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[FOR TRADE] Shiny Trade Shop! (S&M ONLY)

Any opinion on that list I gave you?
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My trade shop - V2.3
(May 30, 2017, 01:16 PM)AniMangelo Wrote: @PrincessBri , well I think I can shiny hunt for one and get it for you.

(May 30, 2017, 01:27 PM)PrincessBri Wrote:
(May 30, 2017, 01:16 PM)AniMangelo Wrote: @PrincessBri , well I think I can shiny hunt for one and get it for you.


Would you happen to have shiny orocorio if not it's okay I'm just curious!
@PrincessBri , I do have one, but that Oricorio was my companion in my journey in Pokemon Sun. And yeah don't worry, I wil try to get you a shiny Popplio.
Oh then I don't want it! I have a shiny dragonite that I've had since Pokémon heartgold! And thank you so much !!
@PrincessBri , do you have any other way I can talk to you, so I tell you when I get the Popplio.
Do the Salamence, Latias, Pikachu with Surf, or Diancee have desirable natures/IVs? Also, what for the Rockruff, it's my friend's dream mon.
I'll trade you a shiny shroomish and/or shiny alolan raichu for your shiny jirachi
(May 29, 2017, 11:30 PM)Hajja_Mewt Wrote:
(May 29, 2017, 11:19 PM)wartty Wrote: Could I get a bit more info on the sigilyph? I absolutely love the color pattern :3

Its level 15 and not battle ready at all. Really only have it cause of the color haha but its tinted lens and Serious nature

@Hajja_Mewt Kay perfect that's basically what I want it for too xP so without looking in pokebank I know I have a shiny kangaskhan and I hate kangaskhan but she's yours if youd like? It's Lv 1 jolly I think and 5iv if that'd float your boat ~
(May 30, 2017, 11:02 AM)Hajja_Mewt Wrote:
(May 30, 2017, 01:35 AM)Corrosion2424 Wrote: @Hajja_Mewt  can I know the IVs , nature , level and ability the shiny latios and shiny latias ?
I just have have a habit of collecting them since they're my favourite shiny duo and also are they legit?

I know for a fact that latios is cause its my OT on omega ruby @Corrosion2424

Oh!! then I really want the shiny latios , maybe not the shiny latias but I need want that shiny latios so what's latios's IVs and nature ?
and are you willing to accept legit shinies in SUMO ? 
also latios can be traded in SUMO right ?

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