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The December Meet 'N Greet - Rocking around the Christmas Tree-t
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Happy Holidays Pokemon Forever  Big Grin

And in honor of the holiday season, we're going to continue the meet and greet series with the month of December, hosted by yours truly ~ FireTaco one of the Kahunas here

Now our meet and greets are not only here to have some discussions, but to also give new members a chance to enter the community we have here.  And of course this community could not be possible with out the help of the current mod @stephenWITNESS and my fellow Kahuna @0kamii.  AND lets not forget the big man who started this all TheJustinFlynn (who i can't @ but is still important).  If you need anything from our mods feel free to send us a DM

Now to get to the good stuff:

Featured Threads:  

0kamii and the Amethyst Omega Guild is hosting a unique little cup tournament with hail team requirements, and its happening soon, so feel free to sign up here,

We are assembling a forum-wide X-mas playlist here, feel free to post your jams,

Join in on some discussion about some seemingly useless items here, 

Join the hype for the new Pokemon Movie 21 here,

[Image: 250px-291Ninjask.png][Image: 250px-553Krookodile.png][Image: 250px-728Popplio.png]

Fourm Shoutouts:

With VGC 2018 right around the corner, feel free to come here for any help you and your team could use,

Our most active fourm, feel free to come and join the party,

Can't find a place to show off some the stuff you love, feel free to join in here,

Lets get this thread going, feel free to answer below,

- Any holiday traditions you want to share? 
For me, I always end up cooming a lot, like since I was 12, and I'm 19 now so thats a long time.

- Favorite feature in any pokemon game (doesn't matter if its from gen 1 or gen 7)
While the Ultra Worm Holes are a great feature, I love the looks of mantine surf so much better, not to mention it has better music.

- Will you have a white Christmas/other holiday
Yep, living up in North America has its perks, like black ice and 8 inches on-top of your car..... ;~;

And now for the best part ---> LET'S @ some other users and get this ball rolling:


You guys have to make a new water type, what type and design would you give it?

Thats all for now, see you guys down below,

Yay! I get to be a part of something!

Let's get this thread going, feel free to answer below.

- Any holiday traditions you want to share?

Even though my family doesn't celebrate Christmas (as we're not Christian), my mom always makes shrimp scampi on the night of the 24th. She'll also make cherry squares for dessert on New Year's Eve. Also, and this is more of a soft-tradition, when the first snow falls of the year, I'll blast "First Snow" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra and go out into the driveway and bust a move! It's kind of silly, but that's part of the fun!

- Favorite feature in any pokemon game (doesn't matter if its from gen 1 or gen 7)?

Most people are probably going to say 'having pokémon follow you,' and while I do miss that, there's a feature I remember liking more. This may be the lesser opinion, but I really miss Triple battles! I thought they were a lot of fun, and I was disappointed to see they didn't make it to Gen 7. Oh well, maybe next gen. Also, honorable mention to the PWT from Gen 5!

- Will you have a white Christmas/other holiday

Honey, I live in the tropics. There hasn't been a white anything since I moved here.


What is your favorite Ice-Type move? Mine is probably Ice Shard, just because of all the clutch victories with Mamoswine and Weavile.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
Oh ... I guess I should make an appearance!

(Dec 13, 2017, 08:43 PM)FireTaco Wrote: Lets get this thread going, feel free to answer below,

- Any holiday traditions you want to share? 
Nah not really. I just usually keep to myself, Christmas isn't the most exciting thing for me. 

- Favorite feature in any pokemon game (doesn't matter if its from gen 1 or gen 7)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon EoS' Sky Jukebox 

- Will you have a white Christmas/other holiday
No, I live in Australia so it's Summer right now. Too hot for me, and I don't swim so rip.  

And now for the best part ---> LET'S @ some other users and get this ball rolling:

You guys have to make a new water type, what type and design would you give it?

Easily Monostream, my platypus Pokemon from here

@"yung lord" Bisharp or Gallade design wise?
@FireTaco You have to introduce a new type, what is it? 
Thanks for all the good times~
@FireTaco Thanks for the tag and great job on the meet and greet!

- Any holiday traditions you want to share?
Every christmas I play through Halo 3 and 4 with my brother. Not too festive of a tradition but we've been doing it for like 8 years.

- Favorite feature in any pokemon game (doesn't matter if its from gen 1 or gen 7)
It's got to be either being able to travel to another region in g/s/c and /hg/ss or the Pokemon World Tournament in Driftveil city (I'd take the PWT over the battle tree any day!)

- Will you have a white Christmas/other holiday
I don't think so Sad it's been like 6 or 7 years since that's happened

@xcr03 What's your favourite legendary pokemon?
Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!
Any holiday traditions you want to share? 

Okay, bear with me here. In Sweden we have a very specific way of celebrating Christmas that's both quite nice and rather dumb at the same time. We start out with an early dinner at around 15.00, where we indulge in Christmas specials like eggs with caviar, "Prince-sausages" if directly translated, honey and breadcrumbs-coated ham with strong mustard, herring marinated in onion, mustard, herbs and much more. Then we watch a specific Christmas episode of Donald Duck (I'm in my 20's so yes, i've watched the same episode every Christmas I've ever attended <-- the dumb part). Then we drink mulled and spiced wine with nuts and raisins in it, Coke or coffe and eat saffron buns and other Christmasy treats while opening presents together. Then everyone kinda sits in the couch and what not, because of the massive overeating paralyzing you. The end.

- Favorite feature in any pokemon game

The PokéNav Plus from ORAS feels like a rewarding way to get Pokémon with their Hidden Abilities.

- Will you have a white Christmas/other holiday

In white, I'm gonna assume you mean snow on the ground and low temperatures and not white as in sober........
Anyway, yes, in the harsh cold of Scandinavia, we have snow and freezing temperature like 5 months a year so it seems rather likely.

@FireTaco Thanks for the tag! My water-type would be based on a horse from Swedish folklore called "Bäckahästen". It's a white horse (like Gandalf the White-white) that live in or by streams and lakes and lures in children with its beauty to try and get them to ride its back, with the intention to drown them. The tale was created to keep children away from water to keep them from drowning. It would be a Water/Ghost type with the ability Fairy Essence, which boosts Fairy moves by 50% but makes it take (insert a %) more damage from Steel-moves. This is fitting beacause in the folklore tale, if you put a piece of metal between yourself and "Bäckahästen", then it can't get to you. As for a name, something like "Jinnrill" would work. It's basically "Jinn" as in "demon", "genie" or "spirit" plus "rill" as in "stream" or "brook".

Taggin some users:
For what reasons do you/don't you celebrate Christmas?

"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
@0kamii Any chance we could get a video of those moves...

I use my hips a lot when I dance, so I'm not sure that would be suitable for the younger readers...

That being said though, I can do a killer Singles Ladies dance! In heels, too. (I have too much time these days)

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
Hi to all. Thank you for tag Perch.

-Holiday traditions you want to share?

Each year with christmas i play some game with family members about gifts to win with a real dice but unique
Kind of complicated to write. (From phone writinv now)

- Favorite feature in any pokemon game (doesn't matter if its from gen 1 or gen 7)

Mantine surf with thd first 3 moves got around 54 or 60 000 points. (From first islsnd to next and returning back to first island)

Right now i m at second trial of kiawe. Oras feature about hidden ability was slso nice.
Hmmm, Vs seeker to rebattle trainers from old gen, i hope they add similiar upgrades of vs seeker for switch main poke game.

( I might have found a hint for old gen remakes in usum for future game switch)

- Will you have a white Christmas/other holiday

Each similiar to christmas we celebrate kind of something nice.
Though i would like new things to happen

And now for the best part ---> LET'S @ some other users and get this ball rolling:

@Kris You are going to buy vc crystal in 2018 ?
@PerchPond Do you like Rare events ?
@dmann Are you here next year ?
@RetroTyphlosion Hsve you seen Yu yu snime ?
@Eckley Are you coming back next year ?
@Black Waterfall hi, to maks easier you csn try reminding via pm some of users on the topic giveaway on page 1 to complete first step of having chance to win good stuff ( only if you still need)

@MaiKu Hi, you here this month ?
@Friaza Freezer ?

@freddie Hii fred

@Aether Do yu watch anime ?

@Forgot one very important person name... ( It was a very good user with a giveaway)
(Dec 14, 2017, 08:15 PM)0kamii Wrote: @Hatonacat

I use my hips a lot when I dance, so I'm not sure that would be suitable for the younger readers...

That being said though, I can do a killer Singles Ladies dance! In heels, too. (I have too much time these days)

- 0kamii
@0kamii Give us a video of that Single Ladies dance, then!

@The_Flaine Does she really do this?
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

PM me if you need help with competitive battling!
@Drangor2 You bet I am. Getting it day of release
Thanks for all the good times~

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