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Week 21 Meet and Greet- Come and Take a Seat!
"If you were a Pokemon, which would you be? Which Pokeball would you want to be caught in?"

I'd love to pick a pokemon a love. But considering I only own black clothing and I'm mean, I'd probably be Zekrom. I'll only accept a masterball as my home.

"If you were to start your own evil orginization, what would you call it? Which region would it be in? Which legendary would you use to destroy the world?"

Even though we don't know the details, I'd honestly rather just own team skull. Alola is fine. Does UB02 Expansion count as a legendary? If so, him. If not, I'd probably use Giratina.

"What other games do you play other than Pokemon?"

Mostly Smite and Final Fantasy 14. I'm a diamond ranked player in Smite, and play daily. I also juggle Final Fantasy 14 when I can. I play White Mage and I'm currently preparing for Alexander Savage.

"Cheeseburger or pizza?"

I love a good burger, but I'm very picky. So it's hard to find one I really like. Pizza is really simple and easier to enjoy, so I guess it depends on where it's from.

"Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question"

@naitre Never. We out here slaying gods and primals. No time to return from war.

@GiMYz I'll be honest with you. I love you, girl. Will you go on a date with me? I know it's sudden.

@Justin Hey Flynn :D Battle me?

@Unit501 thank

@ChaseInfinity what shampoo do you use it smells wonderful.

@Black117 If you could no longer play Pokemon competitively, whats the next game you'd move onto and tackle?

@"Squeab" ban me

@"MudkipLegend" how you like your eggs? fried or fertilized?
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.

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RE: Week 21 Meet and Greet- Come and Take a Seat - by Rogue - Oct 5, 2016, 01:00 PM

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