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[VGC or SMOGON] Q&A Thread - Ask Us Anything (REDUX)
Cool, thank you so much! I'll probably go with the Dragon Dance set. :D
I really appreciate you answering my question.
Sylveon, use destroy everything!
It's super effective ~♥
When it comes to Hidden Abilities and breeding, does the female Pokemon have to have it, or is it a random chance for the child to have the male Pokemon ability or it have the female Pokemon's ability? I'm asking because I haven't bred Pokemon based on what abilities they have, so I'm a noob to it.
Pokemon trainer since 2004!
(Oct 29, 2015, 12:45 PM)naitre Wrote: The female passes the HA. There is a 60% chance for the mother to pass down the hidden ability if she has it. A male with the HA has a 30% chance of passing it down, but only with a Ditto.

As of gen 6 there's also a 20% chance the male will pass it down when breeding with a female of the same species regardless of the females ability.
Aww man. So no Torchic with speed boost for me Sad
Pokemon trainer since 2004!
(Oct 29, 2015, 02:13 PM)bradar485 Wrote:
(Oct 29, 2015, 12:45 PM)naitre Wrote: The female passes the HA. There is a 60% chance for the mother to pass down the hidden ability if she has it. A male with the HA has a 30% chance of passing it down, but only with a Ditto.

As of gen 6 there's also a 20% chance the male will pass it down when breeding with a female of the same species regardless of the females ability.

Or maybe it's a 20% chance if the female has HA.... or with a ditto. I'm finding a lot of conflicting stuff now
"Inheriting Abilities
Since Generation V, it has been possible for female Pokémon to pass down their Ability in some form when breeding with a male Pokémon. In Black and White, it was only possible for a female Pokémon to pass down its Ability if it had a Hidden Ability, at a 60% chance. Starting in Black 2 and White 2, this mechanic was updated so that females had an 80% chance of passing down their Ability slot, period. In Black 2 and White 2, this same 80% chance does not apply if a female Pokémon is bred with a Ditto, but starting in X and Y, it does.
Before Generation VI, it was not possible for male or genderless Pokémon to pass down their Ability in any way. Starting in Generation VI, however, if these Pokémon have their Hidden Ability and are bred with Ditto, they have a 20% chance to pass it down to their offspring. Ditto's Ability is always irrelevant to inheritance."

source - Bulbapedia

So when you're breeding for a HA, one of the Pokemon must actually have the ability. If you try breeding without the HA you'll never have an offspring with it's hidden ability.
Females have an 80% chance to pass on HA
Males have a 20% chance to pass on a HA when breeding with a Ditto only
(Oct 29, 2015, 05:38 PM)Feax Wrote: So i am building my first team right now for doubles and i got
Mawile and meowstick

What moves would u suggest for the male meowstick
I got
-quick guard

I really like the combo but it seems kinda weak because it takes so many turns to set up and there are so many moves meowstick can learn as support role
So what would u guys suggest me ^^ on male or female meowstick


Male Meowstic is the best version to use competitive especially if its VGC or Battle Spot Doubles. Sorry but Female Meowstic isn't even too great since some people use Mega Gardevoir, Cresselia and Mega Alakazam for their main special sweeper.

Safeguard - swagger is somewhat of a risk combo since I used it on two separate Pokemon in order to achieve this strategy though Meowstic is honestly the best Pokemon to pull this off. If you are going for a full support Meowstic, have at least a Mental Herb so Taunt doesn't stop Meowstic on that turn specific turn. Thunder Wave makes sense considering that you are using a Mega Mawile and its sleep is somewhat low though you can always try out a Trick Room set if interested.

If you aren't interested in using a Safe Swagger set, then I'd probably recommend Helping Hand, Charm, Fake Out, Reflect, Light Screen etc with maybe a Psychic move. Again it really depends on your team so just post an RMT here if you want more help with it. Just make sure it has enough details for us to review over.
what is the damage formula in know there are some calculators, buy im a programmer i want to brute force and know for every single pokemon which are the hardest hitting attacks it can receive, im not interested in smogon analisis or metagame, i just want raw numbers and i will crunch them to get my own conclusions
I think this is what you're looking for
I apologize if someone asked this earlier in the thread and I missed it, but:

I'm having issues making a thread with a poll. I click on the box that says "I want to use a poll" and nothing changes. What do?

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