Pokemon Sun & Moon News Thread
![[Image: pokemon-sun-moon-logo.jpg]](http://img.pokemondb.net/news/2016/pokemon-sun-moon-logo.jpg)
With the announcement of the latest upcoming main series games in Pokemon Sun and Moon, I've decided to make a formal thread for the entire Pokemon Forever community where anyone can just about anyone can discuss, speculate, and dive into the conversation for the next months until the release in Winter 2016. At the same time, the first couple of post of the thread will be placeholders for timeline of new information regarding Sun & Moon similar to how most of the fans sites organize the order of information either from Corocoro leaks, official Pokemon announcements from TCPi/Game Freak/Nintendo, online reveals, and much more. What motivated me into making this post mainly to have any discussions concerning the upcoming games here instead of making multiple speculations threads throughout the site. For the sake of discussion, lets only focus on what is true instead of potentially spreading false speculation on things like fake Pokemon. We want to make this as engaging as possible, however please lets not overboard on the speculating without having any valid information. By the time this thread is posted, there hasn't been much news aside from confirmation of Magearna's typing, Pokemon Bank being able to transfer the VC RBGY games recently released, the concept arts from the Sun/Moon announcement trailer towards the end, etc.
I'll be managing a timeline starting with the the official reveal of Magearna and the Nintendo Direct from February. There will be a subsection regarding the Zygarde forms and Ash-Greninja, however there's a good chance these may or may not get into the game. This thread is mainly inspired from a Smogon user Karxrida's thread for Sun and Moon so the timeline thing wasn't my idea at all. When Pokemon Sun and Moon have to release, I'm certain we'll have a new section on the site with all things dedicated to the the latest mains series installments as well as a "spoilers" thread for the games to look at. If the game, "do" happen to leak early before release date, and/or most of the information is "data - mined" like from Project Pokemon, don't leave actual game spoilers about the games here. If that does occur, we'll have a spoiler section thread for anyone to post regarding Sun/Moon in the future.
As far as the timeline is concerned, I'll post information starting from the reveal of the Zygarde forms to the current news. There will be linked images and websites (either from Serebii, the Pokemon Site, official Pokemon trailers from Youtube, etc). Again this timeline of mine will be updated as we go on with unto the release of Pokemon Sun and Moon and will only have "confirmed" information as well as Corocoro leaks since those are usually real as well.
Anyways everyone, have fun posting thoughts and ideas regarding on Pokemon Sun & Moon!
The Pokemon Sun & Moon News Timeline
(Work in Progress)
The following are or could be potential spoilers of Pokemon Sun/Moon. If anyone does not want to see any spoilers or know whats going in with these games in any fashion, turn away immediately. That said, here's the beginning of the Sun/Moon timeline. (Work in Progress)
September 2015
- September 12th 2015 News: Via Corocoro leak, the third Legendary Pokemon of the Kalos Trio, Zygarde is revealed to have multiple forms: Zygarde Core, Zygarde Cell, Zygarde 10% Forme, Zygarde 50% Forme (the snake-looking one we've already known about), and Zygarde Perfect Forme. A new form of Greninja called "Ash-Greninja" is showcased in this edition as well. Whether or not these forms will appear in the main series games is mostly speculation or just anime-exclusive remains to be confirmed.
Images: Main 1, Main 2, Main 3
Additional Information: http://www.serebii.net/news/2015/12-Sept...2015.shtml
- September 15th 2015 News: The international reveal of the new Zygarde forms and Ash-Greninja is posted on the Official Pokemon site with further information.
Images: Zygarde Cell, Zygarde Core, Zygarde 10% Forme, Zygarde 50% Forme, Zygarde Perfect Forme, & Ash Greninja.
Additional Information: http://www.serebii.net/news/2015/14-Sept...2015.shtml & http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/s...rom-japan/
February 2016
- February 10th 2016 News: A new Pokemon "Magiana" is showcased in Corocoro to have a major role in the upcoming Pokemon Movie.
Image: Main 1 , Main 2
Additional Information: http://www.serebii.net/news/2016/10-February-2016.shtml
- February 15th 2016 News: The new Pokemon "Magiana" is officially released to the international public with the English name Magearna.
Source: http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/a...iscovered/
Additional Information: http://www.serebii.net/news/2016/15-February-2016.shtml
- February 28th 2016 Major News: Pokemon Sun and Moon officially revealed the via Nintendo Direct on the day of Pokemon's 20th Anniversary (well Japan at least) slated for a Holiday release in 2016. Even the day before, trademarks with the full logos were discovered on a European trademark site for Pokemon Sun & Moon. The official trailer also showcases concept arts for the latest games (potentially may or may not make it onto the final product). A link to the trailer adn full Nintendo will be down below.
Minor News: Pokemon Bank confirmed to have backwards compatibility and can receive data from the VC RBGY games, which were released the day after. This means any "Old Generation 1" Pokemon from the original Red, Blue, Green (Japanese), Yellow games can be transferred to Pokemon Sun and Moon as well. Hasn't been specified how this will work out completely, though Pokemon Bank is also confirmed to have major updates for this feature and for Sun and Moon.
Pokemon Sun/Moon Announcement Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmzDL1l3Fag
Full Nintendo Direct: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qBHfd2NtJs
Additional Information: http://www.serebii.net/news/2016/26-February-2016.shtml & http://www.pokemonbank.com/en-us/news/ (Regarding Pokemon Bank Compatability)
April 2016
- April 12th & April 16th 2016 News: Around April 12th, Corocoro leaks surfaces concerning the additional information regarding Magearna's speculated typing and the "box cover" for Pokemon Sun and Moon. Magearna is confirmed to be a Steel/Fairy-type as long speculated while a "blanked out" images of the alleged "box covers" for the new games were featured. On April 14th, the Pokemon Company International posted confirmation of Magearna's Steel/Fairy typing. While most fans were disappointed with this news, don't be to sadden as May has always been the month where major Pokemon information drops from the reveal of most games or Pokemon reveals. Examples include announcemts for Pokemon Platinum (May 11th, 2008) Pokemon HeartGold & Soulsilver (May 8th, 2009), the reveals of Reshiram/Zekrom (May 28th, 2010), the Therian Formes for Landorus/Tornadus/Thundurus and other BW2 events (May 12, 2012), the Kalos region & Box Arts for Pokemon X & Y (May 11th, 2013), and the announcment of ORAS (May 7th, 2014). We may still have something to look forward to this May if the trend continues.
Images: Main 1, Main 2, Main 3
Additional Information: http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/m...-revealed/, & http://www.serebii.net/news/2016/12-April-2016.shtml
- April 19-22th News: While the exact time is uncertain, an anounymous source discovered Japanese trademarked names for Pokemon that were registered back in February. The names are ソルガレオ(Solgaleo) and ルナアーラ (Lunaala), which both have Latin prefixes of sun and moon respectively. Though these seem like the likely names of the the "potential" Legendary Pokemon that will be on the cover of Sun/Moon, Joe Merrrick, the Webmaster for Serebii.net cautioned people not to consider this information as 100% true. The only reason I'm posting this recently is in case information is later confirmed later on...in some fashion.
- April 19-22th News - More Trademarks (Rumor): Following around a day after the news (end of the page), additional trademarks were discovred via a trademark "twitter bot". The following potential Japanese names were Mokuroh (モクロー), Nyabby (ニャッビー), Ashimari (アシマリ), Marshadow (マーシャドー) , and Gigareki (ギガレキ) . The first three are speculated to be the starters while the other two names remain unknown.
- May 10th News - First Look Pokemon Sun & Moon Starters, Region, Gameplay, "Cover Box Art" Pokemon, etc in 2 trailers: Oh where can we begin on this...well might as well start with the announcment prior to this major reveals. On May 5th, Junichi Masuda along with TCPi announced there will be "new" Pokemon Sun and Moon infomation will be announced May 10th on the main Pokemon websites. A couple days before the 10th Masuda commented in his personal blog to follow the Japanese Pokemon YT Channel (as well as the other international ones) since the information will be relayed everwhere like in every major reveal. As promised, two seperate game trailers where showcased - the English "Game Info Dump" and the more-polished Japanese trailers with a wealthy of info. First off, the region is called "Alola" (a play on the Hawaian saying "Aloha") and many features from the overworld indicating this is based on Hawaii, as many fans have speculated for several months now. Both trailers feature the long-awaited Grass-Fire-Water Starter Pokemon for 7th Gen: Rowlet (learns a new move called Leafage), Litten, and Popplio. The character models for Pokemon Sun and Moon are no longer the "chibi"-style figures with short bodies and long heads, rather full proportional renditions of what a person and potentially the size of the Pokemon will be in-game. The last thing the trailers showcase are the speculated Legendary Pokemon and their box art covers for Pokemon Sun & Moon . While this Players can chose their skin-color at the start of the game, as well as different variations of the Male/Female protagonist clothings, maybe indicating there might be full trainer customization like in XY. I highly recommend everyone watch both the Japanese trailer (especially this one) and the other international one since both of them are different.
International Trailer (English): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn25hijDL7c
Japanese Trailer (Features More): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r0_F-_ClcQ
- May 14th News - "Corocoro Video Reveals New Pokemon (Backside Only)!: After the 1st main reveal of Pokemon Sun and Moon, Corocoro has released a video similar to the one from international trailer featuring the starters. The only difference is there is a short 1 second never-before-seen footage of a brand-new Pokemon for Sun/Moon. Don't know what to say aside from maybe its its the generic "Route 1" Normal-type Pokemon.
Image of the Pokemon: New Pokemon? (Image from xflo1003)
Corocoro Trailer (Go to the 00:11 or 00:12 second mark to see the Pokemon.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WxCKssP...e=youtu.be
- May 15-16th News - "Small Clip of the Battle Field from Pokenchi": The dedicated Pokemon-based show, Pokenchi unveiled a unreleased clip of the standard battle field against the speculated tanned rival. The clip itself is only minor but we do get to the a first hand look at the improved HP Bar and the "potential" for bystanders to watch a Pokemon Battle. Whether this is just exclusive to the story or part of the overall game experience remains to be seen. Also for those who don't want to get news from Pokenchi after that "incident" regarding misinformation of "new gameplay footage", well get got something. Chances are Pokenchi may host reveals as well, or likely have bits and bits of the game showcased with maybe new feature like how every game reveals and talks they've done in the past.
Image of the Battlefield: Image 1
- May 15th News -"Potential Hints at the Starter's Final Evolutionary Typings" - A Youtuber by the name of Pdwinnall (and other online users) discovered unused images in the element code of the Alola Starters's personal biographies in the Japanese site that could relate to the final evolutions of the starters. The first is Grass/Flying (specualted for Rowlet), second is Fire/Ground (for Litten), and finally Water/Fighting (for Popplio). Though Rowlet's Grass/Flying typing is likely to retain, the secondary Ground- and Fighting-typings were found on both Litten and Popplio's respective pages in the element codes. Others have pointed out the maybe the Grass starter becomes part Ground-type (which seems entirely unlikely), Litten to retain a pure Fire-type, and Popplio likely to stay Water or even the speculated Water/Fighting-type. Whether or not these are the final typing of the Alola Starters remains to be confirmed until the months or game's future release.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivaRqb0oEsE
- May 18th & 19th News - "Announcement of New Info on June 2th and Alola Region with 'Multiple Islands' " - On June 2th, the Japanese Pokemon Comanpy promised there being additional information for Pokemon Sun and Moon. What type of content or reveals they have in store is anyone's guess. The second topic to discuss is the Online Retail giant Amazon posted the descriptions of Pokemon Sun and Moon, including a reference which states the Alola Region is consistent of multiple islands. To be honest, this should be a no brainer for some since Hawaii is an archalepago with many islands and having 8 larger islands. Chances of this information being true is high given the initial island we first venture in the region is a bit smaller than others with more attention to details.
- June 2th Public Release (also explains my new format for the timeline)
- June 10th/11th Corocoro Leaks & Zygarde News (late update)
- June 30th / July 1st: Confirmation of "leaked" Pokemon as well as more screenshots. (This post covers the next 3 news topics)
- July 7th: Reveal of a New Pokemon by Junichi Masuda at Japan Expo
- July 12: Corocoro Leaks
- July 13: New Japanese Trailer with new Gameplay
- July 19th: Public Release of New Pokemon and In-Game Mechanics.