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My year 2015 was ... weird. I didn`t manage to do a lot of things i wanted to do like asking my crush out or getting good grades in school. I learned a lot about my friends and lost a lot of them because of that. I didn`t know how some of them are really behind their faces and that was a rly bad experience for me. I kinda wish i wouldn`t know a few things about them but it came like it should be and now i`m with only a few great guys left. I went throught a lot of bullshit this year and it clearly wasn`t my best one. But i found a lot things out too this year for example I know now who i really like to be with. I had a lot fun just sitting in my room in front of my Mac, having my 2ds. my ds. a great book and my phone on my side to watch videos and play games and listen to good music with my closest friends. I`m kinda glad that i know now that my 2 closest friends are really bad inside (they betrayed me on a really bad way) and i`m not hanging out with them anymore so i did at least one good thing this year for me.

That kinda explains my year 2015 and i hope i`ll still be in this community next year to write an article about 2016.
Good Luck in the new year to everyone!!

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RE: SHINY Mini Mew Giveaway!!! [NEW YEARS GIVEAWAY!!] - by kikiliano - Dec 21, 2015, 11:00 AM

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