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[DISCUSSION] Shiny Journal!
(Nov 17, 2016, 02:14 PM)youngtomlin Wrote:
(Nov 16, 2016, 10:29 PM)OGaryOak Wrote:
(Nov 14, 2016, 07:41 PM)Confide Wrote: @OGaryOak Agreed, I completed the totodile line in HG/SS though, all three shinies are now in my possession >:} Just gotta get three cyndaquils and three chikoritas!!

@mario2750 I really like clauncher's shiny design, though I like skrelp's overall design better (I really like bright red shinies lol)

@youngtomlin Congrats!! I do enjoy shiny chatot, it took me FOREVER to get one at Azure Bay LOL, but the color design for it is 10/10

@TheDancingRoserade Congrats on the dragonair!! I need to work on CFing a shiny dratini in XY soon, been putting it off with masuda method and poke radar lmao

@Huntaari Congrats!! I think I have 16 shinies so far this month, not counting repeats! Finally got my first shiny starter using masuda method (shiny treecko is soooooo nice yay!!)!

@MrRhino Nice!! I've only gotten shiny mesprit so far, I want to get back to SRing in ORAS soon, but I want to complete the shiny lines in HG/SS first! 6 more to go!

@DemonicWolfCreature Commented on your post, hope it helps!

@spirit6810 Don't give up!! It took me 3.8k SRs to get shiny latios (and a LOT of other SRs since I kept giving up), but once you finally see that shine it's sooooo worth it! Keep going!!! You can do it!

Congrats on the Total Shiny Totodile line thats amazing  Im very envious!!! 

I FINALLY GOT TORCHIC!!! at 33,743 SR soooooooo worth it 

Going to SR for a Chikorita after i beat the Elite 4 but currently working on a Shiny virizion now at 3,200SR as the main reason i cleared My save file was so that i could shiny hunt the legends that i had yet to obtain! 

Good luck on the other two starter lines 

and as always 
may the shiny odds be ever in your favor  Cool

That is dedication. I though 10000+ was the max. Have you got shiny charm?
I do have the shiny charm !

however because you arent able to access it until so late into the game (after 8th gym you unlock national dex)
you are left with 1/4096 odds SR for Shiny starter in ORAS  
even with shiny charm  :s

so worth it!
and thanks for the kinds words!

as always 
may the shiny odds be ever in your favor!
Check out my Shiny Journal to share you own shiny adventures 
and see my new shiny pokemon!
Oh god.  My Shiny phantump hunt is overrrrr, finally!  3 shiny hoppips, and a 6th shiny lampent later... I got him Smile

Total shiny haul for the week:
(I don't have encounter numbers for most of these)

- Lampent (x6), all female save one male - 171 FS (for the shiny male only.  God knows what the numbers were for the other 5 females)
     - Chandelure, I evolved one of the lampents
- Hoppip (x3), all female - 223 HE, 45 HE, 160 HE
     - Skiploom
     - Jumpluff
- Phantump!!!! He's a beautiful boy Heart  - 95 FS

I'm goiing after a shiny Trevenant next, hopefully the shiny gods will be kinder to me this time Wink

Best of luck to you all!
Just got a break from MM Tynamo and i was chain fishing for qwilfish/clawitzer broke one chain.. after that i got the shiny qwilfish in 5 encounters!
Also i FINALLY got my tynamo! WOO!
937 eggs!
Alomomola my fav fat mon!
10 Chain fish encounters after breaking my chain 4 times :D
Wiscash 17 CF encounters :D broke my chain 1 time tho
Just ran into a completely random shiny Yungoos while heading back to the Pokemon Research Lab. My birthday luck is amazing.
Just hatched my first (of many) Shiny Salandit!!!! Too bad he's male lol, he hatched at 34 Eggs.

Aaaand the 35th egg just hatched... FEMALE Dodgy  lmao.  She's only the third female I've hatched so far.  The rest have all been male
@OGaryOak Jeez, that's a lot of SRs!!! Congrats bro, I'm probably just gonna MM for all the starters that aren't from HG/SS, but right now I'm SRing for a shiny rowlet, 253 SRs at the moment!

@Vyaelra Congrats on the phantump and salandit!! Hopefully you can get a female for the dope shiny salazzle ^ o ^

@TheDancingRoserade Congrats on the tynamo, qwilfish, and whiscash! I love qwilfish's shiny, such a pretty pink >////< It's always baffled me how alomomola isn't an evolution of luvdisc (maybe it's like an adapted version of it or something though :0 )

@geetry Nice! After I get a shiny starter I'm gonna shiny hunt through the game on each island (or whenever you get adrenaline orbs, I have no idea where you get them LOL)
Found a shiny? Talk about it here!!
I lost my hope in Y when i got to 1000 eggs and yet no shiny heracross (masuda parents), i left the daycare and  accidentally found a shiny smeargle in the closest grass. Kinda funny. (smeargle had around 10 average IV, i wonder traded him.)
(Nov 20, 2016, 07:13 AM)Confide Wrote: @geetry Nice! After I get a shiny starter I'm gonna shiny hunt through the game on each island (or whenever you get adrenaline orbs, I have no idea where you get them LOL)

As soon as I finish the main story, I'm going hunting for Rockruff! I don't know what other shinies to go after at the moment. Haven't seen the complete sun/moon shiny dex to decide for myself yet.
Took me 6 gens to find a wild shiny and it was a murkrow in a horde in x and y. Good times.
Playing Moon late last night, On route 8 searching for a stufful

to show the aether foundation people
I randomly encountered a shiny female Salandit, As I was already raising a salandit cause I wanted one on my team I was very pleased and now the white Salazzle looks so good :D

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