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[DISCUSSION] What are you looking for?
@Drangor2 Thank you for the input Smile
@Drangor2 Did you hear about the guy who wants to make an IF Chapter of Re: ZERO?
Thanks for all the good times~
@"Anabel" No, i didn't saw, i mostly only watch anime and in rare case Manga info(though only one piece and fairy tail manga by accident i was reading for last years) They are making less good anime these days( my genre are romance with action, similiar style of Re zero and rokudenashi majutsu koushi)
(Sep 8, 2017, 02:48 PM)Drangor2 Wrote: @"Anabel" No, i didn't saw, i mostly only watch anime and in rare case Manga info(though only one piece and fairy tail manga by accident i was reading for last years) They are making less good anime these days( my genre are romance with action, similiar style of Re zero and rokudenashi majutsu koushi)

I gotta agree, anime isn't as good as it used to be before. Anyway the guy wh made the occulus rift {Yeah seriously} wants to make one spin-off episode based on

What if Subaru picked Rem over Emilia in Rem's confession episode
Thanks for all the good times~

Text goes here!
Try this

[.spoiler]Text goes here![./spoiler] Without ''point''
@Drangor2 ty
Thanks for all the good times~
Cows and Star Wars!  

Of course.
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

PM me if you need help with competitive battling!
I hope this isn't too simple a request & you think I'm wasting your time, but I'd really like a giveaway of pokemon that would be good as a catching pokemon eg Smeargle, I find it too confusing trying to get it to sketch all the moves or Parasect with the spore ability (I've been trying for ages) or one with scrappy to SOS the ghosts.
I have only one thing to say:

May the Force be with you

Star Wars sounds good, but any BR mons are appreciated.

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