i'll be battling soon just getting some bp + tms atm btw if anyone has a vullerby or mandubuzz in a pokeball that wud be awesome i have a ha one in a great ball but all my competitive mons must be in regular pokeballs XD
It seems as though every M Swampert rain team has Politoed and ludicolo, which is why I don't have ludicolo on mine
Should be ok with the other three if I play smart haha
@Evil I do have one btw but the ability is overcoat, which isn't the HA. I'll breed for you now if you want or do you need with with the HA?
Well rain is still strong in this format, especially Jedi's rain team I used to ladder to 1350+. Then again expect there to be a ton of Cresselias, Lando-t, Heatrans, Thundurus, etc. The one I'm most concerned with is Thundurus with its prankster T-wave and swagger since it can just literally disrupt any strategy.
Hmm weird D: The team is: Politoed/Ludicolo/M-Swampert/Talonflame/Bisharp/Thunderus
@Evil, yea same here, I can play around it since most of them don't know what my pokemons have for moves. But it seems like this will replace the standard team of last year with M-Kang/Talonflame/Aegislash/ectect :P