Yup, he's still here.
*This post is mainly for evilsabre, but when I thought about it for about 10 seconds I realized that this threat is still gonna stay around. I'll tell you why down below!*
Typing: Fire/Flying
Weaknesses: Water/Electric (x2) Rock (x4)
Resistances: Fighting/Steel/Fire (1/2) Grass/Bug (1/4)
Immunity: Ground
Ability: Drought (On switch in, the weather becomes sunny.)
-Stats- HP: 78 / Attack: 104 / Defense: 78 / Sp.Atk: 159 / Sp.Def: 115 / Speed: 100
*Why mega Charizard Y?*
I know a few people wrote off Charizard Y as soon as the genies came back. Lando's rock slide and Thundurus's thunderbolt. Are they a threat? Sure! Should you stop using it because of them? Not at all. Rain teams are very heavy this year so far, so playing Mega Zard Y right can foil your opponents team entirely. Whats a Mega Swampert without it's swift swim/getting hit by Zard Y's Solarbeam? KO'd. That's what it is. You outspeed Landorus (unless it's scarfed of course.) Why not OHKO that with an HP Ice? Do you outspeed Thundurus? Sadly no. However, you can live a thunderbolt from timid thundurus and OHKO with Overheat/have a chance to OHKO with heatwave. Enough talk, let's get down to sets.
-Bulky Offense-
Ability: Drought
EVs: 100 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 148 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hidden Power [Ice]/Overheat
- Heat Wave
- Solar Beam/Air Slash
- Protect
In my opinion, I'll be using the first set of these moves. If you have the ice/grass coverage feel free to run the opposites. We're running enough bulk to live rock slide from things like landorus/garchomp. (it is a roll, but it's always better to have a chance instead of just being OHKO'd.) While giving you the chance to take out either with a Hidden Power Ice. Heat Wave is as lovely as ever, being strong, STAB, hitting both of your opponents, and being boosted in the Sun. Solar Beam takes out Swampert and friends. (Politoed etc) and Protect is great for obvious reasons. In my opinion, Charizard Y benefits from Protect more than other mons. You'll find that people usually double up on Charizard Y because of how frail/threatening it is. Pair it up with something strong to take out whatever's threatening you. The EV's in speed are important to outspeed your average Landorus who run Adamant
252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Hidden Power Ice vs. 220 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-T: 192-228 (100 - 118.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Solar Beam vs. 240 HP / 0 SpD Mega Swampert: 348-412 (169.7 - 200.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Heat Wave vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Bisharp in Sun: 282-332 (200 - 235.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
4 Atk Landorus-T Rock Slide vs. 100 HP / 4 Def Mega Charizard Y: 144-172 (86.7 - 103.6%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Garchomp Rock Slide vs. 100 HP / 4 Def Mega Charizard Y: 156-184 (93.9 - 110.8%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
-Bulkier Offense!-
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 212 SpA / 4 SpD / 36 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hidden Power Ice/Overheat
- Heat Wave
- Solar Beam/Air Slash
- Protect
If you want to make SURE you live Garchomps Rock Slide while still having a small chance to live adamant max attack Lando's rock slide, you have to run max HP. Because of our low speed, we might as well run Modest. I still always think that Hidden Power Ice is superior than anything else so we have a way to KO the user of that rockslide that we're working so hard to survive. I've run bulky zard y without HP Ice, and it can to a 1v1 run against a Garchomp who hit me with rock slide, I lived, but couldnt KO with Overheat. I know there's a chance of the berry, but this year i see a lot of rocky helmet/scarf/lum berry. Just personal preference really. Not much to show here, same story as the first. I prefer the first set so we can keep our high speed with strong special attack because in my opinion, running this much HP just really hurts your speed which is important this year. You're better off making a good team to support you first set, instead of heavily investing to counter a few things you might not even face off against.
-Final Bulky Offense-
Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
Level: 50
EVs: 172 HP / 60 Def / 244 SAtk / 32 Spd
Modest Nature
IVs: 1 Atk / 30 Spd
- Overheat
- Solar Beam
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Protect
***This isn't my set***
This is Vindictives set, here's what he has to say about it. I really think it's interested how he opted for Overheat over Heat Wave! Definitely worth trying out, this set is just as good as the first, but may require some higher level play. Especially good since you don't care about Heatran coming in and getting the flash fire from your heat wave.
"Used to be a Simple timid 4hp 252 in Satk and 252 in Spd with heat wave over HP ice but i decided to make my Yzard unique and since my Yzard can't be a dragon well, if you can't join'em beat'em >:P The EV's are to always survive a Jolly Garchomp's Rock slide and KO back with Hp ice. I can also KO salamence in 1 shot with Hp ice. modest 244 Satk is to ensure the 1 hit KO on adamant or jolly M-Kang. 60 Sdef lets Yzard tank T-bolts and V-switches better."
Hitmontop. Hitmontop, Hitmontop, Hitmontop. Seriously. This thing has access to Wide Guard to protect you from rockslide/surf, fake out to support your KO on a threat, Close Combat to take out pesky Heatrans, and even things like Mach Punch to support the final KO. Seriously such an amazing pair up, I love it.
Heatran: Heatran really doesn't care about Rockslide, so if they drop one on your protecting zard y- Heatran laughs at it and drops a super strong heat wave of his own. Double Heatwave. What lives that?
Sylveon: For normal reasons. This thing is so good when it's choiced with pixilate hyper voice. Take out Garchomp while you protect, or seriously maim Landorus/Thundurus. Don't sleep on this thing.
Milotic: If they lead Landorus predicting your Charizard, why not come in with competitive Milotic? get that +2 spa and you might as well be fancy and throw safety goggles on it to ignore the sun.
Terrakion: I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Terrakion has the second strongest rock slide in the game. (Excluding megas) Pair this up to take out things like Talonflame/Thundurus in one go. Even though his rock slide is weakened in doubles, it still KO's. Not to mention being able to earthquake freely! Knock em out!
Fears- I'm pretty sure it's obvious. Thundurus/Garchomp/Lando. Things like that that have powerful rockslides/thunderbolts. Slap on something with wide guard or protect carefully and you'll easily defeat your opponent.
It should be noted that
Heatran is a threat. With flash fire it eats up heat wave so you have to be careful. Especially with some heatrans running ancient power to take out flying types.
Well thats that! Let me know if you want to see anything else, hope you enjoyed ^^;
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.