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[IMPORTANT] Comment or 1000 years of bad luck + Rogue punches you in the face.
(Nov 3, 2015, 10:53 AM)Eckley Wrote: I think some have overestimated the seriousness of "team forum" and "team replay". It was just a brief thing to have a bit of fun in one of Justin's tournaments, and was never intended to divide. Admittedly, I don't spend any time in the replay. But, that doesn't mean I have anything against it or the people who do use it.

Yeah, this is how it started. Each "side" was jokingly created for his tournaments and it was a fun way to make it more competitive. While this did work, and still works; There is still some resistance on both ends. I often hear members of the replay downtalk the forum members, and I've even heard the same here. It's silly, but I guess small conflict is unavoidable.
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.
i like the friendly atmosphere of reading different things that people enjoy

and nothing could make it better (except snacks! i vote for m&ms or 3 musketeers)
Maybe some Forum Intern Leagues? Not one of these hosted by Members on spreadsheets etc but maybe a whole section with Ladders, Playing times etc. we might do sth like an own BS Ladder kinda with weekly differing special fights etc. It's just a random Idea, i think i'd participate in that and i suppose i could also get more ppl who i know irl to get into it. Hopefully you catch my idea haha :D It'd maybe even push ppl to put up even more guides and we might attract even more ppl. Justin might cast the games or at least the most viewed ones etc. We might set up an own section with the Battle Replays, maybe on a different hosting site to relocate the traffic. It is just an idea but i think it'd be really fun !
What keeps me coming back?
The people
What makes me not wanna visit often?
Forums tend to get clogged
How to make this place better?
Add a feature that allows users to verify when they are online in game.
Walkthroughs of games
Connect with social media/smartphones (an app?)
Activity checks, not online for a month get locked out (supports active users and diminishes trolling)
Add a custom playlist option while browsing the forums
Contests for free pizza gift cards (dominoes pappajohns littleceasar pizza hut etc...)
Ok now for me to actually take this thing seriously.
What keeps me coming back to forums like these: The sense of a community and how everyone likes helping ot everyone keeps me here to be honest. I also don't really have any other place that I belong i so having a place that accepts me for who I am is quite nice :3

What makes me not visit as much as I want to?

What would make this place better?
Have a music player option
make the chat more accessible so that your are able to chat while reading threads
Have a decay time where if you do not go online for a set amount of time, your username becomes available for others to use
Eckley is best grill
Go on and on, grow into a phenomenon
I only click here because I don't want rogue to punch me in the face, but after reading all the discussions i realized this is a serious subject.

I don't know what makes me come back here, every time i open google i automatically type

Thing that prevents me from coming as much as i want is WORK. Although I still check the site from time to time when my boss is at break. Smile

So might as well add some ideas. First is a chat option, I only tried the chat section once. yup once and it redirected me somewhere else and i thought it was a different site so i never did again. It's only a problem to me because I've been trying to get in touch with Aether about something and i think a chat option will probably help.

Meta VGC nowadays to be honest is actually boring because of the standard CHALK teams. Where is the creativity? That's why having tournaments like the spooky cup is a great idea. (BTW sorry for not being fully available in the tourney, work got in the way) So maybe another tournament will be fun. Also why don't we make our own league. Where some forum users will act as gym leaders. Each gym will have their own rules and banned pokemon so people will have to come up with different strategies per gym. Then by the last week of the month everyone who defeated the gym leaders will have a tournament. the winner of which can then challenge the elite four then the champion. If he wins, he'll be the next champ. It seems to be difficult to pull though. Got that idea from facebook btw.

Got no idea about the "replay" so i don't have anything to say about it
I'm a logger

I record my Pokemon journey in this diary

so a journeyer?

Question 1 answer: I love the pokemon giveaways they have here.

Question 2 answer: Nothing! This place can't be better!
hi? please no bad luck o.o
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
I keep coming to see the posts because I want to help other people with their games and occasionally look for help on my game.

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