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Week 21 Meet and Greet- Come and Take a Seat!

Titan will always have a part in my heart. I love his fight and I love watching people get landslided off, and I just love titan. He's one of my favorite primals. Y'know since a primal diablos fight isnt here yet

However, he's really easy to me now.. Can I choose Alexander? He's not under the trial list for primal fights, but he's definitely a primal. I love his fight, it's amazing.

That being said Alex > Coil in my opinion.

Only because it's so fresh and I love the theme, I love me some Coil though. I should go back and do it again soon.
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.

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RE: Week 21 Meet and Greet- Come and Take a Seat - by Rogue - Oct 5, 2016, 03:38 PM

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