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Week 21 Meet and Greet- Come and Take a Seat!
[Image: tumblr_oa8cms0rob1v40jgro1_1280-467x400.jpg]

Welcome to the twenty-first edition of Pokemon Forever’s just really trying to be weekly Meet & Greet thread! Come take a seat and relax! The goal of this post is to encourage discussion among not only the more seasoned members, but to also bring some of the lurkers out of the shadows and give them a place to break the ice. We will also be featuring some threads that you may have missed since the last installment. If you see any threads that you feel should be featured in next week's Meet & Greet or have ideas for fun questions, please PM them to @naitre, @ChaseInfinity, @Eckley, or @"squeab".

If you'd like to host a Meet & Greet in the future, please PM @naitre, @ChaseInfinity, @Eckley, or @"squeab" !

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Community Thread Spotlight:
[Image: tumblr_notz0hzRSA1svy95mo1_540.gif]

For movesets, look here! Help us kick off the VGC 17 season by contributing your own today!

Be sure to stop by the Trading Forum. It's constantly active with new members and new requests! We also have a separate forum just for giveaways here! Please remember to +1/rate members for completing successful trades if you choose to participate!

Useful Resources:
[Image: tumblr_notz0hzRSA1svy95mo1_540.gif]

Share with us
  • If you were a Pokemon, which would you be? Which Pokeball would you want to be caught in?
  • If you were to start your own evil orginization, what would you call it? Which region would it be in? Which legendary would you use to destroy the world?
  • What other games do you play other than Pokemon? unless you're like me and only play Pokemon
  • Cheeseburger or pizza?
  • Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question!

Don't feel like answering any questions? Just stop by to say hello and introduce yourself! Feel free to chat and mingle with one another. Sometimes threads start somewhere and end somewhere completely different, but that's just part of the fun!
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
  • If you were a Pokemon which would you be? Which Pokeball would you want to be caught in?
    If I were a pokemon, I think it would be pretty cool to be a zoroark. As for my pokeball?

    I'd love to be in a dusk ball :3
    [Image: tumblr_meilckukWs1qlsz4lo5_1280.jpg]
  • If you were to start your own evil orginization what would you call it? Which region would it be in? Which legendary would you use to destroy the world?
    If I were to make an evil organisation, I'd probably go into Unova. Why? Because of how heavily citified it is. Zygarde would go insane. Oh, I'd also use a zygarde.
  • What other games do you play other than Pokemon?
    I play Team Fortress 2. Its a free class based fps that can run even on my terrible terrible pc. (if anyone else palys let me know, i need frands to uber ;-Wink
  • Cheeseburger or pizza?
    Cheeseburger pizza of course.
    [Image: pizzaburger1.jpg]
  • Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question!

    @naitre What's the most annoying part of working in hospitals? Idiot doctors? Narcissistic patients?
George R.R Martin wrote 2016 :L

You don't look so well... how bout 50cc's of LINKS!?
If you were a Pokemon which would you be? Which Pokeball would you want to be caught in?

Ditto cause then I could do anything, but the Pokémon that most accurately describes me is Arceus. You could only catch me in a Master Ball, but Luxury Ball obviously.

If you were to start your own evil orginization what would you call it? Which region would it be in? Which legendary would you use to destroy the world?

I'm already a moderator can't get much more evil than that. I don't know what the name would be but our goal wouldn't be destruction. Our goal would be to take down corrupt people from the other side of the law. And we'd use Giratina cause he's the coolest.

What other games do you play other than Pokemon? unless your like me and only play Pokemon

Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, Smash, Overwatch.

Cheeseburger or pizza?

Pizza has more variety, pizza.

@naitre fight me irl
RIP Miranda Cosgrove 1975-2017
  • If you were a Pokemon, which would you be? Which Pokeball would you want to be caught in?
    [Image: 079.png]

    GS ball Kappa

  • If you were to start your own evil orginization, what would you call it? Which region would it be in? Which legendary would you use to destroy the world?
    I would call it Team Flower Power in Hoenn. I'll lead an army of hippies, drowning people with kindness and giveaways. I would use Groudon so we can always enjoy the sun and create more land so we can have more hippie jam festivals. Our enemy would be Team Skull, cause we dont like metal stuff.

  • What other games do you play other than Pokemon? unless you're like me and only play Pokemon
    Currently Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch. Waiting for Battlefield 1 to come out.

  • Cheeseburger or pizza?
    Pizza ofcourse. Nothing can beat pizza.

  • Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question!
      @"MistressGlaceon" How did you get the title ''Mom of the forum''?
      @naitre Hah you call that fast? I'm just getting started! TEAM FLOWER POWER WILL RISE!
"If you were a Pokemon, which would you be? Which Pokeball would you want to be caught in?"

I'd love to pick a pokemon a love. But considering I only own black clothing and I'm mean, I'd probably be Zekrom. I'll only accept a masterball as my home.

"If you were to start your own evil orginization, what would you call it? Which region would it be in? Which legendary would you use to destroy the world?"

Even though we don't know the details, I'd honestly rather just own team skull. Alola is fine. Does UB02 Expansion count as a legendary? If so, him. If not, I'd probably use Giratina.

"What other games do you play other than Pokemon?"

Mostly Smite and Final Fantasy 14. I'm a diamond ranked player in Smite, and play daily. I also juggle Final Fantasy 14 when I can. I play White Mage and I'm currently preparing for Alexander Savage.

"Cheeseburger or pizza?"

I love a good burger, but I'm very picky. So it's hard to find one I really like. Pizza is really simple and easier to enjoy, so I guess it depends on where it's from.

"Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question"

@naitre Never. We out here slaying gods and primals. No time to return from war.

@GiMYz I'll be honest with you. I love you, girl. Will you go on a date with me? I know it's sudden.

@Justin Hey Flynn :D Battle me?

@Unit501 thank

@ChaseInfinity what shampoo do you use it smells wonderful.

@Black117 If you could no longer play Pokemon competitively, whats the next game you'd move onto and tackle?

@"Squeab" ban me

@"MudkipLegend" how you like your eggs? fried or fertilized?
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.
@naitre ill have you know i learned from the best of the best when it comes to set making, my lord and savior verlis.
If you were a Pokemon, which would you be? Which Pokeball would you want to be caught in?
I'd my Porygon-Z, and i would be in a luxury ball
If you were to start your own evil orginization, what would you call it? Which region would it be in? Which legendary would you use to destroy the world?
I would be apart of Pokemon Forever Mods with @naitre
What other games do you play other than Pokemon? unless you're like me and only play Pokemon
Currently im playing Overwatch alot
Cheeseburger or pizza?
If anyone on this site doesnt choose pizza, they're banned
Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question!
@"Squeab" Can you make a set for me using Choice Specs Kang?
@naitre You can be my Pizzarazzi.
@Rogue Its called "The blood of my enemies, it sells pretty cheap on amazon.
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
@naitre I'd defiently no doubt want a flying type Eeveelution.

@"Vinnie050" Haha...funny story actually. So it started on Discord~~

I think everyone was just generally making fun of each other and being themselves. I think i told every to stop being childish or something and @ChaseInfinity said: "You're not my mom!" I said "So you think". The joke just kinda shot of like that and i became the "Mom of the forum". Meaning im everyone's Mom on here. Father is you all think but i will never reveal.......
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
  • If you were a Pokemon, which would you be? Which Pokeball would you want to be caught in?
  • I would be Kangaskhan because I will rek everyone, I'd be in a Quick Ball.
  • If you were to start your own evil orginization, what would you call it? Which region would it be in? Which legendary would you use to destroy the world?
  • I would call it, "Team Memestars" because memes. It would be in Alola. We would obviously use Magikarp to destroy the world.
  • What other games do you play other than Pokemon? 
  • i play pokemon go everyday i play pokemon go (but seriously, I mostly play Fallout 4 and G-mod)
  • Cheeseburger or pizza? 
  • Both.
  • @naitre i guess
  • Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question!
  • hmmmm @Squeab Do you like waffles?
@Rogue Yes mistress
@ChaseInfinity While specs is good, it doesn't give you as much beef as Special Mega Kang. So here's that instead Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite

Modest Nature

Perfect 6 IV's

Hp 220 / Atk 4 / Def 132 / SpAtk 36 / SpDef 4 / Spd 120

- Flamethrower

- Ice Beam

- Return

- Protect

@Super_Crane I can't mention you for some reason IDK why, Waffles are sick. Chicken and Waffles are like, the best.
RIP Miranda Cosgrove 1975-2017
[Image: grumpycat-tagging.jpg]

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