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bulky stall sableye
Has anyone got any good builds for vgc or smogon bulky stall sableye thanksSmile
Unless you refer to Mega Sableye, regular sableye isn't ideal for stall.
I really hope you aren't referring the ability Stall for Sableye because it one of the worse in the entire game. Prankster (and Magic Guard for Mega Sableye) help it support it team by either firing off priority status or bouncing back Status move like will-o-wisp and even entry hazards.
So what builds be good for a mega sableye
Here's a build Oreo made awhile back for Mega Sableye. I think you'll find it useful.
How would i get recover on sableye if i was to bred what pokemon can i breed him with
So one of them above have to be male and sableye female?
You need a female Sableye and a male Abra, meditite or elgyem (or their evolutions) that know recover

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