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Your most Embarrassing Pokemon Moment
Most embarrassing moment in Pokemon?... Starting Pokemon Kappa

Doesnt even make sense. ANYWAAAAAY my real embarrassing moment.

When I wanted to get into competitive battling, I got whatever I wanted to EV train. At the time, I had no clue what IVs were or how much they mattered. KappaHD

After doing about a month's worth of battling, I enter the Dodrio Cup, as in the first one. A few weeks in, my team fight against each other. Long story short, rthorne80, a fellow VGC battler on the site, taught me about the IVs or whatever, and gave me my 1st 6IV Poke, Rotom. GOOD LORD I LEARNED RIGHT THERE. I would've been shired and have NO clue what to do Kappa
I'm just here.

(Sep 2, 2015, 05:52 PM)GingerxPug Wrote: Most embarrassing moment in Pokemon?... Starting Pokemon Kappa

Doesnt even make sense. ANYWAAAAAY my real embarrassing moment.

When I wanted to get into competitive battling, I got whatever I wanted to EV train. At the time, I had no clue what IVs were or how much they mattered. KappaHD

After doing about a month's worth of battling, I enter the Dodrio Cup, as in the first one. A few weeks in, my team fight against each other. Long story short, rthorne80, a fellow VGC battler on the site, taught me about the IVs or whatever, and gave me my 1st 6IV Poke, Rotom. GOOD LORD I LEARNED RIGHT THERE. I would've been shired and have NO clue what to do Kappa

Yes ivs.............What are those again
I'm just here.

oh man this is a tough one well that one moment when i wasn't an expert player and this guy who was trading with me was showing me all of his shinies and i was like OH MY GOD!but now it's the opposite way round
Trading away my heatran and cresselia to complete my pokedex :L The shinies I get from the shiny charm are almost not worth not having such good legendaries :L
George R.R Martin wrote 2016 :L

You don't look so well... how bout 50cc's of LINKS!?
I was EV training in hordes on Mount Pyre (ORAS) and sent out mightyena... switched into nidoqueen for the kill... select earthquake AND one of the shuppets was shiny. I still have an achievement in global link commemorating my 'first shiny found' and first shiny killed, I was lucky though 3 months later while EV training on mount pyre I found a shiny shuppet in a horde and DIDN'T kill it and I still have it.
I found a shiny Shellos in Pokémon Diamond and I only had 1 or 2 Poké Balls so I tried to weaken it a bit to not risk the capture, but in the second attack I got a crit and... You know.
accidentally killing a shiny watchog
I loved the clone glitch in pokemon yellow. I could have all 3 eeveelutions!! And why stop there? So I tried to clone mewto because who wouldn't want to have TWO mewto's. But then my game got corrupted :\ and i cried.

and a recent one: I was certain poliwhirl would evolve into poliwrath when traded. The first one didn't so i assumed i must've pressed B by accident. when i traded two more i looked it up, and well a waterstone was what i needed.
Just last night at around 12am I just finished IV training a Scyther. I was so happy because I haven't IV trained a Pokemon successfully before. Then i went on to EV training. It was 212 HP 100 DEF and 196 SPDEF. Once i finished i thought i had messed up because my Super Training said i had 2 more points to allocate. I added up the total IV's my Scyther had and it was 508. I think i was so sleepy because at the time i was so adamant that i messed up (but i didn't) So i reset my EV's. The second it reset i thought about it again and remembered that Pokemon can have 510 EV's total. I proceeded to roll in bed going "Nooo Whyyy".  Rolleyes All well. I'll just have to do it again.  :D  

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