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[VGC] Pokemon VGC 2015 Metagame Megathread
Thanks Justin! If you or anyone else has a request of a Pokemon they're curious about, let us know! I can even try to do the new megas.
Hey Guys I would love to get your thoughts on tornadus and the legendary dogs. Entei , raikou, and tornadus all seem outclassed by other legendaries but I'd love to make use of them anyway
what's going on with mega-mence right now? Is it popular? is it a threat? if so how do you deal with it?
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(Dec 20, 2014, 02:07 PM)Justin Wrote: what's going on with mega-mence right now? Is it popular? is it a threat? if so how do you deal with it?

It is popular so far, ontop of it being a threat. I'm finishing up Entei right now, Mega mence will come up right after!
Every time a volcano erupts, an Entei is born. You can't lie, that's pretty dope.

[Image: 244.gif]

Typing: Fire
Weaknesses: Ground/Rock/Water (all x2)
Resistances: Bug/Steel/Fire/Ice/Grass/Fairy (All 1/2)
Ability: Pressure (Lowers the enemies PP by 2 instead of 1)
Stats: HP: 115 / Attack: 115 / Defense: 85 / Sp. Atk: 90 / Sp. Def: 75 / Speed: 100

I'm not gonna lie here, unlike the other legends: Entei doesn't have as many useful sets. Entei was underused throughout the years of VGC in my opinion. However, I think he just might shine this year.

Here's the set I'll be using:

-Life Orb-
Entei @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 96 HP / 204 Atk / 208 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Iron Head
- Stone Edge
- Protect

In earlier years, Entei wouldn't use as much attack/speed. However in this year I think this is the perfect spread to deal with those megas that you want to just outright OHKO, while outspeeding most things. Sacred Fire is an AMAZING move. It has a 50% chance to burn the target, can thaw you out of ice, and is a physical move. So even if your opponent does switch out into something like Azumarill, they risk that burn. Iron head to be a fairy killer. Stone Edge to destroy bulky flying types. Protect for stall/support set up. Here's some calcs showcasing Entei's power.

(204 Atk Life Orb Entei Sacred Fire vs. 252 HP / 184 Def Amoonguss: 211-250 (95.4 - 113.1%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO)

(204 Atk Life Orb Entei Iron Head vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Gardevoir: 148-177 (102.7 - 122.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO)

(204 Atk Life Orb Entei Stone Edge vs. 212 HP / 110 Def Thundurus: 153-182 (84.5 - 100.5%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO)

(204 Atk Life Orb Entei Sacred Fire vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Mawile: 164-195 (104.4 - 124.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO)

I wanted to try to make another set, but honestly I just can't do it. I made a special attacking set with heat wave and although the damage wasn't bad, mega zard y just does it like 2x better. Plus, for Entei to pull off those OHKO's with heat wave it needed the sun. Which Zard-Y already has access too. I could see you using it if you wanted a heat wave user that wasnt mega charizard y, but I think you're better off with Heatran in that aspect. I feel like the physical set is best. You can also play with the physical set if you really want. Scarf it, band it. I just feel like life orb is the best due to being able to switch up your moves when needed.

Entei does best with pokemon who can support what it can't finish off. In my opinion, Landorus-T is the best partner.
It's powerful rock slide can help finish off those close finishes, while making your opponent not want to Earthquake due to not being able to harm Landorus.

Mons like Tyranitar have a more powerful rock slide, but you risk your opponent double KO'ing with an earthquake.

Sableye also does well. Prankster will-o, and confuse ray can gimp a certain Pokemon as Entei destroys the other.

Thundurus-I is another good partner. Thunder-waving the pokemon who just barely outspeed Entei, so you can get the drop on them first.

Hitmontop is another golden choice. With access to wide guard to protect you from Earthquake/Rock slide and his ability of intimidate to weaken your foe.

The threats: Obviously things like Landorus/Garchomp who outspeed and can take you out with a Earthquake, and you can't do much to them back. I feel like Entei's threats are all pretty obvious. Suicune walls Entei entirely, mega swampert does as well. Things like mega sceptile have a chance to OHKO you, but you have a chance to OHKO it as well. Entei is one of those glass cannons who can take out 1-2 mons before getting decked. Keep in mind that some physical threats can be neutralized by burning them with Sacred Fire.

Conclusion- Although Entei has a very staple moveset, it works very well. I could show you calcs all day. You'd be surprised by how strong sacred fire is, and not to mention that insane burn chance of 50%. Iron head KO's a lot of rock and fairy types, and stone edge can gimp those wide guard users who don't prepare for it. Can't wait to see this legendary dog in use!
A brief way to take of mega-mence is outspeeding before mega, and Ice Beam and Ice Punch (move tutor). Also using Protect to stop the mega mence's attack and then get damage off on it. The best moves I have seen on mega-mence are Hyper Voice and Protect because boosted stab Hyper Voice is a powerful spread move and Protect to scout to see if they have an Ice-move. mega-mence is popular and is a threat. I think it will compete for usage against Mega-Kanga
to me mega Salamence will see early popularity but might fade away as M-swampert teams come through + with ice type being popular to stop landerous he's not the ideal mega for most teams in my opinion so once people are expecting him and packing counters he will fade away since with nearly 50 megas available we should expect to see a fair few of them. Cresellia + M-Camelrupt in trick room will be a combo to watch out for as will the very obvious M-Swampert rain teams, M-Mawille will struggle a bit with landerous intimidate and eq around as well as many fire types returning but could find a place. With tailwind setters now abundant M-gardevoir is looking to make an impact this year as its base speed can now be doubled and it gets its hyper voice for vgc now since i believe it was transfer only in X and Y. Metagross is being overlooked atm i think his power is certainly in the top tier of the mega's but time will tell as he may need wide guard support. But my wild card would definitely have to be mega abomasnow this guy doesn't fear the eq spam and packs stab blizzard along with stab grass moves like energy ball to deal with the rain teams, on paper he might just be the mega to come up from nowhere especially as people are looking more at the new megas than the old ones.
I think I seen someone mention cybertron using the cress + M Camerupt TR combo, so it does look like people are going to use it.

I think you're right about M-gross being over-looked, because with landorus returning, he gets the intimidate off and has stab EQ to use. I know Metgross gets Ice punch, but with -1 attack and non stab Ice punch, landorus has the better match up, at least in my opinion.

I actually forgot about M Abomasnow, so it will be interesting to see if his usage goes up because of this.
metagross has clear body eckley intimidate won't affect him i believe and wide guard can be spammed unlike protect therefore that metagross could very easily be set up by a landerous being predictable
I know, I meant in his M Evolved form. Sorry for my bad wording haha
With landorus having U-turn, it can keep plugging away at M metagross since u-turn is neutral, and he'll get the intimidate off when he comes back in

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