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[VGC] Pokemon VGC 2015 Metagame Megathread
yeah i wish the items in the battle maison were a little cheeper, its hard to get alot of Bp, i do really good but then i meet that person that paralysis me or confuses me and im done the highest ive gotten in super doubles was like 32 :P
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
i'm already at like 28 in doubles after like the 10th battle for some reason they stop bring taunt into TR teams...
Ah that's annoying. I remember when I needed one for somebody on X, it took me ages to get haha
I still have a ability capsule if you want. I was grinding points for it for 3 hours, after that I found out my Moxie (wanted guts) Heracross couldn't even use it because it had 3 abilities instead of two Kappa
lol dw eeveeli keep it in case you need it maison pulls rubbish to counter my teams anyway so i can find weaknesses that way :D like how empoleon is a massive pain for me to deal with...
Guys my Klinklang is doing really good on my team he can 1 shot most mega Gardeviors with out using shift gear :P
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
wow nice was thinking about maybe getting him or aromatisse to replace dusclops as my 2nd tr setter to better resist the knock off and let me play more offensive XD
You better bring that Klinklang to one of future tourneys then Anime. I use Klinklang in my NU team and it's so good when used right! [Image: 1.0]

And okay I will keep it but just remind me if you ever need it Evil :P !
have you seen my Vgc 15 thread eeveeli im proud of the team i made Smile
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Evil try aromatisse because its HA prevents things like taunt being used on it and it's allies

Edit: I saw it Anime, and I liked it. Although I've never used the evo line myself, I'll always have a thing for them because i found my first ever shiny which was a klink while walking through chargestone cave in BW2

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