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*FAKEMON* Otaru Regional Fakedex (in progress)
I have an ongoing Fakedex project that will eventually produce an entire new generation of Pokemon for an RPG of my design on another site. For the last 3+ years, I have been designing these Fakemon to be fully fleshed out, viable species, just as the real ones are. I'm more than 85% complete through the process of completing the Dex. What I'd need now, however, is feedback on them. Specifically, I want to try to determine viable move sets, set checks and counters, and eventually use that feedback to establish the equivalent of tiers for the site. For that feedback, I need the aid of competitive Pokemon players and everyday trainers alike, willing to donate time to help me achieve the level of realism I've been striving towards.

I'd like to hear back from some of the competitive players here who would be willing to review stats, movepools, and move sets. For the purposes of the thread, the Fakedex would function initially in a vacuum, with no real Pokemon being taken into account during evaluation. They should, at least for now, be compared only amongst each other.

It is highly recommended that you take advantage of the Pokemon Showdown battle calculator to check offensive/defensive calcs, just like you would on normal Pokemon.  I've outlined that process here.

Please be aware that all TMs are designated as of X/Y.  Secret Power may be available as a tutor move that all TM-learning Pokemon can be taught, and other tutor moves are currently being worked on.  Learnability of TM/HMs is designated by color:
Red - Learned by lowest evolutionary form
Light Green - Learned by middle evolutionary form
Dark Green - Learned by final evolutionary form
HMs are designated as follows:  HM1 Cut, HM2 Fly, HM3 Surf, HM4 Strength, HM5 Waterfall, HM6 Dive, HM7 Whirlpool, HM08 Rock Climb, HM09 Defog

For simplification, I am listing the stats for all evolutions within a line, but only the moves learned by the final form.

NOTE: The list is too long for one post. For the rest of the FakeDex, click this link!

#001-#003 - Flittle > Melisucre > Laetzel

Flittle: 37/42/36/64/51/51, 316.  Type:  Grass  Abilities:  Overgrow  Hidden Ability:  Flower Gift
Melisucre:  52/52/51/88/62/101, 407.   Type:  Grass  Abilities:  Overgrow  Hidden Ability:  Flower Gift
Laetzel:  73/73/72/109/83/122, 532.  Type:  Grass/Flying  Abilities:  Overgrow  Hidden Ability:  Flower Gift

#003 Laetzel    
-Bug Buzz        
17 – Quick Attack          
18 – Double Team
24 – Poisonpowder
26 – Supersonic
28 – Growth
30 – Leaf Tornado
34 – Silver Wind
35 – Acrobatics
39 – Giga Drain
45 – Air Slash
51 – Tailwind
56 – Leaf Storm
62 – Flower Shield

Learned by previous evolutions:  Mega Drain  
Egg Moves:  Pursuit, Mirror Move, Sleep Powder, Aromatherapy, Synthesis, Leech Life, Poisonpowder, Extremespeed
Laetzel Movesets
#004-#006 - Cubburn > Ursoot > Sizzley

Cubburn: 56/69/45/57/44/45, 316.  Type:  Fire  Abilities:  Blaze  Hidden Ability:  Hustle
Ursoot:  71/85/60/72/59/60, 407.   Type:  Fire  Abilities:  Blaze  Hidden Ability:  Hustle
Sizzley:  91/121/66/108/65/81, 532.  Type:  Fire  Abilities:  Blaze  Hidden Ability:  Hustle

#006 Sizzley    
19 – Howl
20 – Smokescreen
26 –Fire Punch
31 – Smog
35 – Slash
36 – Heat Wave
41 – Crunch
46 – Scary Face
51 – Thrash
56 – Flare Blitz

Learned by previous evolutions:  Poison Gas, Flame Wheel
Egg Moves:  Fury Swipes, Reversal, Hammer Arm, Agility, Flame Burst, Outrage, Pursuit, Belly Drum
Sizzley Movesets
#007-#009 - Elefount > Seaquele > Pachydon

Elefount: 87/59/45/54/41/28, 316.  Type:  Water  Abilities:  Torrent  Hidden Ability:  Heavy Metal
Seaquele:  114/73/60/69/56/33, 407.   Type:  Water  Abilities:  Torrent  Hidden Ability:  Heavy Metal
Pachydon:  135/95/81/90/77/54, 532.  Type:  Water  Abilities:  Torrent  Hidden Ability:  Heavy Metal

#009 Pachydon    
-Psycho Shift        
-Tail Whip
-Water Gun
-Water Sport
20 – Horn Attack
23 – Water Pulse
28 – Mist
33 – Stomp
36 – Calm Mind
39 – Aqua Ring
41 – Brine
46 – Soak
51 – Double-Edge
57 – Water Spout

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Octazooka, Stored Power, Wide Guard, Ice Ball, Zen Headbutt, Counter, Earth Power, Heavy Slam, Mirror Coat
Pachydon Movesets
#010-#011 - Hampstor > Champster

Hampstor: 61/46/31/35/30/40, 243.  Type:  Normal  Abilities:  Pickup/Unburden  Hidden Ability:  Harvest
Champster:  87/70/68/70/55/66, 416.   Type:  Normal  Abilities:  Pickup/Unburden  Hidden Ability:  Harvest

#011 Champster      
-Seismic Toss                     
-Baby-Doll Eyes
5 – Bide
9 – Defense Curl
13 – Charm
17 – Play Nice
21 – Bullet Seed
23 – Dizzy Punch
29 – Covet
35 – Recycle
41 – Play Rough
47 – Stockpile
53 – Spit Up
59 –Swallow
63 – Stored Power

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Seed Bomb, Natural Gift, Tickle, Baton Pass, Trump Card, Circle Throw, Follow Me, Vital Throw, Worry Seed
Champster Movesets
#012-#014 - Quimp > Quivail > Quailush

Quimp:  66/19/37/44/55/32, 253.  Type:  Normal/Flying  Abilities:  Anticipation/Energetic  Hidden Ability:  Mold Breaker
Quivail:  82/26/50/70/72/49, 349.   Type:  Normal/Flying  Abilities:  Anticipation/Energetic  Hidden Ability:  Mold Breaker
Quailush:  111/40/60/101/97/65, 474.  Type:  Normal/Flying  Abilities:  Early Bird/Energetic  Hidden Ability:  Mold Breaker

Energetic (Ability):  Gives a 20% damage boost to all attacks that require a charge-up turn.  Examples:  Razor Wind, Fly, Sky Attack, Skull Bash, Dive, Dig, Bounce, Solarbeam, etc.  This effect applies to these attacks regardless of whether they actually take two turns to execute (such as Solarbeam under Sunlight or any of these other attacks with a Power Herb).

#014 Quailush        
-Quick Attack
19 – Whirlwind
22 – Disarming Voice
27 – Roost
31 – Air Slash
35 – Mirror Move
37 – Brave Bird
40 – Endeavor
43 – Razor Wind
46 – Tailwind
51 – Sky Attack

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Air Cutter, Featherdance, Hyper Voice, Screech, Flail, Final Gambit, Detect, Fake Tears, Trump Card
Quailush Movesets
#015-#017 - Golgrub > Scaurum > Scarabling

Golgrub: 49/27/57/10/31/21, 195.  Type:  Bug  Abilities:  Overcoat/Shield Dust  Hidden Ability:  Illuminate
Scaurum:  53/20/67/10/35/20, 205.   Type:  Bug  Abilities:  Sturdy/Shield Dust  Hidden Ability:  Illuminate
Scarabling:  75/70/100/25/70/45, 385.  Type:  Bug  Abilities:  Sturdy/Shield Dust  Hidden Ability:  Huge Power

#017 Scarabling
10 – Vicegrip
13 – Struggle Bug
16 – Wide Guard
19 – Bug Bite
22 – Take Down
25 – Iron Defense
28 – Silver Wind
31 – Assurance
34 – Curse
37 – Megahorn
40 – Metal Burst
43 – Rock Climb

Learned by previous evolutions:  Tackle, String Shot, Harden
Egg Moves:  None
Scarabling Movesets
#018-#019- Blamb > Battram

Blamb: 45/60/35/38/35/51.  Type:  Normal  Abilities:  Reckless  Hidden Ability:  Rock Head
Battram:  65/99/63/70/63/74, 434.   Type:  Normal  Abilities:  Reckless  Hidden Ability:  Rock Head

#19 Battram
18 – Knock Off
27 – Horn Attack
33 – Swagger
35 – Take Down
38 – Bulk Up
44 – Zen Headbutt
46 – Iron Head
50 – Double-Edge
55 – Giga Impact
60 – Final Gambit

Learned by previous evolutions:  Flail
Egg Moves:  Brave Bird, Wood Hammer, Volt Tackle, Head Smash, Follow Me, Jump Kick, Flare Blitz, Submission, Head Charge
Battram Movesets
#020-#021- Lithlep > Bouldare

Lithlep: 50/40/65/20/25/60.  Type:  Rock  Abilities:  Limber/Frisk  Hidden Ability:  Solid Rock
Bouldare:  65/75/90/45/55/85, 415.   Type:  Rock  Abilities:  Limber/Frisk  Hidden Ability:  Solid Rock

#21 Bouldare
-Quick Guard
-Arm Thrust
-Defense Curl
15 – Mud-Slap
19 – Rock Throw
24 – Camouflage
28 – Stomp
32 – Rollout
37 – Double Hit
41 – Jump Kick
46 – Bounce
50 – Dig
56 – Head Smash
61 – Double-Edge

Learned by previous evolutions:  Splash, Charm
Egg Moves:  Headbutt, Rock Tomb, Tickle, Charm, Rock Blast, Stealth Rock, Teeter Dance, Agility, Double Kick
Bouldare Movesets
#022-#023- Kicket > Locrusht

Kicket: 44/63/38/44/44/49.  Type:  Bug/Fighting  Abilities:  Swarm/Iron Fist  Hidden Ability:  Inner Focus
Locrusht:  70/90/64/70/70/75, 439.  Type:  Bug/Fighting  Abilities:  Swarm/Iron Fist  Hidden Ability:  Inner Focus

#23 Locrusht
-Low Kick
20 – Fury Attack
24 – Fury Cutter
28 – Rolling Kick
32 – Meditate
33 – Sky Uppercut
36 – X-Scissor
41 – Counter
46 – Bounce
51 – Hi Jump Kick
57 – U-Turn
61 – Reversal

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Air Cutter, Sing, Sand Tomb, Bug Buzz, Focus Punch, Baton Pass, Perish Song, Metal Sound, Supersonic
Locrusht Movesets
#024-#025- Piwi > Megamoa

Piwi: 50/45/50/40/50/60, 295.  Type:  Grass/Ground  Abilities:  Overcoat/Run Away  Hidden Ability:  Simple
Megamoa:  70/85/73/65/62/105, 460.   Type:  Grass/Ground  Abilities:  Overcoat/Quick Feet  Hidden Ability:  Simple

#25 Megamoa
- Mud-Slap
11 – Quick Attack
17 – Bullet Seed
22 – Mud Shot
26 – Me First
27 – Stomp
30 – Pluck
33 – Seed Bomb
36 – Earth Power
41 – Featherdance
45 – Mega Kick
48 – Agility
53 – Wood Hammer

Learned by previous evolutions:  Dig
Egg Moves:  Cotton Spore, Feint Attack, Screech, Cotton Guard, Ancient Power, Mirror Move, Brave Bird, Growth
Megamoa Movesets
#026-#027- Kaoalla > Koallop

Kaoalla: 65/70/60/25/30/50, 300.  Type:  Fighting  Abilities:  Cute Charm/Sap Sipper  Hidden Ability:  Defiant
Koallop:  82/105/80/44/59/70, 440.  Type:  Fighting  Abilities:  Cute Charm/Sap Sipper  Hidden Ability:  Defiant

#27 Koallop
-Sleep Talk
-Seismic Toss
10 – Low Kick
14 – Yawn
17 – Razor Leaf
21 – Focus Energy
26 – Force Palm
29 – Body Slam
33 – Endure
37 – Bulk Up
42 – Drain Punch
46 – Leaf Blade
51 – Rest
54 – Hammer Arm
59 – Play Rough

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Bite, Rollout, Beat Up, Counter, Baby-Doll Eyes, Submission, Leaf Storm, Wake-Up Slap, Focus Punch
Koallop Movesets
#028 -#029- Pupple > Shampoodle

Pupple: 44/30/40/56/40/45, 255.  Type:  Water  Abilities:  Clear Body/Damp  Hidden Ability:  Dry Skin
Shampoodle:  68/62/65/85/75/80, 435.  Type:  Water  Abilities:  Clear Body/Damp  Hidden Ability:  Dry Skin

#29 Shampoodle
-Magic Coat
-Ice Fang
-Aurora Beam
8 – Bubble
12 – Odor Sleuth
16 – Bite
21 – Aqua Jet
25 – Aqua Ring
28 – Refresh
29 – Take Down
33 – Bubblebeam
37 – Acid Armor
40 – Crunch
44 – Mist
48 – Mirror Coat
53 – Hydro Pump

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Water Pulse, Baton Pass, Knock Off, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Soak, Pursuit, Uproar, Aqua Tail
Shampoodle Movesets
#030-#031 - Voltry > Shockrel

Voltry: 40/55/35/60/40/80, 255.  Type:  Electric Abilities:  Static/Vital Spirit  Hidden Ability:  Volt Absorb
Shockrel:  60/90/55/95/65/100, 465.  Type:  Electric/Flying  Abilities:  Lightiningrod/Vital Spirit  Hidden Ability:  Volt Absorb

#31 Shockrel
-Quick Attack
15 – Follow Me
29 – Swagger
36 – Uproar
59 – Brave Bird

Learned by previous evolutions:  Peck, Charge, Thundershock, Fury Attack, Featherdance, Electro Ball, Drill Peck, Captivate, Discharge, Agility
Egg Moves:  Slash, Spark, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Shock Wave, Close Combat, Sand-Attack, Hyper Voice, Charm, Hurricane
Shockrel Movesets
#032 Pignatta

Pignatta: 131/60/59/65/69/60, 444.  Type:  Normal  Abilities:  Weak Armor, Levitate  Hidden Ability:  Aftermath

#32 Pignatta
-Odor Sleuth
5 – Follow Me
9 – Swift
14 – Tickle
18 – Bestow
23 – Celebrate
27 – Return
32 – Captivate
36 – Body Slam
41 – Recycle
45 – Play Rough
50 - Selfdestruct

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Charm, Destiny Bond, Pay Day, Bide, Present, Bone Rush, Counter, Lucky Chant, Fly
Pignatta Movesets
#033-#037 - Fweather > Umbrain / Touclaro / Snowflock / Hoatzand

Fweather: 40/50/55/70/55/50, 320.  Type:  Normal/Flying  Abilities:  Overcoat/Cloud Nine  Hidden Ability:  Anticipation
Umbrain:  69/79/74/95/77/83, 477.  Type:  Normal/Flying  Abilities:  Overcoat/Water Veil  Hidden Ability:  Hydration
Touclaro:  69/79/74/95/77/83, 477.  Type:  Normal/Flying  Abilities:  Overcoat/Solar Power  Hidden Ability:  Leaf Guard
Snowflock:  69/79/74/95/77/83, 477.  Type:  Normal/Flying  Abilities:  Overcoat/Snow Cloak  Hidden Ability:  Ice Body
Hoatzand:  69/79/74/95/77/83, 477.  Type:  Normal/Flying  Abilities:  Overcoat/Sand Force  Hidden Ability:  Magic Guard

#34 Umbrain
-Rain Dance
14 – Water Gun
17 – Pluck
21 – Disarming Voice
25 – Weather Ball
30 – Rain Dance
32 – Flatter
33 – Air Slash
36 – Water Pulse
41 – Soak
46 –Muddy Water
50 – Hurricane

#35 Touclaro
-Sunny Day
14 – Ember
17 – Pluck
21 – Take Down
25 – Weather Ball
30 – Sunny Day
32 – Morning Sun
33 – Drill Peck
36 – Flame Burst
41 – Haze
46 – Heat Wave
50 – Sky Attack

#36 Snowflock
14 – Powder Snow
17 – Pluck
21 – Taunt
25 – Weather Ball
30 – Hail
32 – Hypnosis
33 – Air Slash
36 – Icy Wind
41 – Mist
46 – Snow Pack
50 – Blizzard

#37 Hoatzand
14 – Mud-Slap
17 – Pluck
21 – Fury Attack
25 – Weather Ball
30 – Sandstorm
32 – Rock Polish
33 – Drill Peck
36 – Ancient Power
41 – Mud Bomb
46 – Grit Blast
50 – Brave Bird

Learned by previous evolutions:  Whirlwind, Razor Wind, Twister
Egg Moves:  Knock Off, Feather Dance, Natural Gift, Hurricane, Ominous Wind, Future Sight, Weather Ball
Note:  Blue-Umbrain-Exclusive  Yellow-Touclaro-Exclusive  Grey-Snowflock-Exclusive  Brown-Hoatzand-Exclusive
Umbrain Movesets
Touclaro Movesets
Snowflock Movesets
Hoatzand Movesets
Note:  Grit Blast:  80 BP Special Rock-type Move, 10% chance of lowering Sp. Def.
Note:  Snow Pack:  -- BP  Status Ice-type Move, Restores health.  50% under no weather, 66% under Hail, 25% under all other weather conditions.

#038 -#039- Dustamble > Dustrek

Dustamble: 42/38/46/50/70/66, 312.  Type:  Ground  Abilities:  Run Away/Overcoat  Hidden Ability:  Wonder Skin
Dustrek:  71/64/79/100/121/52, 487.  Type:  Ground/Psychic  Abilities:  Forewarn/Magic Guard  Hidden Ability:  Wonder Skin

#39 Dustrek
7 – Foresight
11 – Fake Out
18 – Helping Hand
22 – Psywave
23 – Magnitude
25 – Telekinesis
28 – Double Hit
31 – Sand Tomb
34 – Endure
37 – Amnesia
41 – Baton Pass
46 – Zen Headbutt
50 – Earth Power
56 – Future Sight

Learned by previous evolutions:  Role Play, Barrier, Agility
Egg Moves:  Camouflage, Sandstorm, Quick Attack, Ally Switch, Take Down, Misty Terrain, Detect
Dustrek Movesets
#040 Arbore

Arbore: 70/87/60/61/50/67, 395.  Type:  Grass/Flying  Abilities:  Skill Link/Own Tempo  Hidden Ability:  Leaf Guard

#40 Arbore
9 – Absorb
15 – Fury Attack
19 – Bullet Seed
25 – Chip Away
30 – Gatling Jab
34 – Uproar
37 – Featherdance
42 – Drill Peck
46 – Acupressure
51 – Wood Hammer
54 – Super Fang

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Swagger, Gatling Jab, Sucker Punch, Magical Leaf, Cotton Spore, Double Team, Nature Power, Icicle Spear, Focus Energy, Revenge
Arbore Movesets
Gatling Jab-  25 BP Flying-type Physical move.  Strikes 2-5 times per turn.  Makes contact.
#041-#042- Gloam > Gnoloam

Gloam: 65/65/55/45/45/45, 320.  Type:  Dark/Grass  Abilities:  Damp/Prankster  Hidden Ability:  Harvest
Gnoloam:  95/95/85/75/85/75, 510.  Type:  Dark/Grass  Abilities:  Damp/Prankster  Hidden Ability:  Harvest

#42 Gnoloam
-Water Sport
7 – Grass Knot
11 – Growth
17 – Fling
23 – Substitute
26 – Natural Gift
30 – Grassy Terrain
32 – Moonlight
33 – Seed Bomb
37 – Scary Face
42 – Dig
45 – Foul Play
50 – Petal Blizzard

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Grasswhistle, Mud Sport, Bullet Seed, Focus Punch, Misty Terrain, Mud Bomb, Knock Off, Belch
Gnoloam Movesets
#043 Sparkupine

Sparkupine: 68/69/80/50/67/45, 388.  Type:  Electric/Poison  Abilities:  Static/Poison Point  Hidden Ability:  Aftermath

#43 Sparkupine
-Poison Sting
-Defense Curl
8 – Thundershock
13 – Fury Attack
15 – Tail Whip
18 – Poison Tail
22 – Acupressure
25 – Rollout
27 – Spark
30 – Toxic Spikes
35 – Poison Jab
38 – Zap Cannon
41 – Parabolic Charge

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Hyper Fang, Iron Tail, Pin Missile, Poison Fang, Spikes, Thunder Fang, Charge, Electro Ball, Discharge
Sparkupine Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
#044-#046- Gusquire > Whirlwiz / Cycrone

Gusquire: 50/50/45/65/60/55, 325.  Type:  Flying  Abilities: Infiltrator  Hidden Ability:  Magic Bounce
Whirlwiz:  65/80/60/110/88/72, 475.  Type:  Flying  Abilities: Infiltrator  Hidden Ability:  Magic Bounce
Cycrone:  75/70/79/110/88/63, 475.  Type:  Flying  Abilities: Infiltrator  Hidden Ability:  Magic Bounce
Note:  Gusquire evolves based on gender; males evolve into Whirlwiz, females evolve into Cycrone.

#045 Whirlwiz
-Leaf Tornado
-Fairy Wind
15 – Defog
22 – Confusion
26 – Air Cutter
31 - Whirlwind
35 – Silver Wind
37 – Wonder Room
40 – Magic Coat
44 – Air Slash
47 – Light Screen
50 – Tailwind
55 – Simple Beam
61 – Hurricane

#046 Cycrone
-Leaf Tornado
-Fairy Wind
15 – Defog
22 – Confusion
26 – Air Cutter
31 – Whirlwind
35 – Ominous Wind
37 – Magic Room
40 – Magic Coat
44 – Air Slash
47 – Reflect
50 – Tailwind
55 – Simple Beam
61 – Hurricane

Learned by previous evolutions:  Teleport, Astonish, Icy Wind, Weather Ball
Egg Moves:  Mind Reader, Confuse Ray, Force Palm, Magical Leaf, Hypnosis, Psybeam, Dizzy Punch, Night Shade, Heal Bell
Whirlwiz Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
Cycrone Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
#047 Jerboalt

Jerboalt: 58/79/50/58/60/106, 411.  Type:  Electric  Abilities:  Cheek Pouch/Own Tempo  Hidden Ability:  Static

#47 Jerboalt
5 – Tail Whip
14 – Quick Attack
19 – Thunder Wave
22 – Spark
25 – Double Kick
28 – Double Team
30 – Nuzzle
32 – Slam
35 – Agility
38 – Electro Ball
40 – Bounce
42 – Wild Charge

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Discharge, Swift, Charge, Flail, Iron Tail, Charm, Bounce
Jerboalt Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
#048 Psi-aye

Psi-aye: 55/55/55/75/60/60, 360.  Type:  Psychic  Abilities:  Unnerve/Sticky Hold  Hidden Ability:  Trace

#48 Psi-aye
5 – Confusion
11 – Disable
15 – Doubleslap
22 – Follow Me
25 – Psybeam
31 – Acupressure
35 – Amnesia
42 – Psychic
45 – Psych Up
51 – Taunt
55 – Force Palm

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Fake Out, Eerie Impulse, Assist, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Helping Hand, Mean Look, Thunderpunch, Encore
Psi-aye Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
#049-#050 - Divarrow > Herarrow

Divarrow: 40/62/32/50/32/70, 286.  Type:  Water/Flying  Abilities:  Big Pecks/Sniper  Hidden Ability:  Gale Wings
Herarrow:  67/93/70/70/70/80, 450.  Type:  Water/Flying  Abilities:  Big Pecks/Sniper  Hidden Ability:  Gale Wings

#50 – Herarrow
-Knock Off
17 – Aqua Jet
23 – Focus Energy
25 – Bide
27 – Wing Attack
32 – Swift
35 – Water Pulse
39 – Roost
43 – Drill Peck
46 – Lock-On
50 – Featherdance
55 – Sky Attack

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Pursuit, Refresh, Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Steel Wing, Chip Away, Haze, Feint
Herarrow Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
#051 Coulumble

Coulumble: 60/50/78/70/78/60, 396.  Type:  Electric/Bug  Abilities:  Static/Honey Gather  Hidden Ability:  Minus

#51 Coulumble
-Sweet Scent
8 – Struggle Bug
15 – Thunder Wave
17 – Supersonic
21 – Charge
25 – Nature Power
30 – Silver Wind
34 – Discharge
39 – Teeter Dance
42 – Bug Buzz
45 – Natural Gift

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Assurance, Eerie Impulse, Pin Missile, Poison Tail, Aromatherapy, Rage Powder, Helping Hand, Quick Attack, Quiver Dance, Fell Stinger
Coulumble Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
#052-#053 - Taurcher > Sagitaur

Taurcher: 50/53/35/70/32/55, 295.  Type:  Fighting  Abilities:  Keen Eye/Sniper  Hidden Ability:  Mega Launcher
Sagitaur:  65/88/55/120/55/77, 460.  Type:  Fighting  Abilities:  Keen Eye/Sniper  Hidden Ability:  Mega Launcher

#53 Sagitaur
-Lock On
13 – Focus Energy
17 – Double Kick
22 – Stomp
25 - Quick Attack
28 – Acupressure
31 – Pin Missile
35 – Jump Kick
39 – Detect
42 – Smack Down
45 – Agility
50 – Aura Sphere

Learned by previous evolutions:  Poison Sting
Egg Moves:  Chip Away, Flame Burst, Vacuum Wave, Quick Guard, Mud Shot, Bounce, Aura Sphere, Horn Drill, Zap Cannon
Sagitaur Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
#054-#055 - Cardinil > Cardinull

Cardinil: 62/65/56/60/51/70, 364.  Type:  Dark/Flying  Abilities:  Unaware  Hidden Ability:  Unaware
Cardinull:  102/90/76/66/70/80, 484.  Type:  Dark/Flying  Abilities:  Unaware  Hidden Ability:  Unaware

#55 – Cardinull
-Knock Off
-Heal Block
15 – Fury Attack
20 – Fake Out
24 – Spite
29 – Aerial Ace
33 – Mean Look
38 – Night Slash
42 – Snatch
47 – Drill Peck
51 – Punishment
56 – Grudge

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Scary Face, Air Slash, Feint, Assurance, Ominous Wind, Revenge, Roost, Disable
Cardinull Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
#056-#057 - Jaydid > Jayzing

Jaydid: 62/51/60/65/56/70, 364.  Type:  Psychic/Flying  Abilities:  Simple  Hidden Ability:  Simple
Jayzing:  102/66/70/90/76/80, 484.  Type:  Psychic/Flying  Abilities:  Simple  Hidden Ability:  Simple

-Heal Pulse
15 – Light Screen
20 – Round
24 – Helping Hand
29 – Air Cutter
33 – Attract
38 – Psychic
42 – Psych Up
47 – Air Slash
51 – Stored Power
56 – Reflect

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Tailwind, Bestow, Charm, Sing, Mirror Move, Baton Pass, Roost, Follow Me
Jayzing Movesets (None Submitted Yet)  
#058-#059 - Alkatrap > Drungeon

Alkatrap: 55/54/80/30/64/30, 313.  Type:  Dragon/Rock  Abilities:  Sturdy/Solid Rock  Hidden Ability:  Arena Trap
Drungeon:  85/75/155/45/125/45, 528.  Type:  Dragon/Rock  Abilities:  Sturdy/Solid Rock  Hidden Ability:  Arena Trap

#59 – Drungeon
-Stealth Rock
10 – Defense Curl
14 – Rock Tomb
21 – Poison Fang
27 – Dragon Rage
32 – Block
36 – Dragonbreath
41 – Rock Slide
47 – Ancient Power
50 – Imprison
55 – Revenge
60 – Dragon Rush

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Pursuit, Fissure, Perish Song, Sand Tomb, Counter, Magnitude, Slack Off, Toxic Spikes, Nature Power
Drungeon Movesets (None Submitted Yet)  
#060-#061- Rockit > Comit

Rockit: 40/40/31/60/31/98, 300.  Type:  Rock  Abilities:  Speed Boost/Levitate  Hidden Ability:  Sand Rush
Comit:  63/64/50/90/50/165, 482.  Type:  Rock  Abilities:  Speed Boost/Levitate  Hidden Ability:  Sand Rush
-Head Smash
-Quick Attack
11 – Hidden Power
19 – Swift
22 – Nature Power
25 – Flame Charge
29 – Moonlight
34 – Rock Blast
39 – Rapid Spin
43 – Ancient Power
47 – Cosmic Power
51 – Meteor Mash  
56 – Meteor Rise
60 – Wish
66 – Tail Glow

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Cannot breed (Genderless)
Comit Movesets
Attack:  Meteor Rise
Type:  Rock
Category:  Special
PP:  5 (Max 8)
Power:  85
Accuracy:  85%
Target:  Any
Effect:  This attack takes two turns to execute.  On the first turn, the user becomes semi-immune, avoiding all moves except Gust, Twister, Thunder, and Sky Uppercut.  The listed moves have their normal accuracy against a mid-air Pokémon (except for Thunder, which is perfectly accurate under rain), and all but Sky Uppercut have doubled power.  The user may also be hit in mid-air if it was previously targeted by Lock-On or Mind Reader, or if it is attacked by a Pokémon with No Guard or has No Guard itself.  On the second turn the user inflicts damage on the target and has 30% chance of burning the target.  Basically, a special, Rock-type Bounce, with a burn chance rather than paralysis.
#064-#066 - Pandagen > Pandamic > Pandamonum

Pandagen: 48/58/43/77/58/44, 308.  Type:  Poison/Ghost  Abilities:  Poison Touch/Competitive  Hidden Ability:  White Smoke
Pandamic:  64/69/56/88/72/55, 404.   Type:  Poison/Ghost  Abilities:  Poison Touch/Competitive  Hidden Ability:  White Smoke
Pandamonum:  80/80/795/660/109/, 500.  Type:  Poison/Ghost  Abilities:  Poison Touch/Competitive  Hidden Ability:  White Smoke

#066 Pandamonum
-Poison Gas
- Smog
16 – Snatch
21 – Poison Fang
27 – Hex
33 – Toxic
39 – Poison Jab
44 – Destiny Bond
49 – Shadow Claw
54 – Memento
58 – Gunk Shot
62 – Destiny Bond

Learned by previous evolutions:  None 
Egg Moves:  Hammer Arm, Mean Look, Perish Song, Body Slam, Circle Throw, Skull Bash, Flame Burst, Venom Drench, Assist, Echoed Voice
Pandamonum Movesets
#067-#068 - Owltlet > Tekstrix

Owltlet: 41/55/55/70/50/54, 325.  Type:  Electric/Steel Abilities:  Levitate  Hidden Ability:  Motor Drive
Tekstrix:  69/79/84/106/73/81, 492.  Type:  Electric/Steel Abilities:  Levitate  Hidden Ability:  Motor Drive

#68 – Tekstrix
9 – Wing Attack
17 – Destiny Bond
25 – Swift
30 – Charge
35 – Magnet Bomb
35 – Shock Wave
40 – Lock-On
45 – Steel Wing
50 – Shift Gear
55 – Gear Grind
60 – Gyro Ball
65 – Zap Cannon

Learned by previous evolutions:  Thunderbolt, Foresight, Electro Ball
Egg Moves:  Autotomize, Mean Look, Disable, Miracle Eye, Signal Beam, Metronome, Nasty Plot, Icy Wind, Trick
Tekstrix Movesets  
#069-#070 - Weaviper > Decepzen

Weaviper: 48/55/65/45/55/45, 313.  Type:  Poison  Abilities:  Poison Point/Shed Skin  Hidden Ability:  Synchronize
Decepzen:  80/70/80/116/79/76, 501.  Type:  Poison/Psychic  Abilities:  Compoundeyes/Shed Skin  Hidden Ability:  Synchronize

#070 Decepzen
-Ally Switch
-Poison Fang
20 – Confusion
25 – Bide
29 – Swagger
34 – Faint Attack
38 – Psychic
43 – Toxic
47 – Sucker Punch
52 – Psych Up
56 – Perish Song
61 – Future Sight

Learned by previous evolutions:  Withdraw, Glare, Protect, Gunk Shot, Punishment
Egg Moves:  Aura Sphere, Crunch, Hex, Foul Play, Coil, Teeter Dance, Psybeam, Me First, Miracle Eye
Decepzen Movesets (None Yet Submitted)  
#071-#072 - Crudrone > Petroyal

Crudrone: 25/35/50/50/35/40, 235.  Type:  Rock/Poison  Abilities:  Flash Fire/Liquid Ooze  Hidden Ability:  Flare Boost
Petroyal:  60/65/99/99/89/41, 453.  Type:  Rock/Poison  Abilities:  Flash Fire/Liquid Ooze  Hidden Ability:  Flare Boost

#72 Petroyal
-Fire Fang
-String Shot
10 – Rock Throw
15 – Mud Sport
17 – Bite
23 – Sludge
26 – Double Team
31 – Mud Bomb
34 – Rock Slide
39 – Poison Fang
42 – Superpower
47 – Sludge Bomb
50 – Embargo

Learned by previous evolutions:  Wide Guard
Egg Moves:  Acid Spray, Rototiller, Water Sport, Bug Bite, Rock Wrecker, Mud Shot, Rock Climb
Petroyal Movesets (None Yet Submitted)  
#073-#074 - Powelp > Powchow

Powelp: 65/65/70/30/50/50, 330.  Type: Fighting  Abilities:  Gluttony, Scrappy  Hidden Ability:  Friend Guard
Powchow:  105/100/100/45/80/75, 505.  Type: Fighting  Abilities:  Gluttony, Scrappy  Hidden Ability:  Friend Guard

#74 Powchow
-Odor Sleuth
18 – Bite
23 – Double Kick
27 – Bulk Up
28 – Wide Guard
35 – Roar
39 – Reversal
42 – Wide Guard
46 – Double-Edge
49 – Close Combat
52 – Final Gambit

Learned by previous evolutions:  Protect, Quick Guard
Egg Moves:  Helping Hand, Play Rough, Body Slam, Play Nice, Revenge, Work Up, Take Down, Assurance
Powchow Movesets  
#075-#076 - Swirlwind > Scournado

Swirlwind: 28/39/35/89/56/53, 300.  Type:  Ghost/Rock  Abilities:  Rough Skin/Shield Dust  Hidden Ability:  Sand Force
Scournado:  54/66/60/115/96/74, 465.  Type:  Ghost/Rock  Abilities:  Rough Skin/Shield Dust  Hidden Ability:  Sand Force

#76 - Scournado
11 – Astonish
15 – Sand Tomb
21 – Twister
26 – Chip Away
31 – Ominous Wind
35 – Rock Polish
39 – Tailwind
44 – Grit Blast
49 – Whirlwind
54 – Razor Wind
59 – Sandstorm

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Screech, Hex, Acid Armor, Fire Spin, Haze, Night Shade, Heat Wave, Smog, Sandstorm
Scournado Movesets (None Yet Submitted)  
#077-#078 - Moushroud > Mouseleum

Moushroud: 39/66/70/22/50/53, 300.  Type:  Ghost/Ground  Abilities:  Quick Feet/Infiltrator  Hidden Ability:  Moxie
Mouseleum:  80/115/97/55/67/51, 465.  Type:  Ghost/Ground  Abilities:  Quick Feet/Infiltrator  Hidden Ability:  Moxie

#78 – Mouseleum
-Tail Whip
11 – Astonish
15 – Rock Tomb
21 – Bite
26 – Hyper Fang
31 – Bone Club
35 – Hone Claws
39 – Imprison
44 – Bonemerang
49 – Shadow Ball
54 – Skull Bash
59 – Sandstorm

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Dark Pulse, Hex, Agility, Bone Rush, Haze, Night Shade, Super Fang, Shadow Sneak, Double-Edge
Moushroud Movesets (None Yet Submitted)  
#079-#080 - Malpaca > Dillama

Malpaca: 56/60/55/35/60/55, 321.  Type:  Dark  Abilities:  Unburden/Oblivious  Hidden Ability:  Fur Coat
Dillama:  93/95/77/68/95/77, 505.  Type:  Dark  Abilities:  Unburden/Oblivious  Hidden Ability:  Fur Coat

#80 - Dillama
17 – Assurance
21 – Mean Look
26 – Stomp
32 – Foul Play
37 – Double Kick
40 – Stockpile
40 – Spit Up
45 – Nasty Plot
49 – Take Down
53 – Cotton Guard
57 – Dark Pulse

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Work Up, Lick, Feint, Milk Drink, Acid Spray, Spite, Grudge, Icy Wind, Crunch, Belch
Dillama Movesets (None Yet Submitted)  
#081 Newtonne

Newtonne: 68/70/72/85/85/60, 440.  Type:  Normal  Abilities:  Massive  Hidden Ability:  Prankster

#81 Newtonne
6 – Yawn
11 – Hidden Power
15 – Telekinesis
19 – Psywave
24 – Disable
30 – Gravity
35 – Slam
41 – Acupressure
46 – Body Slam
50 – Flail

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Heavy Slam, Nature Power, Magnet Rise, Earth Power, Agility, Imprison, Ancient Power, Entrainment, Misty Terrain, Electric Terrain
Newtonne Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
Note:  Massive (Ability):  Doubles user's speed under Gravity field effect.  Identical to Swift Swim/Chlorophyll/Sand Rush under their respective weather conditions; does not double speed on first turn it's used if used by foe or ally before user moves/attacks.
#084-#085 - Ceramink > Ferracotta

Ceramink: 41/45/82/20/37/65, 290.  Type:  Normal  Abilities:  Klutz  Hidden Ability:  Weak Armor
Ferracotta:  75/85/120/40/53/72, 445.  Type:  Normal  Abilities:  Klutz  Hidden Ability:  Battle Armor

#85 – Ferracotta
-Crush Claw
-Iron Defense
18 – Feint Attack
21 – Mud Sport
26 – Fury Swipes
30 – Rapid Spin
34 – Focus Energy
39 – Slash
44 – Detect
50 – Close Combat
54 – Night Slash

Learned by previous evolutions:  Harden, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Take Down, Mud Bomb, Shell Smash, Gyro Ball
Egg Moves:  Endure, Metal Claw, Defense Curl, Ice Ball, Stored Power, Razor Shell, Feint, Mud Shot
Ferracotta Movesets  
#086-#087 - Maggore > Putrifly

Maggore: 39/54/42/51/45/42, 273.  Type:  Bug/Dark  Abilities:  Stench/Shed Skin  Hidden Ability:  Adaptability
Putrifly:  70/95/63/85/67/115, 495.  Type:  Bug/Dark  Abilities:  Stench/Shield Dust  Hidden Ability:  Adaptability

#87 Putrifly
-Bug Bite
-Quick Attack
-Gastro Acid
15 – Leech Life
20 – Infestation
20 – Acid
24 – Pursuit
27 – Twineedle
31 – Scary Face
33 – Poison Fang
37 – Acid Spray
40 – Sucker Punch
44 – Torment
49 – Beat Up
53 – Bug Buzz

Learned by previous evolutions:  Defense Curl
Egg Moves:  Foresight, Screech, Knock Off, Agility, Sonicboom, Giga Drain, U-Turn, Flail, Final Gambit
Putrifly Movesets  
#088-#089 - Zombee > Gornet

Zombee: 45/60/54/38/40/62, 299.  Type:  Bug/Ghost  Abilities:  Mummy/Poison Touch  Hidden Ability:  Swarm
Gornet:  88/102/80/64/71/90, 495.  Type:  Bug/Ghost  Abilities:  Mummy/Poison Touch  Hidden Ability:  Swarm
#89 Gornet
-Poison Sting
-Struggle Bug
14 – Shadow Sneak
19 – Haze
23 – Horn Attack
27 – Ominous Wind
30 – Pursuit
32 – Scary Face
36 – Poison Jab
39 – Eerie Impulse
44 – Destiny Bond
47 – Fell Stinger
51 – Trick or Treat

Learned by previous evolutions:  Defense Curl
Egg Moves:  Feint Attack, Night Shade, Revenge, Bug Buzz, Fury Cutter, Night Slash
Gornet Movesets (None yet submitted)  
#090 Camoconda

Camoconda: 80/85/85/55/69/70, 444.  Type:  Water/Poison  Abilities:  Arena Trap/Grappler  Hidden Ability:  Prankster

#90 Camoconda
-Tail Whip
8 – Wrap
13 – Mud Sport
17 – Camouflage
21 – Poison Fang
25 – Whirlpool
29 – Feint Attack
33 – Coil
38 – Muddy Water
41 – Wring Out
45 – Gunk Shot
51 – Punishment

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Sand Tomb, Aqua Ring, Recover, Fire Spin, Glare, Submission, Clear Smog, Mud Bomb, Sucker Punch, Clamp
Camoconda Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
Note:  Grappler (Ability):  Ensures that all multi-turn partial trapping attacks will last their maximum number of turns, and doubles power of end-of-turn damage dealt by those attacks.  Functions identically to Binding Band (doubling power of between-turn damage) and Grip Claw (guaranteeing max turns of effect), without necessitating the use of either item.   Examples:  Wrap, Bind, Fire Spin, Whirlpool, Clamp, Magma Storm.  Varies from Skill Link due to taking place over several turns.
#091-#092 - Pipochin > Wrenchimp

Pipochin: 50/51/48/54/38/49, 290.  Type:  Steel  Abilities:  Sticky Hold/Limber  Hidden Ability:  Trace
Wrenchimp:  75/86/77/84/64/74, 460.  Type:  Steel  Abilities:  Sticky Hold/Limber  Hidden Ability:  Trace
#92 - Wrenchimp
-Metal Claw
16 – Mimic
22 – Power-Up Punch
26  - Screech
31 – Iron Head
35 – Brick Break
39 – Wring Out
43 – Iron Defense
47 – Rock Climb
49 – Hammer Arm
53 – Heavy Slam
57 – Belly Drum

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Bone Rush, Superpower, Slack Off, Cross Chop, Encore, Role Play
Wrenchimp Movesets (None yet submitted)  
#093-#094 - Pixigon > Vexigon

Pixigon: 51/50/42/65/45/87, 340.  Type:  Dragon/Fairy  Abilities:  Super Luck/Technician  Hidden Ability:  Tinted Lens
Vexigon:  73/70/60/105/70/142, 520.  Type:  Dragon/Fairy  Abilities:  Super Luck/Technician  Hidden Ability:  Tinted Lens
#94 – Vexigon
-Fake Out
-Fairy Wind
13 – Twister
19 – Double Team
24 – Feint Attack
28 – Dragonbreath
33 – Safeguard
37 – Camouflage
42 – Dazzling Gleam
42 – Power Split
48 – Dragon Pulse
52 – Feint

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Supersonic, Dragon Dance, Razor Wind, Mirror Coat, Dragon Rush, Snatch, Extrasensory, Sing
Vexigon Movesets  
#095 -#096 - Princense > Missmatch

Princense: 50/50/50/65/65/65, 285.  Type:  Fire/Fairy  Abilities:  Flame Body/Stench  Hidden Ability:  Aroma Veil
Missmatch:  56/68/61/115/83/97, 475.  Type:  Fire/Fairy  Abilities:  Flame Body/Healer  Hidden Ability:  Aroma Veil
#96 – Missmatch
-Sweet Scent
-Sweet Kiss
-Fire Spin
-Fairy Wind
35 – Quiver Dance
45 – Moonblast
55 – Fiery Dance

Learned by previous evolutions:  Will-o-Wisp, Captivate, Acrobatics, Heat Wave, Healing Coals, Aromatic Mist, Attract, Aromatherapy
Egg Moves:  Draining Kiss, Heal Pulse, Tickle, Confuse Ray, Bestow, Charm, Stored Power, Healing Wish, Fake Tears, Feint Attack
Missmatch Movesets
Healing Coals:  The user recovers 1/16th of its max HP each turn.  This effect is removed when the user switches.  The effect of this move is Baton Passable.  Functions identically to Aqua Ring.  
#097 -#098 - Marimood > Marimote

Marimood: 55/45/50/45/60/45, 300.  Type:  Grass/Water  Abilities:  Moody/Hydration  Hidden Ability:  Grass Pelt
Marimote:  80/70/90/90/100/70, 500.  Type:  Grass/Water  Abilities:  Moody/Hydration  Hidden Ability:  Grass Pelt
#98 – Marimote
- Bubble
14 – Mean Look
18 – Growth
22 – Mega Drain
26 – Rollout
28 - Bubblebeam
30 – Scary Face
34 – Aqua Ring
38 – Grassy Terrain
42 – Muddy Water
45 – Giga Drain
49 – Yawn
53 - Synthesis
58 – Power Whip

Learned by previous evolutions:  Baby-Doll Eyes
Egg Moves:  Amnesia, Uproar, Rapid Spin, Hydro Pump, Charm, Draining Kiss, Minimize, Fake Tears, Ingrain
TMs/HMs (not yet completed)
Marimote Movesets (none yet submitted)  
#099 -#100 - Pilit > Thermote

Pilit: 40/50/35/60/35/55, 275.  Type:  Fire/Poison  Abilities:  Adaptability/Mold Breaker  Hidden Ability:  Tinted Lens
Thermote:  75/87/72/89/72/74, 469.  Type:  Fire/Poison  Abilities:  Adaptability/Mold Breaker  Hidden Ability:  Tinted Lens
#100 – Thermote
-Poison Gas
19 – Quick Attack
22 – Flame Charge
25 – Smog
28 – Focus Energy
33 – Flame Burst
37 – Poison Jab
41 – Flamethrower
46 – Slash
50 – Venoshock
54 – Inferno
57 – Flash Cannon
60 – Overheat

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Fire Spin, Acid Spray, Mud Bomb, Spark, Flare Blitz, Clear Smog, Sonic Boom
Missmatch Movesets (None yet Submitted)
#104-#106 - Wondero > Powero > Supero

Wondero: 60/70/50/50/35/40, 305.  Type:  Fighting  Abilities:  Justified/Scrappy  Hidden Ability:  Levitate
Powero:  70/90/65/70/50/60, 405.   Type:  Fighting  Abilities:  Justified/Big Pecks  Hidden Ability:  Levitate
Supero:  80/110/80/85/60/90, 505.  Type:  Fighting/Flying  Abilities:  Justified/Big Pecks  Hidden Ability:  Iron Fist

#106 Supero
-Hyper Beam
-Fire Punch
-Comet Punch
-Follow Me
10 – Mach Punch
15 – Bulk Up
21 – Pursuit
26 – Force Palm
30 – Aerial Ace
34 – Wide Guard
39 – Mega Punch
43 – Sky Uppercut
48 – Fly
52 – After You
55 – Meteor Mash
58 – Superpower
62 – Brave Bird

Learned by previous evolutions:  Work Up, Acrobatics, Sky Attack
Egg Moves:  Blaze Kick, Cross Chop, Reversal, Mind Reader, Tailwind, Circle Throw, Flying Press
Supero Movesets (None Yet Submitted)
#107 -#108 - Plusheet > Pilload

Plusheet: 122/60/65/55/55/20, 377.  Type:  Fairy  Abilities:  Oblivious/Unaware  Hidden Ability:  Soundproof
Pilload:  160/109/109/64/65/30, 537.  Type:  Fairy  Abilities:  Oblivious/Unaware  Hidden Ability:  Soundproof
#108 Pilload
-Baby-Doll Eyes
15 – Play Nice
19 – Sing
24 – Fake Out
30 – Recycle
33 – Draining Kiss
38 – Substitute
40 - Yawn
43 – Body Slam
49 – Wish
54 – Cotton Guard
60 – Play Rough

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Tickle, Bide, Belly Drum, Charm, Snore, Growth, Flail, Mimic, Focus Punch
Pilload Movesets
#109 -#110 - Flambino > Flambingo

Flambino: 35/44/49/65/56/50, 299.  Type:  Fire  Abilities:  Magma Armor/Dry Skin  Hidden Ability:  Moody
Flambingo:  65/74/64/100/96/80, 479.  Type:  Fire  Abilities:  Magma Armor/Dry Skin  Hidden Ability:  Moody
#110 Flambingo
-Heat Wave
9– Ember
15 – Incinerate
20 – Haze
24 – Wing Attack
28 – Fire Spin
33 – Featherdance
36 – Attract
41 – Flamethrower
43 – Captivate
47 – Teeter Dance
50 – Heat Wave
53 – Scald

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Charm, Helping Hand, Morning Sun, Soak, Brave Bird, Flatter, Mist, Defog
Flambingo Movesets (None yet Submitted)
#111 -#112 - Knifry > Maulin

Knifry: 58/69/47/47/47/78, 346.  Type:  Water  Abilities:  Hyper Cutter/Scrappy  Hidden Ability:  Sniper
Maulin:  81/121/81/43/43/92, 483.  Type:  Water  Abilities:  Hyper Cutter/Scrappy  Hidden Ability:  Sniper
#112 Maulin
-Tail Whip
11 – Fury Cutter
16 – Fury Attack
19 – Quick Attack
23 – Brine
27 – Focus Energy
30 – Horn Attack
35 – Hone Claws
38 – Slash
39 – Quick Guard
43 – Aqua Jet
48 – Swords Dance
52 – Dive
57 – Double-Edge

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Poison Sting, Icicle Spear, Night Slash, Ice Fang, Flail, Lock-On, Horn Drill, Curse, Megahorn
Maulin Movesets
#113 -#114 - Drollfin > Pompoise

Drollfin: 58/50/50/59/51/78, 346.  Type:  Water  Abilities:  Water Absorb/Analytic  Hidden Ability:  Justified
Pompoise:  81/54/54/111/91/92, 483.  Type:  Water  Abilities:  Water Absorb/Analytic  Hidden Ability:  Justified
#114 Pompoise
-Water Gun
-Aqua Jet
11 – Supersonic
16 – Sonicboom
19 – Water Pulse
23 – Brine
27 – Sing
30 – Tail Slap
35 – Calm Mind
38 – Nasty Plot
39 – Swagger
43 – Whale Song
48 – Bounce
52 – Hyper Voice
57 – Hydro Pump

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Extrasensory, Heal Pulse, Synchronoise, Aqua Ring, Follow Me, Water Spout, Mind Reader, Soak, Zen Headbutt
Pompoise Movesets (None yet Submitted)
Whale Song:  80 base power Special Water move. Inflicts damage on all adjacent pokemon and has a 30% chance to confuse each target. This move is sound-based and will not affect any target with the Soundproof ability.
#115 -#116 - Thumbolt > Krakohm

Thumbolt: 48/38/38/68/38/78, 308.  Type:  Electric/Water  Abilities:  Water Veil/Suction Cups  Hidden Ability:  Swift Swim
Krakohm:  68/68/58/98/68/108, 468Type:  Electric/Water  Abilities:  Water Veil/Suction Cups  Hidden Ability:  Swift Swim
#116 – Krakohm
-Water Gun
-Thunder Wave
-Power Whip
21 – Wrap
25 – Aqua Jet
28 – Charge
32 – Shock Wave
37 – Brine
40 – Parabolic Charge
44 – Rain Dance
47 – Soak
50 – Thunderbolt
55 – Hydro Pump

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Aqua Ring, Constrict, Water Pulse, Wring Out, Barrier, Amnesia, Acid, Signal Beam, Aurora Beam
Krakohm Movesets
#117 Dreadeep

Dreadeep: 82/105/100/68/70/60, 485.  Type:  Dragon  Abilities:  Intimidate/Sheer Force  Hidden Ability:  Swift Swim

#117 Dreadeep
9 – Bite
17 –Scary Face
21 – Dragon Rage
25 – Aqua Tail
30 – Feint Attack
36 – Dragon Rush
42 – Coil
44 – Dive
47 – Crunch
54 – Outrage
60 – Dragon Dance

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Ice Fang, Magnitude, Thunder Fang, Poison Fang, Double-Edge, Roar, Scary Face, Iron Tail, Aqua Ring, Quick Attack
TMs/HMs (not yet complete)
Dreadeep Movesets
#121-#122- Cubii > Cuubii

Cubii: 59/59/39/69/79/69, 374.  Type:  Psychic/Dark Abilities:  Contrary  Hidden Ability:  Plane Shift
Cuubii:  79/89/69/99/109/89, 534.  Type:  Psychic/Dark Abilities:  Contrary  Hidden Ability:  Plane Shift
#122 Cuubii
-Magic Room
-Wonder Room
15 – Double Team
20 – Feint Attack
25 – Portal Glitch
30 – Substitute
37 – Psychic
42 – Ally Switch
48 – Phantom Force
52 – Dark Pulse
57 – Trick Room

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Confuse Ray, Trick, Shadow Sneak, Magic Coat, Barrier, Switcheroo, Psycho Shift, Sketch, Skill Swap
Cuubii Movesets (None yet Submitted)
[i]Portal Glitch (Attack):  Forces the target out of play in a trainer battle, dragging in a randomly chosen Pokémon from the opponent’s team.  In wild encounters, forces the opponent to flee as long as they are of lower level than the user.  Fails if used when the opponent has no inactive Pokémon, if the target has Suction Cups or is rooted by Ingrain, or if it is used against a same- or higher-leveled targets in a wild encounter.  This attack is not blocked by Substitute.  Is functionally identical to Roar and Whirlwind, save that it hits opponents with the Soundproof ability (unlike Roar).  This attack’s effect can be reflected by Magic Coat and Magic Bounce.  This attack works on Dark-types, despite being Psychic-typed.  This move has -6 priority.
Plane Shift (Ability):  Raises the user’s Evasion stat by one stage for each stat lowered by an opponent, including the Evasion stat.  This does not include self-induced stat drops such as those from Close Combat.  Plane Shift will not activate if the user’s stat is lowered by an ally in double or triple battles.  This ability activates once per each incidence of a stat-dropping action (that is, Intimidate lowers Attack by one stage, Screech lowers Defense by two stages, and Plane Shift only activates once in both of these cases.  Regardless of the number of stages the stat is lowered, Plane Shift only activates once for that incidence).  Plane Shift can be activated twice in a turn only if it has a stat/stats lowered through two separate actions (such as two Intimidate users) in a single turn, as in a Double or Triple battle.  
#123 Tectrapod

Tectrapod: 93/80/162/50/85/20, 490.  Type:  Rock  Abilities:  Cloud Nine/Storm Drain  Hidden Ability:  Heavy Metal

#123 Tetrapod
-Wide Guard
10 – Embargo
15 – Rock Tomb
20 – Block
25 – Follow Me
30 – Endure
33 – Rock Blast
36 – Stealth Rock
40 – Brine
43 – Body Slam
46 – Guard Swap
50 – Spikes
53 – Rock Slide
56 – Heavy Slam

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Camouflage, Flail, Rototiller, Stored Power, Sand Tomb, Ancient Power, Ingrain, Mud Shot
Tectrapod Movesets (None yet Submitted)  
#124 - Eevee > Chesheon

Eevee: 55/55/50/45/65/55, 286.  Type:  Normal  Abilities:  Run Away/Adaptability  Hidden Ability:  Anticipation
Chesheon:  110/130/60/95/65/65.  Type:  Ghost  Abilities:  Levitate  Hidden Ability:  Clear Body

#124 Chesheon
-Tail Whip
-Helping Hand
5 – Sand-Attack
9 – Hex
13 – Quick Attack
17 – Feint Attack
21 – Pain Split
25 – Shadow Sneak
29 - Glare
33 – Hypnosis
37 – Nightmare
41 – Last Resort
45 – Phantom Force

Learned by previous evolutions:  Growl, Baby-Doll Eyes, Swift, Bite, Refresh, Covet, Take Down, Charm, Baton Pass, Double-Edge, Trump Card
Egg Moves:  Captivate, Charm, Covet, Curse, Detect, Endure, Fake Tears, Flail, Natural Gift, Stored Power, Synchronoise, Tickle, Wish, Yawn
Chesheon Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
#125 - Eevee > Meleeon

Eevee: 55/55/50/45/65/55, 286.  Type:  Normal  Abilities:  Run Away/Adaptability  Hidden Ability:  Anticipation
Chesheon:  130/110/65/95/60/65.  Type:  Fighting  Abilities:  Vital Spirit  Hidden Ability:  Defiant

#125 Meleeon
-Tail Whip
-Helping Hand
5 – Sand-Attack
9 – Low Kick
13 – Quick Attack
17 – Bite
21 – Detect
25 – Vacuum Wave
29 – Quick Guard
33 – Counter
37 – Focus Blast
41 – Last Resort
45 – Superpower

Learned by previous evolutions:  Growl, Baby-Doll Eyes, Swift, Bite, Refresh, Covet, Take Down, Charm, Baton Pass, Double-Edge, Trump Card
Egg Moves:  Captivate, Charm, Covet, Curse, Detect, Endure, Fake Tears, Flail, Natural Gift, Stored Power, Synchronoise, Tickle, Wish, Yawn
Meleeon Movesets (None Submitted Yet)
#126 -#127 - Chibli > Grotoro

Chibli: 60/40/45/65/75/45, 330.  Type:  Grass/Fairy  Abilities:  Natural Cure/Serene Grace  Hidden Ability:  Wonder Guard
Grotoro:  101/75/85/104/90/80, 535.  Type:  Grass/Fairy  Abilities:  Natural Cure/Serene Grace  Hidden Ability:  Wonder Guard
#127 – Grotoro
-Teeter Dance
10 – Bestow
14 – Growth
17 – Yawn
22 – Leech Seed
25 – Hidden Power
29 – Energy Ball
32 – Metronome
35 – Bounce
39 – Synthesis
41 – Seed Bomb
48 – Secret Power
51 – Play Rough
55 – Leaf Storm

Learned by previous evolutions:  Play Nice, Bullet Seed
Egg Moves:  Extrasensory, Magical Leaf, Wish, Charm, Seed Bomb, Petal Dance, Cotton Spore, Dizzy Punch, Whirlwind
Grotoro Movesets

#128-#129 - Greenade > Bamboom

Greenade: 45/58/57/55/48/60, 323.  Type:  Normal/Grass Abilities:  Aftermath/Mold Breaker  Hidden Ability:  Chlorolate
Bamboom:  73/92/84/83/76/82, 490.  Type:  Normal/Grass Abilities:  Aftermath/Mold Breaker  Hidden Ability:  Chlorolate
#129 Bamboom
-Rapid Spin
-Fake Out
17 - Shadow Sneak
21 – Spikes
25 – Selfdestruct
30 – Faint Attack
33 – Slam
35 – Scary Face
39 – Confide
45 – Seed Bomb
49 – Nasty Plot
54 – Spikes
59 – Explosion
63 – Wood Hammer
68 – Baton Pass

Learned by previous evolutions:  Pursuit
Egg Moves:  Bug Buzz, Egg Bomb, Phantom Force, Selfdestruct, Leech Seed, Confide
Bamboom Movesets (None yet Submitted)
#130-#131 - Conchious > Knowtilus

Conchious: 56/30/95/72/50/26, 329.  Type:  Psychic/Bug Abilities:  Water Absorb/Shell Armor  Hidden Ability:  Analyze
Knowtilus: 81/55/120/109/75/41, 481.  Type:  Psychic/Bug Abilities:  Water Absorb/Shell Armor  Hidden Ability:  Analyze
#131 – Knowtilus
-Wring Out
10 – Meditate
16 – Confusion
21 – Water Sport
25 – Bide
29 – Psybeam
34 – Miracle Eye
39 – Razor Shell
43 – Future Sight
47 – Cosmic Power
51 – Signal Beam
56 – Psychic
60 – Nasty Plot
64 – Stored Power

Learned by previous evolutions:  None
Egg Moves:  Hypnosis, Amnesia, Barrier, Acupressure, Growth, Rapid Spin, Power Gem, Moonlight, Confuse Ray, Lucky Chant, Mind Reader, Disable, Steamroller
Knowtilus Movesets (None yet Submitted)

For the rest of the FakeDex, click this link!
More to come.
I'm not a competitive player, but I'm excited to see this project progress! Elefount would be like an elephant, right? It sounds like it'd be super cute!
I'm Umbreon, the nocturnal member of #TeamForum
Those well-practiced in the art of deceit may find themselves welcome to join me on Town of Salem...
Now to make it into a fakemon game Kappa
I actually saw the thread posted less than a minute after it was up. I didn't want to comment on it though because I read "feedback from competitive players" and I knew I didn't have the mind for it xD

Just want to say though from my point of view, the pokemons do look balanced. Pachydon looks like a potential trick room + water spout user, which is really cool. I can also see it being a decent wall, or even a mixed mon thanks to Calm Mind.

Comparing the moves to one another and the moves to the stats, it looks balanced to me. Sizzley's Belly Drum + Agility combo would be OP, but almost impossible to setup, so it makes sense to be in the movepool. People who can set it up deserves a sweep. Also, good thing it has no priority moves xD

I like Laetzel's typing. I don't think we have that typing yet that can put on offensive pressure. I might be wrong though. It's stats look really nice too. Having access to physical priority moves is nice too even for a special attacker. I run into some Sylveon's with quick attack sometimes. Completely throws me off my game.

The hidden abilities are also really nice. Heavy metal is a hidden ability you almost never see used, but with moves like Heavy Slam, it makes sense. Maybe add a few more to make it's ability stand out more (I am unfamiliar with the ability, idk if you have other moves in their that effect it xD)? Hustle is a very cool one too. Sacrificing accuracy for power, that makes this pokemon very scary to go up against. Delibird come through :D? And finally, Flower gift making it especially viable in doubles format. Would love to see how it performs since Cherrim has always helped me in my time of need.

I may not have the knowledge of a competitive player, but it looks like you took careful time to pick out moves that have some sort of synergy and do not make a pokemon OP, and took time to balance the stats accordingly as well. So personally, I really like how it is turning out so far!
Updated first post with first 31 Pokemon. More to be posted, possibly today, and during the next week or two.
This is awesome. I don't have time to give some actual feedback now.... just a quick question:
Will there be art work as well :D?
(May 13, 2015, 02:06 AM)kuun_kun Wrote: This is awesome. I don't have time to give some actual feedback now.... just a quick question:
Will there be art work as well :D?

I do have artwork for many of them already. However later in the process I may be looking for assistance with the others.
That's nice! Will there be feedback on the art as well?
Also are you planning on creating an actual Fakemon game from it? I'm very curious, and i really like this kind of fan-based projects Angel
(May 13, 2015, 06:15 AM)kuun_kun Wrote: That's nice! Will there be feedback on the art as well?
Also are you planning on creating an actual Fakemon game from it? I'm very curious, and i really like this kind of fan-based projects Angel

The site, at present, will be a text-based Pokemon RPG, prominently featuring these fakemon. There will be all the real-world Pokemon, of course, but they will be less common than the fakemon during the initial playthrough. The main differences between this game and the real handheld games will be the battling format (selecting two moves/actions at a time, making prediction be of even higher importance) and the ability for Pokemon to dodge attacks rather than attacking. The specifics are pretty well-established on the back-end of the project, such as the effectiveness of the aforementioned dodging and so on, so I won't really release them here just yet.

As for evaluating the art/designs of the fakemon themselves, I created this thread hoping to get battling feedback and movepool ideas. In the future, I may open a thread in the Art section of the forum for character design feedback.

Updated the list with 7 new final evolutions; Pignatta, all four of Fweather's potential evolutions (like Eevee, it evolves permanently into one of several evolutions, however which one is based on overworld weather conditions), Dustrek, and Arbore. I am also going to start adding my pre-existing movesets into these sections; be sure to check those out. Some of the existing movesets do mention comparisons to real-world Pokemon; this will be amended to reflect my desire to keep these fakemon as a self-contained generation. Of course, if anybody suggests movesets, I'll add them to those lists as well. I could really use some feedback here as I upload more fakemon.

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#148 Dragonair

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