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[TEMP CLOSED] [Gen VII] The Breedject Corner - Help with movesets and you can get free BR Pokémon!
(Nov 23, 2017, 09:44 AM)Tenebris_Kane Wrote: OK everyone, my DS is back and I am pretty much ready to trade when I see people Online!  It's great to be back  Big Grin 


I have your komala sat in a box ready for trading and I also have stuff you aksed for before if you still want it?


I have a magby and sableye ready and waiting for you


I have all but the lileep ready to trade, I have the lileep to breed from but I will need to do that tomorrow morning so if we trade after that then all 8 will be ready


Since my DS is back and working now I can get you sorted with a charmander, just tell me what you are wanting

Ohohohohoh I'm so hapyy for you&your DS! Btw, let me know when we could trade. I'm ready even now
I will be free after 3 PM my time which is either 8 or 9 PM your time. If you wanna trade tonight sometime.

Sorry I was really busy last night so I didn't get your message, I will be free most of tomorrow if you want to trade then?
Tomorrow I have to work until 6PM my time which if I'm not mistaken is midnight your time. I can try to get off a little while for lunch which would be around 6PM for you. Are you gunna be busy today as well?

I  will be online for the next hour or so and will probably be online some tonight for trading if you want
I just added your FC and I'm hopping into festival plaza now if you can trade now

I am connecting now

I realised that I need to quickly go to the bank to get the Lileep, should only take a minute or two
it's ok I actually have somewhere I have to go IRL so I can just get it from you later today. Sorry about that
I'll be home in 20 minutes or so if you can trade again tonight.
That should be fine for me, I have set a reminder on my phone since otherwise I would be too distracted by my work  Tongue

Edit: I am connecting to the internet now, feel free to initiate the trade when you are ready

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