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[DISCUSSION] Wonder Trade Wednesday!
I had no idea that there was a good day for wonder trades! Lol

I am certainly trying my luck then and trading away a lot of Mawile breedjects, some Sneasels as well, and I think I still have a few Deinos and Froakies laying around, I will only stop when I trade them all away Smile

Glad to see that I am not the only one releasing the Zigzagoon&Pals company instead of putting them back into WT. I actually got a shiny Zigzagoon on the wild right after 2 WT boxes of Mawiles, last week. I was so sick of Zigzagoons already that I got angry at my shiny :D

The only good surprise I recieved through WT was a shiny Chikorita. Usually I use WT to "release" multiples and look for some new entries on my Pokedex, as well as keeping a few different IDs in my boxes for lotto purposes (since I'm from the time when lotto in game was actually a cool thing that people cared about lol, and now I don't see a reason why I shouldn't get that edge when I can :D )

GL to all of you today Wink
Did not know this was a thing! 
Well, I guess I'll be releasing all my breeded starters, Evees and Ralts'
I've spent at least 100 of my collective 900 hours playing X and AS wonder trading, and i've gotten a lot of shinies and legendaries from it. but, that lot is still only 1% in the 99% zigzagoons and wurmples
I've gotten a level 100 shiny Flygon, the very first shiny I ever got, from the first round of wonder trading I've ever done! I've also gotten a shiny Scyther, houndour, the whole gastly line at different times, (tho the haunter immediately became a gengar) a shiny level 100 bidoof (Nicknamed Arceus) a shiny magikarp, a shiny furfrou on black friday NAMED Black Friday and a shiny finneon! I always release any zigzagoons and the like into the wild and I put out breedjects with at least 1 iv and sometimes their ha.
Wonder trade is getting cool Smile
I had two boxes of Bulbasaur breedjects that I wonder traded and I got Snivy, Sheildon, Scither and Dratini!! The Scither even had Technician as it's ability Smile Tons more but if I listed them all this post would be too long :P
So glad to see all of this good luck on Wonder Trade Smile

Good luck to you all today! I am passing out mostly breedject Noibats and other randoms from my bug-type giveaway! Smile
Traded a box of randoms today, got a shiny diglett a shiny buneary and a shiny lilligant
Guide me waking. Guard me sleeping.
Guide me drifting. Guard me dreaming.

Shadow of #TeamForum
Let's call it a day :D  I think I'm at 7 or 8 zigzagoons in a row. From 7 boxes of breedjects I got a shiny Masquerain and a shiny Piplup and released litteraly 2 boxes worth of Zigzagoons and others alike by the end of the day.

I got a few Geodudes and Machops so I evolved them and traded them back to finish off my WTs for today.

Got a few cool Pokemon, but nothing of notice really apart from the two shiny ones.
Wurmples for days v.v but I did get a level 100 shiny breloom with technician. So I guess it wasn't too bad.
The only notable thing I got was a shiny level 100 perfect IV Charizard...that probably isn't legit. Still awesome to look at though!

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