So I need a HA Ponyta/Rapidash for breeding - egg moves and 5-6 IVs would be nice but not really necessary. I have some other Fire-type HA mons for trade such as: Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar, Fennekin, Vulpix, Pansear etc (most have 5 IVs).
Alternatively, I also have a buch of some nice 5 IVs breedjects, such as Litwick, Female Salandit, Cubone, Fissure-Ice shard Phanpy, Wish-Yawn-Stored Power HA Eeeve, Rotom, Larvesta, Oddish, HP-Ice Houndour etc.
n the Battle Tree, you can have Single, Double, or Multi Battles. You will do consecutive battles until you are defeated or you take a break. You win BP each time you win a battle. You can use the BP to purchase items to the left of the Battle Tree receptionist, such as evolution items, battle items, and Mega Stones.
n the Battle Tree, you can have Single, Double, or Multi Battles. You will do consecutive battles until you are defeated or you take a break. You win BP each time you win a battle. You can use the BP to purchase items to the left of the Battle Tree receptionist, such as evolution items, battle items, and Mega Stones.
To be more specific, I know how to buy itens there -- but I can't find the lady selling rare candies. Only some mega stones, evolution and hold itens...