 HP / 112 Def Arcanine: 149-177 (76 - 90.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

44 SpA Arcanine Flamethrower vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Bisharp: 144-170 (102.1 - 120.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

[Image: arcanine.gif]
Arcanine @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Relaxed
EVs: 214 HP + 48 ATK + 248 DEF
  • Morning Sun
  • Flare Blitz or Flamethrower
  • Will-o-Wisp
  • Extreme Speed
This is a multi-purpose set that utilizes Arcanine’s physical bulk. It definitely won’t take an Earthquake from Landorus or Garchomp, but it’s going to take any neutral physical hit that’s thrown at it, so whip it out against Pokemon that lack access to super effective moves. Will-o-Wisp gives you the ability to cripple physical threats that show up right off the bat, while Extreme Speed lets you pick off anything you’ve managed to wear down throughout the course of the battle. Morning Sun gives you extra recovery, especially if paired with a team that utilizes the sun. Flare Blitz is a tricky move that comes at the price of recoil and can be substituted for Flamethrower as needed.

[Image: arcanine.gif]
Arcanine @ Binding Band
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Modest or Bold
EVs: 248 HP + 134 DEF + 128 Sp. DEF
  • Fire Spin
  • Will-o-Wisp
  • Protect
  • Morning Sun
Bust out the marshmallows, guys, because your opponent is gonna burn. Binding Band increases the end turn damage of trapping moves from 1/8 to 1/6 the target’s maximum HP. With the burn from Will-o-Wisp dealing 1/8 damage per turn and Fire Spin not only trapping your opponent, but also dealing another 1/6 damage per turn, you’re netting roughly 30% damage per turn without even attacking your opponent. Fire Spin lasts 4-5 turns, so you can literally just stall your opponent to death and watch them burn if you’re feeling particularly evil.

[Image: arcanine.gif]
Arcanine @ Choice Band or Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 110 HP + 152 ATK + 248 SPE
  • Wild Charge or Close Combat
  • Extreme Speed
  • Flare Blitz
  • Morning Sun or Crunch
This is simply just a purely offensive Arcanine, which can be altered for a Jolly nature and a tweaked EV spread if you’re worried about outspeeding some of the faster Pokemon on the field. Morning Sun will potentially help you survive all the recoil, especially if you’re running a sun team, but this Arcanine is more likely to go full kamikaze and take down everything it can before fainting. Morning Sun, of course, can be swapped out for other moves, such as Crunch, if you’re not interested in attempting to survive.

152+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Crunch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Latios: 146-174 (93.5 - 111.5%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO

152+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Crunch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latias: 136-160 (87.7 - 103.2%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO

152+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Close Combat vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Bisharp: 368-436 (260.9 - 309.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

152+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Flare Blitz vs. 244 HP / 0 Def Sylveon: 195-229 (97 - 113.9%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO

152+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Garchomp: 96-113 (52.4 - 61.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-1 152+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 60 Def Hitmontop: 90-106 (57.3 - 67.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

152+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 128 Def Cresselia: 106-126 (46.6 - 55.5%) -- 68.8% chance to 2HKO

152+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Flare Blitz vs. 212 HP / 128 Def Thundurus: 156-184 (86.1 - 101.6%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

Potential Teammates include, but aren't limited to;
  • Mega Venusaur - Aready increadibly bulky, but with help from Arcanine it becomes almost impossible to take down. Marcusube has posted an awesome build here. Go check it out!
  • Bulky Water Types such as Milotic, Suicune Rotom-W and Gastrodon - All are great partners for Arcanine. Milotic and Suicune can provide speed control with Icy Wind and Tailwind respectively, meaning Arcanine can get off a W-o-W or Snarl before the opponent attacks. Rotom-W can switch in to an anticipated Earthquake and Gastrodon can hit Landorus-T and opposing Fire Types such as Heatran for super Effective Damage. They all also cover Arcanine's Water Weakness and can hit back a lot of the things that threaten it with Water or Ice type attacks. Animekid7 and PKPatriot56 have both done a Gastrodon write up Here and Here.
    Rogue has also done a Milotic write up Here
  • Strong Attackers like Mega Kangaskhan - Mega Kangaskhan is already annoying, but using Arcanine's support moves makes it even worse to play against. Black117 has done an increadible write on Mega Kangaskhan Here!

Threats include, but aren't limited to;
  • Earthquakes and Rock Slides from Landorus-T and Terrakion
  • Rain Teams / Bulky water Types
  • Strong attackers like Mega Kangaskhan and Specs Hyderigon

Other Notable Moves
  • Safeguard - Prevents the user and its allies from being inflicted with non-volatile status conditions and confusion for five turns, except self-inflicted conditions (including held items). Existing status conditions are not cured by Safeguard and have their effects as normal. It will prevent a Pokémon from being inflicted with Yawn, but will not prevent it from falling asleep due to its effect if it is already active.
  • Bulldoze - A form of speed control. Hits Everyone on the field that isn't flying type ir has the ability levitate, and reduces speed by -1
  • Swagger - So...does every Pokemon in the game get this? Seriously, everytime I look at a Pokemon's moveset I see Swagger. Someone at Game Freak must be the Devil's relative or something. Anyway, Swagger Raises the Attack of the target by 2 stages and confuses them (Can be a decent combo using Safeguard and then Swaggering your own teammate)
  • Heat Wave - A Fire type attack that has spread damage
  • Helping Hand - Increases the power of an allies move by 50%. Has +5 priority

Other Notable Items
  • Choice Scarf - Raises the speed of the holder X1.5, but at the cost of locking yourself into one move until you switch out
  • Rocky Helmet - Deal damage to any foe that uses a contact move on Arcanine
  • Weakness Policy - (If you really want to be that guy Kappa) Raises the Attack and SpA of the holder by +2 after getting hit by a super effective attack
  • Assault Vest - Raises the SpDefense of the holder by X1.5, but you are unable to use any status moves only attcking moves.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to adjust anything to your own liking :]
Before I go, I'll leave you with this

[Image: such_arcanine_by_tsaoshin-d7bw5o2.jpg]
credit to TsaoShin
(Jul 22, 2015, 09:54 AM)naitre Wrote: This is now a new forum rule.

Great job as always, prez Heart

What do you mean "New"? Wasn't this always a rule? Kappa
(Jul 22, 2015, 09:59 AM)Eckley Wrote:
(Jul 22, 2015, 09:54 AM)naitre Wrote: This is now a new forum rule.

Great job as always, prez Heart

What do you mean "New"? Wasn't this always a rule? Kappa

Well...arcanine accidently ate the documents when i was showing them to him...dont hurt me, ive failed you mr.president
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
7.8/10 too much arcanine
(Jul 22, 2015, 10:05 AM)Animekid7 Wrote: Well...arcanine accidently ate the documents when i was showing them to him...dont hurt me, ive failed you mr.president

(Jul 22, 2015, 10:59 AM)PKPatriot56 Wrote: 7.8/10 too much arcanine

Ok Who voted for this forum cabinet and why is PK a waifu Kappa, most importantly why arent I anything KappaHD
"Oh good, he isn't mod anymore"


(Jul 23, 2015, 04:38 PM)MudkipLegend Wrote: Ok Who voted for this forum cabinet and why is PK a waifu Kappa, most importantly why arent I anything KappaHD

Eckley has been forum prez even before the forum was made (dont ask how Kappa), as for you, you can be the forum butler, now fetch me a drink Kappa jk
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
In the process of making an Adamant Arcanine I wasn't sure for the ev spread and move set but thanks for the advice, would you recommend a life orb over choice band for the move set

Extreme speed
Close combat
Flare blitz
Thanks for the post! I've wanted to make a defensive Arcanine and now I am able to.
I have made my own Arcanine set with a different item, but I like what I see here. Good builds!

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