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Your most Embarrassing Pokemon Moment
Battles Stupid Trades Youthful Ignorance and Shutting off your game Because you saw a Shiny and thought your game had broke are all fair game for this thread

On to my story which is why I wanted to make this thread because there has to be other stories like this

It was about over a decade ago Ruby and Sapphire were still new and I had decided to complete my pokedex ( which I never did do because of five pokemon Kingdra Milotic Feebas Deoxys and Jirachi ) I spent hours evolving every pokemon I cleared the elite four over 100 times with two pokemon always in my party Kyogre and Ninjask I had Kyogre to do all the battling ( Which was spamming Sheer Cold ) Ninjask was in my party for a different reason I thought Shedinja evolved from Ninjask. So I just kept leveling Ninjask up I got it to level 68 before I learned the truth. ( I only learned that Ninjask didn't evolve into Shedinja because of a sticker book ) It was so bad that on a vacation I slept under the hotel sink so I could keep playing. Certain that the next level would be the when Ninjask finally evolved. Basically this little Terrorkid would have never been able to evolve Pancham or Inkay
So i was hatching a bunch of Nincada eggs and around my 14-15 one I got a shiny Nincade, I was so happy so I decided to evolve it and get a double shiny for the price of one, I made sure I had room in my party and "some" type of pokeballs and evolved my shiny Nincade but it only evolved into Ninjask, then I learned that you had to have atleast one REGULAR pokeball which I had none of at the time, I was so made I traded the shiny Nincada away to my friend. Lol
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
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(Aug 18, 2015, 04:11 AM)Animekid7 Wrote: So i was hatching a bunch of Nincada eggs and around my 14-15 one I got a shiny Nincade, I was so happy so I decided to evolve it and get a double shiny for the price of one, I made sure I had room in my party and "some" type of pokeballs and evolved my shiny Nincade but it only evolved into Ninjask, then I learned that you had to have atleast one REGULAR pokeball which I had none of at the time, I was so made I traded the shiny Nincada away to my friend. Lol

So basically everyone hates Nincada and it's Evolutions
Well.. Umm..

I left a Pokemon at the Day Care Center in Route 117 (ORAS) the first time that I had access to it. (Which took me a while to get to that point, because Alpha Sapphire is my first Pokemon game and I had no idea how to play the game, probably I still don't know. Lol.).. anyways, so I left this Pokemon at the Day Care and I visited over and over, perhaps every other hour to see if it would give me an egg. I would visit the Old Lady inside the Day Care and talk to her. She never gave me my egg, and still hasn't, even today.

I decided to ask google about this frustrating issue driving me mad. Google said that the Old Man outside the Day Care is the one giving out the eggs. Ahh!!

Funny enough, every time that I visited the Day Care I would get mad, because the Old Man outside wouldn't even talk to me, at all. I thought that because of him not having an egg, he wouldn't even talk to me. After some hours, I pondered about the mechanics of breeding in the game, and I told myself that it probably takes an entire day to give you an egg..

Long story short, days passed, an entire week passed... still no egg.

I decided to ask google about this frustrating issue driving me mad. Google said that I needed 2 Pokemon at the Day Care, not one. What!? Huh!? No way!!

As fast as I could, I opened my National Dex Guide. This one. And rushed to read, if perhaps, I had read the information wrong.. well, I didn't read it wrong, here are some pics:

[Image: 4ibs5u.jpg]

[Image: 2hojss8.png]

I wasn't wrong. It says to drop that Pokemon to get the other one. That is literally all it says!

Haha. I couldn't stop laughing about how ignorant I was (still am) about the game. I was laughing so hard after I understood what I had done that I was crying at some point. I mean, logically, you need 2 of something to produce at least 1. I guess I wasn't using logic inside a video game.

Hoping that you had a great laugh with me.  :D
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Lol @Luisito.

Some of my embarrassing moments: Thought evolution made your Pokemon slower (bigger often means slower) so i never evolved anything my first generation (also never beat it because the damn snorlax). I have multiple pokemon emerald cartridges at 999 hrs played yet have never beat the full battle frontier.

Just an embarrassing Nintendo moment: After playing the game boys and gamecube for years the DS and Wii made me quit purchasing Nintendo stuff because "too complex, takes the dun away. I want a game not an exercise machine". Boy the games I was missing.
losing a battle.
I've been soft-resetting for a shiny cresselia and I underestimated the time it would take to get it. So here I am expecting one at like maybe 50 reset's. Then I saw someone else go for a Ho-Oh and the encounter list was 2000-something... I was baffled and now I have a legit counter up and I'm expecting the wait.
(Aug 18, 2015, 11:46 AM)DragonEldest Wrote: I've been soft-resetting for a shiny cresselia and I underestimated the time it would take to get it. So here I am expecting one at like maybe 50 reset's. Then I saw someone else go for a Ho-Oh and the encounter list was 2000-something... I was baffled and now I have a legit counter up and I'm expecting the wait.

I wish you the best of luck
Thanks and I also thought of another embarrassing moment. When I was trying to breed a perfect IV Froakie, I also wanted it to have Protean. So I had a Torrent Froakie with my Ditto. I didn't know that you had to have a HA parent to get an HA bred. So after 100's of Froakies, I looked it up and got an HA one.
Killing a shiny Foongus...

... Wait, I misread the title. I thought you said best moment Kappa

My most embarrassing moment off the top of my head was probably in Sapphire. I was at the point in game where team aqua stole the submarine and you had to follow them to the seafloor cavern. I found the sub, but I had no idea where to go.

I was laying in my bed one night trying to figure out where to go, and then I had a huge brainstorm...It took me about a week to realize you had to use dive to surface in the seafloor cavern

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