Poll: To what extend does anyone want to discuss in the Pokemon Sun & Moon News / Timeline thread?
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Complete discussion with spoilers
32 80.00%
Complete discussion without "early copy" / leaked Information not "Corocoro"
4 10.00%
Discussion without any spoilers
4 10.00%
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[DISCUSSION] Pokemon Sun & Moon News Thread (Will Contain Pre-Launch Spoilers)
Alright less than 1 hr remains for the main show...if Pokemon really reveals any new sun/moon information. I'll update the timeline for any bits of news we get.

Edit: OK we got it.

English Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn25hijDL7c

Japanese Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r0_F-_ClcQ\

Everyone go watch both trailers since they are different.
[Image: w65wMKa.jpg]

Just here to say the Popplio is perfect. Praise
RIP Miranda Cosgrove 1975-2017
All aboard the HYPE train!!!

I-is that c-customization that I see? Do we get to customize the clothes or we can just select the skin tone? I'm okay either way.

I'm #TeamSun even before these videos, I knew I got it right the first time. Let's go Thousand Sunny legendary lion! There's finally a pokemon to represent my beloved late cat. Woohooo Fire cat all the way! although the owl is kinda cute, too. I hope its ability make it immune to ice attacks though XP

So the OC has slightly more proportionate body in the world now, I'm surely gonna miss the chibi version.
I'm a logger

I record my Pokemon journey in this diary

so a journeyer?

WOAH. Awesome!! Team Moon ftw. 

Is it just me or do the characters have longer legs?
Game Freak and Pokemon definitely delivered. Oh yeah I highly suggest everyone to watch the Japanese trailer first and the English one for a simplified version. I'll update everything into the timeline as we go later today and later this month.

So thoughts in order:

1) Alola Region: Basically Hawaii confirmed or one of the main islands at least. Honestly not surprised by this given the amount of "good evidence" we had from last year and even in XY. The overworld is amazing imo with proportional characters instead of the Chibi style characters from XYORAS and more realistic. We only got a glimpse of the battle scene but in do time.

2) The Starters: Honestly... they will grow on me. Litten will be my first Gen 7 Fire type starter since it reminds me of this cat my aunt owns and its the most polished. The owl grass starter Rowlet is a fine edition as well while the Water-type starter Popplio is meh to me.

3) Character Customization: At first I didn't care too much about it, but after playing "Brendan/May" with the same outfits for like almost year and a half, definitely like to see some variety for sure. Still don't know if there are different outfits or equal amount of clothing options for both male/female, but I expect Pokemon will do so.

4) The Legends: I think the lion legendary is a bit over-design, but fine if its going to resembles the "sun". The moon legendary is fine as well, but can't figure what's its based on like maybe a bat.

5) The Trailer: OK...The Japanese trailer was amazing and everyone please watch it soon.
This is going to be good. The region is called Alola (probably spelt it wrong or I'm wrong in general lol) and definitely is based off of Hawaii, I mean, it's not hard to tell with it having a volcano on the island and looks like the main Hawaii island along with the houses looking like Hawaiian houses. The starters are quite interesting in terms of look and type, especially with the grass starter having the same types as Tropius which I believe is the only one that is both Grass and Flying. And the legendaries look cool especially the Sun legendary.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRY2NKuMdX218CKDp5_Mym...WLaqYTc_rA]
Pokemon trainer since 2004!
For those who are still skeptical, customization is definitely back. In one part the boys shirt had black stripes, in another they were a blue. I'll post pics when I can. Stay beautiful
RIP Miranda Cosgrove 1975-2017
So after seeing the two trailers, I'm pretty sure everyone is going on team sun and picking Litten as their starter Pokemon. Also it's hard to ignore that these new starters are just recolored editions of older Pokemon. The Grass starter looks a lot like Hoothoot, the Water starter Seel and the Fire Starter Litleo. So not a lot of originality there. I must say that I am glad that the characters are no longer chibi and that character customization has been updated which is a plus for everyone. Overall, this new generation of Pokemon should be fun to play in and hopefully we will see less information before the release of the games because I really just want to be surprised this time
If you check the Japanese trailer you see 4 different looks for the male and female char. 
I'm definitely going to choose rowlet, to many fire starters in my past and water starter... Unless it gets a really cool last evolution it will be a big meeh! 
As for legends, sun!! Though moon looks cool as well
(May 10, 2016, 06:33 AM)squeab Wrote: For those who are still skeptical, customization is definitely back. In one part the boys shirt had black stripes, in another they were a blue.

Oh my good Lord, I didn't know I can be more hyped. Woot ! woot !
I'm a logger

I record my Pokemon journey in this diary

so a journeyer?

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