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I have two special moments from this year.
Part of my family lives in Ireland and my younger sister (age 9) had just gotten pokemon X. On my last visit I had taught her how to trade and wonder trade pokemon but she didn't know anything about the game chat. So one day I asked her to trade with me and turned it on. I listened for a while when she was talking to herself about the pokemon I was showing and how cute it was but then I started talking and she realized I could hear her. She sounded so happy and it really made my day. I also traded her a shiny mudkip and a shiny buneary because she likes pink.

The other was just a while ago. I finished school and I can now officially call myself a book binder but the best thing was that the people who were evaluating my skills and books said that If I needed someone to recommend me for a job I could give them their numbers and if I ever start up a business they would buy my books and papers. And those people have a special qualification in book binding. Of course they did point out all the mistakes in my books as well but they also gave me tips on how to do better.

So I have high hopes for 2016.

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RE: SHINY Mini Mew Giveaway!!! [NEW YEARS GIVEAWAY!!] - by Aqwell - Dec 8, 2015, 05:20 AM

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