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[DISCUSSION] Shiny Journal!
Sorry to read that.
All we all have to do now is simply and fully enjoy or life. Heart

To go back to the topic...
Well, just a few minutes ago, I just started breeding some Pokemon on Sun to my Moon version (just at the begining).  Planning to breed 7/8 Pokés, in order to have good natures and good IV's (at least 5).
The first one is Jangmo-o. And the very first egg hatched....
A yellow/golden Jangmo-o ! Whaaat ?!!! Was it supposed to be of that color ?  :P  Turned out.... yes  :D  

Wish you all a Happy life !  Cool
Pokemon: Zubat
Where: Diglett's Tunnel
How: Random encounter 
Pic: N/A

[Image: 041.gif]

I usually don't use repels in caves/anywhere, just in case I happen to run into a shiny that I otherwise wouldn't have. This, however, is definitely the last mon I wanted to run into. Oh welp, a shiny's a shiny
Feel free to post your favorite Pokémon FanArt here ϞϞ(๑⚈ ․̫ ⚈๑)∩
@BoneheadMarowak   crobats shiny is sick and if it has infiltrator thats a legit pokemon 

buy yeah after the like 9th shiny zubat it loses its appeal i feel ya fam  :s
Check out my Shiny Journal to share you own shiny adventures 
and see my new shiny pokemon!
@OGaryOak Oh nah, since it was a random encounter, it couldn't have its HA; Brave nature to boot. Yeh it's aight, I wonder how it would've looked if it were green though
Feel free to post your favorite Pokémon FanArt here ϞϞ(๑⚈ ․̫ ⚈๑)∩
It's been and while since I posted here, but today I got my first Soft Reset legendary, a Shiny Cobalion! It has perfect IVs in Attack and both Defenses :D
I started hunting for him last night, so in all its probably less than 200 SRs. Time to get Virizion!
Oh my gosh ! Around 50 Popplio hatched, just to have good IVs, Modest and ♀. Doing a round of strategic pokemons.
Only 6 females showed up... and one FREAKING SHINY among them !
And what's more ? THE 5IVs needed !!  Heart Heart Heart
So happy ^^

Oh and yeah, 10 days ago. was doing lot of things... Battle tree, training, eggs, etc.
In the morning, got a Bounsweet egg, only one... and then I just changed my mind, and went to do something else, battling. In the evening, I went back to hatching some eggs, Oranguru I think, and at some point, the Bounsweet egg was in pack, totally forgot about it. Hatched. SHINY. :D:D:D:D
Aaand got Virizion!
1407 SR no charm
I've been having a lot more luck shiny hunting with the new SOS battles, getting things like shiny mudbray, rockruff, whimsicott (evolved), tsareena WITH the hidden ability (evolved) and satryu. I really like this new method and it's really fun to do. I don't know about anyone else but I've been having a lot more luck with it. Though I'm having a shiny dry spell so ^^;;
Here is my own shiny journal! I will keep adding on to this periodically as I get more!
1/1/2017: Pikipek, Route 1, 37 SOS Encounters, Pokemon Sun and Moon
1/2/2017: Caterpie, Route 1, 27 SOS Encounters, Pokemon Sun and Moon
After over 2 months of breeding, today i finally got my shiny, golden sandile :D

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