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VGC/Competitive Battling Mentorship Program
Hi ! :D
I'm new here and I really want to play on Double/ VGC but I'm a beginner and I would like creat my first team with some pokemon that i like,
But the thing, it's that I don't really know what my team "must" have in it, for exemple, if I put this pokemon on my team, will it work with the team ?
Or is it really wrong to put it in my team and all things like that.

I already have a ditto with 6IV (thanks to miracle trade !) and everything for build a competitive pokemon and so on,
But one of my problem is to creat a team that will work together x)

I really hope i can find a mentor for helping me Smile That would be great ! :D
Only problem, it's that i live in France and work a lot Sad

Thank you all Smile
(Sorry if i made some mistakes, I still need some practice in english Smile )

Messages In This Thread
RE: VGC/Competitive Battling Mentorship Program - by Komari740 - Jan 29, 2015, 02:06 PM

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