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[GIVEAWAY] Pokedex Breedjects! Current: Bulbasaur

Hello everyone,
I will be starting a Pokedex Breedjects Giveaway as of now. Before I explain, I would very much appreciate a +1 rep as I do try to help the community at the best of my ability, and this helps prove so and shows you appreciate it.

This is how it will work. I will be working through the ENTIRE POKEDEX shiny hunting each and every one of them (one for each highest evo). So for example, If I was hunting Eevee I would need one shiny for each Eeveelution. Therefore I would have more Breedjects to giveaway, although I'm sure it wouldn't run out as it usually takes hundreds if not thousands to get one shiny. I will be doing this one by one until I have completed the entire shiny dex. 

Due to me doing Breedjects in the past and giving them away, I know how quick people's Pokemon can be traded in the GTS. Therefore I will NOT BE DOING THIS IN THE GTS. It's much more convenient to do it through link trade. 


Pokemon: Bulbasaur
IVs: 5-6
Nature: Specify
Gender: Specify
Moves: Tackle, Leaf Storm
Ability: BOTH. Specify.

How to get one:

1. Add my friend code
2. Post a reply to this thread with the following: In Game Name and the Pokemon specifications (Nature, Gender). 
3. Be patient, I will try my best to get to you WITHIN 24 HOURS. If I haven't gotten to you within that time then please Private Message me ONCE.

If you like giveaways then check the following:
Free Evolution Items (In Trade Shop)
Shiny 6IV Ditto Giveaway!
Hidden Ability Legendary Bird Trio Giveaway!

Hope you enjoy this giveaway. Thank You.
Sorry about my absence, more giveaways coming soon!

PM me about shinies you would like me to start hunting, suggestions wanted.
Can I work with you in this giveaway? I have a couple of HA Gible I can trade
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
@Total-Insanity  I was thinking of doing the same thing one of these days so I join Johnnyspyguy in his call to help you Wink
Wow this is great. 
Pokemon: bulbasaur 
Gender: male 
Nature modest 
Ability: Chlorophyll

I already added you from the ditto event I belive, I'll be online in 4h-6h, you are not around don't worry, I'll try and be online later
@Total-Insanity  add me too bro
my code is 4442-2820-7203
You always have great Giveaways!
Pokemon: Bulbasaur 
Gender: Male 
Nature: Brave 
Ability: Chlorophyll

IGN: Gringolo
Can i have one please?
IGN: Titera
Pokemon: Bulbasaur 
Gender: Female
Nature Modest 
Ability: Chlorophyll
Can I get one?
Pokemon: Bulbasaur
IGN : Dawn
Gender : Male
Nature : quirky
Ability : Clorophyll
I already have you added Smile I am on EST time and weekends work best for me Smile
I'd really like one of there bulbasuars 
ability: chlorophyll 

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